- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- SC Upstate Political Leader’s Repeated Use of Lawfare Backfires
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- “Who Do Men Say I Am? Who Do YOU Say I Am?”
- Lighting the Syrian Fuse
DeMint Receives Enthusiastic Welcome
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- By Bob Dill
DeMint: ‘We Have Got to Stop the Takeover of Healthcare.’
Greenville County Republican Women and their guests gave Senator Jim DeMint a hero’s welcome when he arrived to speak at their luncheon Monday at the Poinsett Club.
GCRWC President Geri Warren introduced DeMint as “the true leader of the Conservative movement leading the fight against that liberal firestorm that is trying to destroy capitalism and lead our country down the path of socialism.”
The three-hundred people attending the luncheon joined Warren in a lengthy standing ovation when she commended DeMint for having “consistently and effectively fought for the values that we treasure in South Carolina such as individual liberty, smaller government, a strong national defense and our traditional values.”
U. S. Constitution Celebration Held in Simpsonville
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- By Bob Dill
Event Sponsored by Upstate Young Republicans
The Simpsonville Senior Center was the site for the U. S. Constitution Celebration sponsored by Upstate Young Republicans Saturday, Sept. 19th.
The UYR is a non-profit group dedicated to encouraging participation in Republican Politics by young adults aged 18-40.
The celebration included a full reading of the Constitution by elected officials, candidates for public office, students and other citizens. Volunteers made soapbox speeches titled “What the Constitution Means to me.”
Conservative Leadership Conference Held in Raleigh
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- By Jeff West
The fourth annual North Carolina Conservative Leadership Conference was held in Raleigh, N.C. on September 11-12. It was sponsored by the N.C. Civitas Institute (see www.nccivitas.org), a conservative think tank started by retailer John William Pope promoting free markets and limited, honest government. There were numerous famous and informative speakers including: journalist Trent Seibert, who exposed Al Gore’s outlandish electric bill; John Fund of the Wall St. Journal; Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform; former Miss California USA Carrie Prejean; Muslim terrorist expert Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch; and Dr. Jennifer Morse, president of the Ruth Institute promoting Biblical marriage. There were also various sessions on useful topics such as how to expose government corruption.
Adams, Dill Mark Constitution Day in Anderson
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- By Bobby & Erica Woods
The Anderson County Constitution Meet Up Group met at Ryan’s in Anderson on September 17, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. A fantastic group of energetic, freedom-loving constitutionalists turned out for what proved to be an exciting and thought-provoking evening.
Pastor Tony Romo kicked off the evening at 7:00 p.m. with a welcome and asked each attendee to introduce themselves and briefly share their political involvement. Two of the attendees traveled to be part of the “Tea-Party” in Washington, D. C., one on a bus and the other on his motorcycle. Another individual was involved in the Ron Paul campaign. Some attendees are fairly new to the political scene while others have been freedom fighters for many years. Several of the people at the meeting are members of the Constitution Party.
Inhofe, DeMint, Sessions Decry Cancellation Of Third Missile Defense Site
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- By Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Three U.S. Sens. today expressed outrage that the Obama Administration has cancelled a third missile defense site scheduled to be deployed in Poland and the Czech Republic:
"I have long viewed the deployment of a layered ballistic missile defense as an urgent priority, vital to the future of our country's national security," said U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), a senior member of the Armed Services committee and a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. "The Obama's Administration's decision to cancel the third missile defense site scheduled to be deployed in Poland and the Czech Republic is short-sighted and leaves America and our allies vulnerable to the growing missile threat from Iran. Iran has developed short and medium range missiles capable of hitting targets in the Middle East and southeastern Europe. Our only true defense is an effective layered defensive capability to shoot down ballistic missiles that threaten this country, our allies and our deployed forces around the globe."
Freedom Alert: 11 Ways Baucus Plan Leads to Government Takeover of Health Care
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- By By U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint
On Tuesday, Sen. Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, released his health care proposal which will be considered by the full committee next week. The plan contains more of the same big government policies that have been proposed by this Congress and Obama Administration for months. It does nothing to increase Americans’ access to affordable health care coverage. In fact, the Baucus plan includes several devastating provisions that hurt the ability of millions of Americans to keep the coverage they currently have (and like).
Moreover, the combination of tax increases, penalties, new government health care programs, increased fees on private health care entities, and destruction of current health care coverage products will force this nation into the grip of a government-run health care system. Here are 11 things you should know about Baucus' proposal:
Planned Overload May Have Surprises
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
It is quite obvious that the Obama Administration is following a plan developed long ago. It appears that the plan is designed to create so much upheaval and uncertainty in every aspect of life that there is no way that the opposition can muster the time, energy and resources to mount a successful defense.
