There are Now 133 Members Pledged to Support Repeal

Eight more members of the US House signed on to support the plan to repeal Obamacare. That is more than half of the 218 members needed to pass the 435 member House.

The goal of the repeal bill is to “pull out by the roots” the legislation that, among other things, will require citizens to purchase “government-approved” health insurance whether they want it or not.

Four of South Carolina’s Republican Congressmen have signed on to sponsor the bill. Rep. Bob Inglis signed on as number 107.

A recent poll by CNN revealed that 56 percent of the public disapproves of the law as passed.

More than 130 top economists have submitted a document, stating that “the health-care bill contains a number of provisions that will eliminate jobs, reduce hours and wages and limit future job creation.”

A report issued by House Minority Leader John Boehner produced the following findings:

* Some of the nation’s largest employers have announced they will be forced to make cutbacks as a result of Obamacare’s job-killing mandates.

*  Two independent government entities … have confirmed that the new law fails to lower health-care costs and reduce the deficit.

*  Obamacare includes at least a dozen violations of President Obama’s pledge to not raise taxes on middle-class families.

* The government has confirmed that the new law’s massive Medicare cuts will fall squarely on the backs of seniors, millions of whom will be forced off their current Medicare coverage.


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