As a Greenville police officer and, presently, having retired from that profession, I have tried to counter the anti-gun Left's subterfuge and lies, including propaganda that more restrictions and gun bans will stop gun-related violence. The disarmament lobby disdains truth about guns and crime because the truth is contrary to their ultimate goal of national disarmament. They know pistols, shotguns, BB guns, and military-looking semi-automatic rifles in the hands of responsible citizens pose no risk to the public or the police. (Their greatest risks are U.S. Supreme Court justices who disallow consistent, timely applications of the death penalty, and our increasingly nihilistic culture.)

As outrageous as it may seem, the Left cheers when gun-related killings occur because these incidents tend to make their propaganda regarding guns and crime more credible. Although only a fraction of one percent of tens of millions of firearms in the public realm are used in crimes, their purpose is to outlaw the 99.6 percent not used in criminal activity.

The socialist Obama Administration, the liberal media, Leftist radicals in Congress—all are allied in their efforts to make firearms as contraband as cocaine, thereby effectively taking away our Second Amendment rights. As proven throughout much of man's history, a disarmed citizenry is essential for implementing increasingly totalitarian controls on the people with least difficulty. In the case of the U.S., it is also another step toward conforming us to United Nations-New World Order disarmament agendas.


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