It has recently been revealed that the plan for the government to take control of health care has been in existence since the days of Franklin Roosevelt and each attempt to surface it has been defeated. Now we have a generation of Americans who have been systematically “dumbed-down” and, lacking knowledge of history and truth, they are subject to psychological manipulation by trained change agents.
Race and Stupidity
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- By Pat Buchanan
God save me from my friends -- I can take care of my enemies.
So President Obama must be muttering today.
Ten days ago, the president played his ace of trumps.
He went before a joint session of Congress to lay out his health care plans, confront the "demagoguery" of critics who had resorted to "distortion," "misinformation" and "tall tales," and rally progressives and Blue Dogs to reunite and drive on to victory.
ACORN's Illegal Alien Home Loan Racket
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- By Michelle Malkin
There's one thing more shocking than the illegal alien smuggling advice that an ACORN official in San Diego gave undercover journalists James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles. It's the illegal alien home loan racket that ACORN has already been operating with the full knowledge of the U.S. government.
On Wednesday, O'Keefe and Giles published the fifth in a series of BigGovernment.com sting videos. ACORN official Juan Carlos Vera coached the pimp-and-prostitute-posing pair on how best to pull off a border-busting smuggling operation. It would be "better from Tijuana," he counseled on videotape. Vera then generously offered the investigative couple his Mexican "contacts" to bring 12 illegal alien girls into the country for prostitution.
Who Lied?
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- By Phyllis Schlafly
The sanctimonious shock at Rep. Joe Wilson's (R-SC) calling out "You lie" when Barack Obama said the health care bill will not insure illegal aliens reminds me of the Casablanca police
chief saying he was "shocked, shocked" to learn that gambling was taking place in the saloon. Barack Obama's congressional pals had defeated the Republican amendment to require proof of legal residency in order to be covered by the health care bill, and the American people know that illegals are now getting free health care at emergency rooms.
Push For Globalism Continues
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- By Chuck Baldwin
When George W. Bush was President, he greatly advanced the prospect of integrating the United States with a North American Union (NAU). With no thanks to most Christian conservatives or the mainstream news media, hundreds of thousands of patriotic Americans rallied against this proposal and--at least temporarily--seriously stymied Bush's draconian dream. But if you thought President Barack Obama would be content to let the NAU die a natural death, think again.
Reporting for World Net Daily, author/researcher Jerome Corsi recently reported, "President Obama is continuing President George W. Bush's effort to advance North American integration with a public-relations makeover calculated to place the program under the radar of public opinion and to deflect concerns about border security and national sovereignty.
Happy New Year
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
Israel welcomed the Jewish year 5770 last Saturday with somewhat somber but meaningful celebration. Jerusalem Post writer Liat Collins wrote that 5769 was not a "shana toba," or a good year. But thankfully, neither was it the worst. The following is a condensed version of her JP article.
As we mark 70 years since the outbreak of World War II, we know we have much to be grateful for. Primarily, we are still alive. And we now have our own sovereign state. It has too often been ordered around, but nevertheless, it is lively independent and flourishing in nature and deed.
Marxist Thinking?
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- By Raquelle Sheen
One of the key tenets of Marxism is that the end justifies the means. In other words, if the goal is desirable then you can use whatever means are necessary to achieve it, even if they are unethical. After all, it’s for the “greater good,” right?
A Christian worldview rejects this notion wholeheartedly. Good ends should be achieved by good means. God has given us standards of right and wrong that He expects us to obey regardless of whatever noble goals we are pursuing. For example, as Christians we support worthwhile charities and missions. However, no Christian in his right mind would reason that it is acceptable in God’s eyes to rob a bank in order to give lots of money to a charity or a missionary.
Rep. Rita Allison, SC GOP File Defamation Suit to Stop Anonymous Attacks
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- By Press Release
GOP Chairman Floyd Forms Legal Trust Fund For Future Efforts
Lyman, SC - September 17, 2009 - State Representative Rita Allison joined with state Republican Party Chairman Karen Floyd and SC House Speaker Bobby Harrell to announce the filing of a defamation suit, aimed at sending the message that false and slanderous attacks won't be tolerated in South Carolina.
“You Lie!”
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- By Bob Dill
Congressman Joe Wilson Lets it Fly!
Joe Wilson could sit quietly no longer. President Barack Obama speaking before a Joint Session of Congress was calling Republicans who disagreed with his efforts to put the medical care of Americans under control of the federal bureaucracy either by controlling insurance companies or creating a government operated system “blatant liars.”
Wilson yelled out: “You lie!”
Obama appeared stunned for a moment, and then continued his lecture.
