
On Saturday, March 25, 2017, the SC Division CofC had the privilege of conducting a Dedication Ceremony for the Southern Cross of Honor and grave marker of Private William M. Pendleton, who served in Company G, Capt. J. F. Specks Company, 57th North Carolina, State Troops, in the War Between the States. The ceremony was held in the cemetery of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Clover, SC. Chapter members from Jeanie Benson 884 and Caroline S. Coleman 537 CofC were participants in the event.

Miss Caroline Tucker presented the biography of Private Pendleton. The Ritual for the Grave Marker and the Southern Cross of Honor was presented by members of the SC Division CofC. The markers were uncovered and a flag was presented to the family of William M. Pendleton by the SC Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. A rifle salute was given by the Iron Grays. The assembly sang “Dixie’s Land” Two wreaths were placed on the grave. The ceremony was concluded with the playing of “Taps.”


Chandler Tucker is President of the South Carolina Division of The Children of the Confederacy.

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