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Sunday, February 9, 2025 - 07:19 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Rotten Egg 2024

While Christian families were preparing to celebrate Easter — the day we proclaim “Jesus Is Risen” —  the White House showed its true colors by proclaiming March 31st as “Transgender Day of Visibility.” While this so-called tradition began in 2009 and has been celebrated every year by the Biden administration, this time it fell on Easter Sunday and gave us a harsh reminder of the anti-family and anti-Christian sentiments that this President perpetuates.

Queer ideology has become a new religion — its adherents are the radical LGBT activists and their allies in the Biden Administration. This theocracy seeks to indoctrinate kids in school classrooms, invade women’s private spaces, and separate children from their parents by force if necessary. President Biden boasted that he has appointed those with gender identity disorder to leadership positions and allowed them to serve in the military, and praised his signing of the ironically named Respect for Marriage Act. He continues to push for even more extreme measures such as the Equality Act.

It’s laughable to set aside a day for “transgender visibility” when this ideology is visible everywhere we turn. Government intuitions, companies, schools, movies, music, tv shows, and news outlets are constantly pandering to this agenda. Public libraries are hosting drag story hours and displaying books to teach kids to explore their sexuality and “gender identity.” LGBT activists have even tried to designate over 145 days a year as special holidays. In addition to “Pride Month” in June, “LGBT History Month” in October, and “Trans Awareness Month” in November, there are also a number of recognition days for every made-up gender and sexual perversion.

Additionally, Democrats are finding ways to redefine legal terms and laws to conform with their ideology. In June of last year, the Supreme Court declined to hear a case that allowed those with gender dysphoria to be covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Although Justice Samuel Alito’s dissent described the reasoning of this case as “troubling,” the 4th Circuit’s decision currently stands that provides ADA protections to those who identify as transgender. This opened the door to a host of benefits including taxpayer-funded sex change surgeries and hormone treatments.

In Utah, we are seeing a consequence of this decision. After the state’s Department of Corrections denied a male inmate hormone therapy, the ability to be housed with female inmates, and access to women’s clothing, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit using the ADA as the basis of its case against the state agency. Instead of bowing down to the Left’s trans agenda, the Department of Corrections Director hit back at the DOJ stating:

We have also taken steps on our own, and as a state, to address the needs of inmates while maintaining the highest safety standards. We fundamentally disagree with the DOJ on key issues and are disappointed with their approach.

The steps that he references pertain to Utah’s HB 316, a bill that addresses where transgender inmates should be housed. It contains several detailed guidelines that correctional facilities must follow to ensure the safety of all inmates. For example, a male inmate identifying as a female who is requesting to be transferred to an all-female facility would be denied that request if he has a history of violent behavior against women. It also gives the Department of Corrections discretion to handle these situations on a case-by-case basis. Utah Eagle Forum supported this common-sense bill, and it was signed into law during this year’s legislative session.

Eagle Forum is no stranger to the DOJ’s imposition on state’s rights. Last year, the DOJ intervened in a case challenging the Alabama law that protects vulnerable children from puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital mutilation. The DOJ attempted to subpoena all the documents from Eagle Forum of Alabama that showed their support for the bill, in violation of their First Amendment rights to speech, and assembly, and petition the government for redress of grievances. A federal judge quashed this action calling it “overly broad and unduly burdensome.” Then, last month, the actual plaintiffs in the case tried to seek these same protected communications. The judge encouraged them to rescind their subpoena and ordered them to pay attorney fees. We applaud our incredible state Eagle Forum organizations for their diligence, perseverance, and victories on behalf of families and children.

The American people are tired of the disrespect that the Biden administration has toward family values and the unique, God-given differences between men and women. We must work together to elect strong, conservative lawmakers at the state and federal levels who will be warriors in this cultural war. Check out Eagle Forum PAC’s endorsement page throughout this election cycle as we support candidates who do just that! Join Eagle Forum and become a Do-er, not a Hearer only!