9-11 Memorial Service, Wade Hampton High
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- By Gilbert Scales
Wade Hampton High School Air Force JROTC Cadets Chase Thomas, Thomas Smith (flag bearer), and Logan Smith salute the flag as it is lowered to half-mast, as Cadet Bugler Joshua Whittaker plays “Taps.”
Washington and Lee – The Early Years
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- By Terry M. Thacker
Although I was born and raised in Maryland, my roots on my mother’s side go way back to early colonial Virginia. I am not a member of the FFV (First Families of Virginia) club, but I am pretty close.
I fell in love with Virginia from an early age, having visited relatives there on a number of occasions while growing up. And, from an early age, I became acquainted with the rich heritage of the Old Dominion state.
In my previous article I was telling you about my visit to two early and very historic colonial brick churches in the eastern part of Virginia. Everywhere you turn, it seems, history lurks about, just waiting to pounce upon the unsuspecting traveler.
Getting Back to the Constitution
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
In the beginning of his best selling book, Saving Freedom, U. S. Senator Jim DeMint discusses the oath of office taken by all members of Congress and their pledge to defend the Constitution of the United States. Then he notes that Congress seldom mentions the Constitution in connection with legislation because much of the legislation “does not fit within the limited powers of the federal government specified by the Constitution.”
Delegates from twelve states crafted the Constitution “in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” The new government was given specific, limited authority. All other authority was left to the States or to the people.
Washington's Lies
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- By Walter Williams
President Obama and congressional supporters estimate that his health care plan will cost between $50 and $65 billion a year. Such cost estimates are lies whether they come from a Democratic president and Congress, or a Republican president and Congress. You say, "Williams, you don't show much trust in the White House and Congress." Let's check out their past dishonesty.
At its start, in 1966, Medicare cost $3 billion. The House Ways and Means Committee, along with President Johnson, estimated that Medicare would cost an inflation-adjusted $12 billion by 1990. In 1990, Medicare topped $107 billion. That's nine times Congress' prediction. Today's Medicare tab comes to $420 billion with no signs of leveling off. How much confidence can we have in any cost estimates by the White House or Congress?
Suicide of the West?
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- By Thomas Sowell
Britain's release of Abdel Baset al-Megrahi-- the Libyan terrorist whose bomb blew up a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988, killing 270 people-- is galling enough in itself. But it is even more profoundly troubling as a sign of a larger mood that has been growing in the Western democracies in our time.
In ways large and small, domestically and internationally, the West is surrendering on the installment plan to Islamic extremists.
The late Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn put his finger on the problem when he said: "The timid civilized world has found nothing with which to oppose the onslaught of a sudden revival of barefaced barbarity, other than concessions and smiles."
Training Kids to Be Obama's Servants
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- By Phyllis Schlafly
A significant part of Barack Obama's plan to "change" America involves having the federal government take control of public school curriculum, plus compiling a database of personal information about each student. The takeover is planned to be accomplished by talking directly to the kids in their schools, and by attaching extraordinary strings to the $128 billion of Stimulus funds shoveled into education.
Obama's announced September 8 speech from the White House website to every schoolchild in America kicked up a storm of controversy. A study plan for his speech produced by the U.S. Department of Education, which exposes the political motives, was pre-circulated.
Charlie Waller and Hovie Lister
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- By Keith Crowe
This week’s article will continue to highlight the South Carolina Gospel Music Association’s 2009 induction class by featuring Hovie Lister. As you may know Hovie was born in Greenville, South Carolina in the Poe Mill area. He was born on September 17, 1926, into a singing family. His grandfather taught “shape note” music schools. Hovie’s father was one of five boys and four of the five sang with Hovie’s father being one of the four. They were known as The Lister Brothers and only sang part-time and worked regular jobs in the cotton mill. Hovie stated that there were a lot of weekday singings and that every Thursday at the Salvation Army Auditorium a gospel music concert was held. Gospel music in those days was very popular. That was some 65 years ago.
March on DC that Can’t be Denied
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- By Bob Dill
“Somewhere Between One and Two Million”
Fox News rising star Glenn Beck launched the 9-12 project to energize and give direction to Americans who were awakening to growing problems in government but didn’t know what to do.
Patriotic groups from across the country picked up the idea of marching on Washington on September 12, the day following the anniversary of the terrorist attack on the United States eight years ago. Their motivation was mostly to send a message to a government that is out-of-control, a government that is spending future generations into hopeless debt, even if the nation’s financial structure can survive. They were protesting a government that is not only failing to spend the taxpayers money responsibly, they are failing to protect the borders and, finally, attempting to impose a takeover of medical care in some form yet to be clearly described.
