- Men Are Just Happy People
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- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
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- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
How Could So Many People Have Missed It?
- Details
We’ve gt a deep recession, a credit crunch, job losses, and business failures, all started by a mortgage loan crisis. We are paying for that mortgage loan crisis, and it appears that nobody saw it coming.
How could so many knowledgeable people have missed it? When Jimmy Carter signed the Community Redevelopment Act of 1977, requiring financial institutions to make loans to people in low-income areas, it should have been clear that a lot of these loans weren’t going to be repaid. But they all said, we’ve got to stop redlining, the federal government is going to insure the loans anyway, and the government’s sending monitors to make sure we make these loans, so we’ll go ahead and make them although we’re pretty sure they won’t be repaid.