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Friday, July 26, 2024 - 09:05 PM


First Published in 1994


DeMint: “Everything Our Nation Stands for is at Risk”

“The health care legislation Congress passed tonight is an assault against the Constitution,” South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster said after the House passed Obamacare by a vote of 219 to 212, Sunday night. “A legal challenge by the states appears to be the only hope of protecting the American people from this unprecedented attack on our system of government.”

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum said: “The health-care reform legislation passed by the U. S. House clearly violates the U. S. Constitution and infringes on each state’s sovereignty. If the president signs this bill into law, we will file a lawsuit to protect the rights and the interests of American citizens.”

Attorney Generals representing Florida, South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, Pennsylvania, Washington, North Dakota, South Dakota Virginia, Idaho and Alabama plan to file suit as soon as President Obama signs the bill passed by the House, Sunday night.

“There is no fixing the government health-care takeover Democrats forced through on Sunday. It must be repealed,” wrote S. C. Senator Jim DeMint in a USA Today editorial. “When a president and a Congress collude to violate the Constitution and ignore the American people, everything our nation stands for is at risk. It’s not too late to undo the damage.”

Fourth District Congressman Bob Inglis is optimistic that Obamacare can be overturned next year. “There is no mistake by one Congress that can’t be corrected by another and the health care bill just passed can be repealed next year.” Inglis said it is obvious that the majority of the American people don’t support the bill and they “need to continue speaking out and making themselves heard, so that we can repeal this bill as soon as a new majority is elected.”

Inglis’ optimism may be unrealistic because President Obama can veto any overturn unless Republicans have a veto proof majority.

Whistleblower, a monthly publication of WorldNetDaily.Com is reporting that the “far left” supporters of President Obama are developing plans to consolidate power in the U. S. long-term using universal voter registration, illegal immigrant registration, amnesty for illegal aliens and voting convicted felons as well as subversive activities to control election results.

On his Monday radio broadcast, Rush Limbaugh predicted that the Obama administration will pursue mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens who are here because he needs their votes.

Obama “has come to divide. He has come to conquer. He hasn’t failed. He has succeeded,” Limbaugh concluded. He said he believes Obama’s next move will be to go for “comprehensive   immigration reform” and pad the voter rolls.