Greenville County Council Clarifies Rules for Public Appearances
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- By Bob Dill
Topics Must Fall Within County’s Authority
During the September 2 meeting of Greenville County Council, Chairman Butch Kirven clarified the rules governing members of the public speaking during Council meetings. The rules had been adopted in April 2009.
Trout Going to Prison
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- By Bob Dill
Judge Rules Former Policeman/Council Member Danger to the Community
U. S. Federal Judge Henry Floyd has directed former Mauldin Policeman and Greenville County Council member Tony Trout to report to prison later this month to begin serving his sentence September 22, 2009, on a federal conviction because he is a “danger to the community.”
Trout has been free on bond pending his appeal of the federal jury conviction and the sentence imposed by Judge Floyd in July of this year.
NGU Welcomes 16th Consecutive Record Enrollment
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- By Press Release
Tigerville, SC - For the sixteenth consecutive year, North Greenville University welcomed the largest number of students in school history. A combined total of 2,254 undergraduate and graduate students began classes on August 19, an increase of 79 over last year. New students totaled 680 selected from more than 1,600 applicants. The average SAT score increased from 1,090 to 1,094 from a year ago.
The Honors Scholar Program was established in 1980 to offer academically-gifted students courses, seminars, and activities specifically designed to challenge and enrich their educational experience. Since 1996, the honors program has grown from 19 to 244 students.
Greenville Slaps Youth Curfew on Downtown Area
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- By Bob Dill
Emergency Ordinance Prompted by Gang Activity, Large Numbers of Unruly Teens
On Monday, August 31, Greenville City Council unanimously adopted an emergency ordinance that restricts the hours that minors under the age of 18 can be in downtown Greenville’s Central Business District.
Following a report by Police Chief Terri Wilfong, regarding the out-of-control situation that existed the previous weekend, City Council decided there was a compelling need to take immediate action to ensure that a similar situation did not occur during the Labor Day weekend.
Christ Church – Times Two
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- By Terry Thacker
Chesty Puller, about whom I wrote last week, shares a final resting place with some of the earliest inhabitants of colonial Virginia. The graveyard at Christ Church in Saluda, Virginia, contains graves not only on the outside grounds surrounding the building, but also underneath the center aisle of the church as well.
As I mentioned in my previous article, Christ Church is one of the oldest continually operating churches in America. As I was traveling through Virginia on my way to Maryland to celebrate my mother’s birthday, I happened upon an historical marker directing me to the grave of the famous Korean War general, which in turn led me to a fascinating church with a fascinating story, which was provided to me by the rector of the church.
Constitution Week: September 17-23
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The founders of our republic secured the principles expressed in the Declaration of Independence by establishing a government that derives its power from the consent of the American People. The government established by the Constitution formed a remarkably resilient structure, balanced necessary authority with inherent freedoms, national unity with individual rights, and Federal interests with State powers and sovereignty. A constitutional amendment process was built into the system that has proven to be an important mechan-ism.
Listening to a Liar
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- By Thomas Sowell
The most important thing about what anyone says are not the words themselves but the credibility of the person who says them.
The words of convicted swindler Bernie Madoff were apparently quite convincing to many people who were regarded as knowledgeable and sophisticated. If you go by words, you can be led into anything.
No doubt millions of people will be listening to the words of President Barack Obama Wednesday night when he makes a televised address to a joint session of Congress on his medical care plans. But, if they think that the words he says are what matters, they can be led into something much worse than being swindled out of their money.
Why Parents Don't Trust the Educator-in-Chief and His Comrades
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- By Michelle Malkin
They think we're crazy. "They" are the sneering defenders of Barack Obama who can't fathom the backlash against the president's nationwide speech to schoolchildren next Tuesday. "We" are parents with eyes wide open to the potential for politicized abuse in America's classrooms.
Ask moms and dads in Farmington, Utah, who discovered this week that their children sat through a Hollywood propaganda video promoting the cult of Obama. In the clip, a parade of entertainers vow to flush their toilets less, buy hybrid vehicles, end poverty and world hunger, and commit to "service" for "change." Actress Demi Moore leads the glitterati in a collective promise "to be a servant to our president." Musician Anthony Kiedis pledges "to be of service to Barack Obama."
The campaign commercial crescendos with the stars and starlets asking their audience: "What's your pledge?"
- The Marbury v. Madison Mantra
- Un-American and Unlawful White House Projects
- Jerusalem Rally Denounces Obama; Rabbi Calls Obama a Racist
- An Open Letter To Every Member Of The US Congress
- How Could So Many People Have Missed It?
- Democrats' Despicable Duplicity
- National Taxpayers Protest Set for 9-12 in DC
- Organizers Satisfied with Flag Rally Turnout
- Gowdy Responds Vigorously to Inglis “Dig”
- Remove ICLEI - Restore the Republic!
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