Sunday, Jan. 25, American Legion National Commander Michael D. Helm and his Aide Donald Suchy arrived at the Columbia, SC airport.
American Legion Department of SC Commander John Collins and Department of SC Adjutant James Holland were at the airport to greet them.
American Legion Riders from Greenville American Legion Post 3 and other Legion Riders from Columbia area, escorted National Commander Helm to a hotel in downtown Columbia.
Monday, National Commander Michael Helm, Donald Suchy, Department Commander John Collins and Department Adjutant James Holland visited Fort Jackson Army Training Center near Columbia, and the William Jennings Brian Dorn VA Medical Center in Columbia.
Tuesday morning, National Commander Helm met with Legionnaires for a question and answer session at the hotel.
Tuesday afternoon, Rock Hill American Legion Post 34 hosted a luncheon for National Commander Helm and other invited guests.
Tuesday evening, James F. Daniel, Jr., American Legion Post 3 in Greenville, hosted a reception for American Legion National Commander Michael Helm and American Legion Department of SC Commander John Collins. Greenville Post 3 is the home post of Commander Collins.
Wednesday, American Legion National Commander Michael Helm, Department Commander John Collins, State Adjutant James Holland and other guests visited James Island American Legion Post 147 and later visited Ralph Johnson VA Medical Center in Charleston, SC.
Michael D. Helm was elected National Commander of the 2.4 million-member American Legion on August 28, 2014, in Charlotte, NC, during the 96th Annual National Convention of the nation’s largest veterans organization.
Helm, a US Army veteran during the Vietnam War, served with the 82nd Airborne Division in Fort Bragg, NC, and earned his “Ranger” Insignia in 1972.
Helm was elected State Commander of the Department of Nebraska 1987-1988. He was an American Legion National Vice Commander 2003-2004.
Helm was Nebraska’s first Vietnam era veteran elected as Department Commander.
Mike and his wife Debbie have a son and his wife who are graduates of the US Military Academy at West Point, NY. A daughter and her husband are graduates of Kansas State University, another son is a Senior Cadet at the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, and another son is an Army ROTC Cadet at Kansas State University.