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Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 04:59 AM


First Published in 1994


US Rep. William Timmons Publicly Curses and Takes It Out on His Local Republican Constituents Attending a Recent GOP Event

US Rep William Timmons Anger Issues

It became obvious during a recent Greenville County Republican business meeting, where both Incumbent US Rep. William Timmons and his opponent SC Rep. Adam Morgan spoke, that Timmons considers his 4th Congressional primary Republican voting block as his real opponent.

It started with SC Freedom Caucus Chairman Adam Morgan giving an upbeat and electrifying speech about his successes in Columbia, SC as a legislator and how proud he was of his SC Freedom Caucus colleagues. He went through a list of their revolutionary-style battles with Columbia’s swampy RINO establishment with hopes that the 4th District voters would send him to Washington’s Swamp to do the same with the Freedom Caucus members in US Congress.

After Morgan begins his speech by letting the attendees know how he appreciates the camaraderie that he shares with those in meetings like this one and how it is an exciting time to be in politics, he makes it clear that he does not have time to be depressed because he is thinking about his children and the commitment to fight for their values.

Morgan brought up that his opponent’s campaign manager mocked his values for children regarding his leadership role with Majesty Music, a Christian music publishing company where they do a kids' program that has been known for decades and touched lives worldwide as Patch the Pirate.

He made it very clear with that famous big Adam-smile that, “running Patch the Pirate is one of the proudest things I do running a family business, a kid’s ministry that teaches people about Jesus Christ.” Morgan also stated, “The future of our families and our faith communities and our freedoms, they are so vitally important, they are worth contending and fighting for.”

SC Rep Adam Morgan Speaking before GCRP 04 01 24
SC Representative and US Representative Candidate Adam Morgan speaks before the Greenville County Republican Party on April 1, 2024.

As Morgan introduced himself as the Chairman of the SC Freedom Caucus and started going through a list of accomplishments by what he called a robust conservative offense against RINOs in the Columbia swamp, the crowd exploded with thunderous applause and clapping.

He stated that he and his group had declared war on them and had beaten them to the point that they had spent over a million dollars on attack ads against the SC Freedom Caucus members.

Morgan mentioned a year-old video clip that had over thirty-five million views at the time where Morgan is standing up against the spending of 1.3 billion dollars of taxpayer’s money given to an electric vehicle company. He said the leading Democrat spoke up and said, “Are you telling me that we have to listen to the folks back home over the experts in the commerce department?”

Morgan made it very clear that he would always fall back on the wisdom of his commonsense constituents in Taylors and Greenville East over any lobbyist, multi-million-dollar corporation, or other congressional members.

Morgan says the reason why he is running for the US Representative seat in the 4th Congressional District, is he will fight just like he does on the state level as he will on the national level where he can fight on every level, that is by fighting against tax increases on the county level, fighting against DEI in our local schools, and making sure the state is not wasting your money.

Morgan made the statement that it's hard to think of one thing his incumbent opponent has accomplished in six years other than Timmons going to the border and taking a photo-op at the border sending an attack text about him and flying back to Washington to give illegal immigrants welfare.

He also referred to a May 31, 2021 streaming video where Timmons happily participated in a Congressional hearing as Vice Chairman of the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress supporting a form of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in the hiring practices of Congress. Click HERE for more information on that.

Morgan expressed how much he loved the goofy attack ads against him. It gets him juiced up and reminds him that it means he is doing something and that he is fighting for the conservative cause.

He also expressed how much disdain he has for incumbents who refuse to join the Freedom Caucus and Family Caucus and then go on talk radio shows such as Charlie James and say that the Conservatives who are fighting are the problem with politics. Morgan says he will join the Freedom Caucus and Family Caucus on day one. He has already been endorsed by the chairs of both Freedom Caucus and Family Caucus in Washington.

Morgan accused his incumbent opponent of spending $800,000 of taxpayer’s money on mailers, robocalls, billboards, and social media ads when we are 34 trillion dollars in debt, and yet calls himself a fiscal conservative.

Timmons has been promoting his image on Greenville billboards, including the one on Church Street in Greenville. In small letters toward the bottom the ad reads, “Paid for by official funds authorized by the House of Representatives.”

Morgan and his caucus found out there was a pediatric transgender clinic funded by SC taxpayer dollars affecting four-year-olds to 16. The SC Republican Caucus did nothing, they did not want to touch it or tick off the medical community. So, he threatened them with a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and said he would give it to the media. They shut down the clinic the next day and it is no longer in operation. The audience again loudly expressed their approval with shoutouts and clapping.

He also announced that he just submitted a bill to end squatters' rights in South Carolina where over half of the House of Representatives co-sponsored the bill including a couple of Democrats, despite the claim from his opponents that SC Freedom Caucus members get nothing done but stir up trouble.

