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Monday, May 13, 2024 - 12:46 PM


First Published in 1994


FBI Spokesman Says Rumors of Investigation Untrue

Governor Sarah Palin’s announcement that she is stepping down as Governor of Alaska on July 26 has produced a firestorm of rumors generated by friend and foe.

Former Arkansas Gov. and Republican presidential candidate turned TV talk show host Mike Huckabee who claims to be a supporter of Palin called her decision to step down as Governor a “risky strategy.”  Huckabee said on Fox News Sunday that resigning as governor will not stop the attacks on Palin. “That’s not going to stop if she continues in politics,” he concluded.

Karl Rove, the senior advisor to President George W. Bush, expressed the view on Fox News Sunday that the decision to resign has “significantly hurt her chances of winning the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.

Palin made it clear during her statement Friday that her decision was based on what was best for her family and the people of Alaska. She made no mention of presidential ambitions having a role in the decision.

Rove may have his own credibility problem regarding advice for avoiding vicious attacks by the media and political opponents, in that he was not very successful at shielding President Bush from attacks by the liberal media and political opponents. In fact, the Obama Administration continues to blame most of the problems of the world on President Bush, despite the departure of Bush and Rove from the White House six months ago.

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele is not bashing Governor Palin. He is hoping that she will help him win back some governors’ races next year. He plans to ask Gov. Palin to help in the gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey, among others.

Governor Sarah Palin officially steps down as Governor of Alaska July 26 and will be replaced by Alaska’s Republican Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell.

Palin is in great demand as a speaker. She is currently the most popular conservative public figure in the nation. Her problem is that her friends envy her and her enemies fear and hate her.

RINO Republicans are afraid that Sarah Palin with her ability to motivate grass roots voters will lead the Republican Party to the center right and leave them in a cloud of dust holding an empty big tent.

Governor Palin’s attorney Thomas Van Flein has issued a warning to mainstream news organizations that he will sue anyone who spreads “defamatory material” that gets into print relating to Palin or members of her family.

The attorney emphasized that there will be “severe consequences” for those organizations falsely accusing Governor Palin in the future.