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Monday, May 20, 2024 - 08:54 AM


First Published in 1994


Salti Sez 12 14 20Our Founding Fathers were a group of wise men. They gave us a government and a Constitution that lifted us to be the best and wealthiest nation this planet has ever bred. They knew and understood the fallen nature of humanity, and it took over 200 years for the Swamp we allowed the government to create to get around the Constitution they provided. The Founders made one big mistake – they presumed we-the-people would pay closer attention to the governing body they had created, and thinking we would weed out the bad guys they failed to put term limits into the Constitution.  It seems that even Bill Barr has been sucked into the Swamp: the statement he made that the presidential voting fraud was insufficient to make a change in the outcome has been shown to be totally erroneous through numeric examinations by much wiser people, to whom no one wants to listen. It’s almost comical how all those people who swore on the Bible to protect our Constitution are doing everything they can to destroy it. Seems we should be able to just fire them for not living up to their oath. When the Devil wants something in this old world he finds his deceptions take solid ground in the land of politics, and big business. It is up to the Christian element NOT to be deceived by his efforts. The voter-fraud situation is not voter-fraud – it’s TREASON! It’s an attempt to overthrow an existing government by a group consisting of numerous factions including members of Congress, Media personnel, Business leaders and foreign countries such as China, Iran and Russia. If President Trump is “elected” expect major attacks from the Obama-created Antifa and BLM warriors. The Biden election is plan A, the warriors are plan B, the goal is the New World Order, which the world has been working for since Nimrod failed at the tower of Babel.