He stated that under his leadership the SC Freedom Caucus has grown and has now 18 members and that 35 challengers have already filed across South Carolina having expressed they would join if elected. According to him, that is the state of the Conservative movement under his tenure.

He ended by recognizing all those who were there who had endorsed him from his district. He also pointed out Sheriff Hobart Lewis who has endorsed him along with GCRP’s Legislative Action Committee Chairman Harrison Musselwhite who earlier that day called into Charlie James’s talk show to express his support for Adam and his brother Alan along with all the SC Freedom Caucus members. After the end of the meeting in the hallway, Musslewhite, again making sure others knew, shouted out and made it very clear his support for Adam Morgan.

After the standing ovation for Morgan, incumbent William Timmons got up to speak and the mood changed quickly in the room. It was apparent that Timmons was not happy.

As soon as Timmons got up to the podium and spoke into the microphone without even introducing himself, he expressed hearing Adam Morgan speak for the first time in person and declared it was full of lies and that Morgan’s record is being ineffective.

He said that Morgan and “his group” (SC Freedom Caucus) are the biggest impediment to succeeding Conservative issues in South Carolina. Chairman Yvonne Julian had to gavel the crowd back into silence due to shout-outs, boos, and disdain at his comment.

US Rep William Timmons Speaks before GCRP 4 1 24
US Representative Incumbent William Timmons speaks before the Greenville County Republican Party on April 1, 2024.

Timmons started referencing groups that have been around for decades and have rated him highly. He said that he has a 100% rating from Heritage for the current Congressional season and a 97% lifetime rating. He also pointed out that he has a 97% rating from Club for Growth and 100% from Freedom Works. He says that should be proof enough that this is not a voting record of a RINO (Republican in Name Only).

Timmons spoke about a bill that he passed that will save billions of taxpayers’ dollars by forcing the Executive Branch to adopt the Government Accountability recommendations. He says I did that, legislation that I came up with myself, as he was expressing his excitement that Joe Biden signed it. He says that this shows he is effective as a minority. But with Adam Morgan, he says mockingly, he only got one bill passed in six years. A bill that would force buses and 18-wheelers to stop at stop signs.

Timmons went on to say as a minority he passed a bill that halted China's attempt to give away next-generation wireless 5G technology to developing countries regarding Huawei’s expansion, China’s version of Verizon. Again, he made the point that Joe Biden signed it.

What is confusing is when you look up Timmons Member Activity refined by sponsored legislation on congress.gov, you only find one bill (H.R.5943) that he sponsored that actually got passed. It was the renaming of the outpatient clinic of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Greenville, as the “Lance Corporal Dana Cornell Darnell VA Clinic.” He never even mentioned this one in his speech.

There is one bill (H.R.5698), Promoting Secure 5G Act of 2020, that was “only” passed in the House but did not become law or signed by Joe Biden. Is this the bill that Timmons is referring to regarding Huawei’s expansion where he said Joe Biden signed it? Or is it H.R.4493, Promoting Secure 5G Act of 2021, which has not even been passed by the House, let alone by the Senate, or signed by Biden?

There is another bill (H.R.3621) that passed only the House where Timmons introduced an Amendment (H.Amdt.755). It was passed and required GAO to carry out a study. But was not passed by the Senate.

You can visit HERE and do your own research to get answers to Timmons’s claims.

During his speech, as he was referencing himself about getting things done in Washington and how Morgan flails about, screaming and yelling about ridiculous policies in Columbia that would destroy South Carolina’s economy, he interrupts himself and defends the Electric Vehicle issue regarding Scout Motors, by using former SC Governor Carroll Campbell’s success 35 years ago in getting BMW in the Upstate. He says everyone in this room has benefitted from that success and made fun of Morgan on how he opposed the Scout Motors deal. He says that 100,000 jobs would be gone if the BMW deal did not take place here in the upstate.

Admitting his ignorance concerning not knowing all the details of the Scout Motors deal, Timmons says the thought of not competing to get businesses to invest here is wrong.

After Timmons tries to slow down his speaking, he takes a pause and admits he needs to calm down a second, knowing he is uptight and wound up with some laughter from the audience.

He begins to talk about getting a call at 11:30 at night from a woman who lives in Greer about her daughter being kidnapped in Cabo. He prides himself on his relationship with what he called Joe Biden’s State Department, and that they were able to get her back into the States in 36 hours and her mother’s arms in 12.

This is where he becomes unhinged with his comments towards the audience by rebuking them with his frustration of what he calls Morgan’s screaming and yelling and how the audience is egging it on and encouraging it. Again, the audience returned with laughter. So much for his earlier self-calming tactics.

"Once he was done with his speech, unlike his challenger, Timmons got out of there quickly and did not hang around giving credence to the fact that he was uncomfortable being there. And one thing is for certain, drinking the MYSCGOP cool aid has left a big stain on his way out!"

