By Tony Perkins - Family Research Council

Coronavirus Family Reseach Council 

There have been a lot of battles in his presidency, but never a faceless foe. For Donald Trump and the rest of the nation, the coronavirus is the enemy no one expected. Staring down a global menace, Michael Goodwin argued, Trump is now, effectively, a wartime president. "And his repeated assurances of victory were music to the ears of a rattled nation."

The man who addressed the nation Wednesday night wanted America to know: the government is doing everything it can to protect its people. Rest assured, the president said, "This is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history." We're moving very quickly, he insisted -- and we are all in this together. "Our team is the best anywhere in the world," he reminded us. For a country bordering on hysteria, they were exactly the words we needed to hear: "No nation is more prepared or more resilient than the United States."

It's a message FRC is echoing across every platform. Yes, the threat is real, but as Christians, we don't have to operate out of fear. In a new piece for USA Today, I encourage Americans to lean in to the power of prayer. In these moments of crisis, it's the best first start we can make. Continue reading here...

Tony Perkins's Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.

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