He states that Morgan’s policies are not helpful for this district and are wrong and that he is taking credit for legislation done regarding Constitutional Carry. Timmons defended Shane Martin who he says has been working on that bill for 14 years. Timmons claims that Morgan tried to block it because it was not good enough and barely got passed.

Timmons shared his endorsements from Chairman of House Judiciary Jim Jordan, Chairman of House Oversite Committee James Comer, and conservatives like Byron Donalds and Marjorie Taylor Greene. He also made it a point that former President Donald Trump has endorsed him as well getting some applause from audience members.

Overlooking Morgan’s fight against RINO Republicans which actually puts him in a minority, Timmons claimed that Morgan is in a super-majority and can’t get things done but he claimed that he himself is in the minority in Washington and can get things done.

After sharing his crisscrossing the country for Donald Trump, he waves his hand in a demeaning way saying that no matter what “this” person, his primary challenger, says, Trump is the only one that can save this country, as if Morgan said otherwise, which he has not. This woke up the MYSCGOP supporters in the audience who were supporting Timmons with clapping and shouts of support. It is publicly known that MYSCGOP does not like or support Adam Morgan.

Timmons, riding the MYSCGOP vocal support, begins to disparage his opponent as if he thinks of himself as a great and mighty warrior for Conservativism, claiming that Morgan has been a never-Trumper from the beginning. Immediately there was loud booing, heckling, and shouting by many supporters of Morgan in the audience with some saying that it is a lie.

Timmons responded by saying that is not being an adult, assuming he is referring to the opposing crowd, and begins to go way back to 2016 when many Republicans were not quite on the Trump wagon at that time and allegedly described Morgan as a never-Trumper who supported Ted Cruz and tried to steal the nomination from Trump. Timmons says Trump’s team will soon bring this out as if that was a threat to Morgan’s campaign.

Timmons also claimed that Morgan refuses to endorse Trump and said Morgan told his campaign team that he would never endorse Donald Trump because it would get him votes. He told the crowd that you can say whatever you want, but when Trump says it, you will be looking like a fool. Some in the audience were confused knowing Morgan has openly supported Trump.

After Timmons claims that Adam Morgan’s campaign had said that Trump had been paid a quarter of a million dollars to endorse somebody (Timmons gave no more details), he calls out Morgan’s brother Alan Morgan for claiming he posted it on Facebook and that Trump’s team intercepted it. Having alleged Alan Morgan’s Facebook post, Timmons did not know that Adam’s brother Alan Morgan has his own campaign as a state house incumbent and is not on Adam’s campaign.

Timmons starts bragging about his credentials as a prosecutor for five years, starting around half a dozen businesses, making beaucoup “bukus” of money, and serving in the Air Force, while comparing that to Adam Morgan's music ministry to children as if that is inferior to his accomplishments and qualifies him more for the US Congressional job. Many members of MYSCGOP in the audience were laughing in agreement as if they were enjoying Timmon’s inferior comment about Adam’s children’s music ministry.

There were a few times due to frustration, Timmons lost his thoughts and tried to calm down, not like his opponent who was excited and overjoyed to speak before the audience. One such moment was when Timmons compared his attendance record to Morgan's where he said he missed 158 votes in his five years as congressman where 136 were due to his mandatory military training. This does not include all the “non-South Carolina” proxy votes that Timmons did not include in his numbers. But he claims that Morgan had missed 388 votes in five years.

Contrary to comments made earlier about spending taxpayers' money for his campaigning, he claimed he funds his own campaign, and again after cursing about Trump doing the same thing, he reprimands his audience by telling them I don’t know what you want from me.

By the end of Timmon’s speech, it became very clear he was mad and upset not only at his opponent but also at many of those in the audience that support Morgan. By his response, Timmons knows he is in trouble with the 4th Congressional District GOP primary electorate.

It has even been reported that William Timmons has partnered with the MYSCGOP leader and GCRP’s defunct State EC Jeff Davis along with Speaker Murrell Smith’s campaign manager, Christopher Slick to create oppositional advertisements against Adam Morgan - someone whom MYSCGOP members do not support even though he fights against the RINOs in Columbia that they claim to hate themselves.

It was also obvious to some of the attendees and making its rounds on Facebook that Chairman Yvonne Julian (another MYSCGOP leader) can be seen very happy, giddy, and even clapping for Timmons compared to her demeanor when Morgan came up to speak earlier.

Timmons is getting so desperate that he has now joined ranks with MYSCGOP who he has forgotten have a bad record in getting candidates elected. That is not going to help calm him down. We have a feeling that this will only make things worse for him.

It appears his self-calming tactics during his speech are not working and he needs to find an anxiety therapist or an anxiety counselor to help him get through this election cycle without stress and using bad language in public formal settings.

Once he was done with his speech, unlike his challenger, Timmons got out of there quickly and did not hang around giving credence to the fact that he was uncomfortable being there. And one thing is for certain, drinking the MYSCGOP cool aid has left a big stain on his way out!