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Sunday, May 5, 2024 - 11:41 AM


First Published in 1994


March for Life Eagle Forum 2019

On Sunday, January 22, 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated the first National Sanctity of Human Life Day. President Reagan’s strong advocacy for life set a precedent for succeeding Republican presidents. While the date changes from year-to-year, today marks the 46th anniversary of this public recognition of the right to life.

Every January around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the March for Life gathers thousands of peaceful protestors to march through the streets of Washington, D.C.  People from all ages, nationalities, and even political parties unite for the same cause.  It is truly an unselfish display to be a voice for voiceless.  Eagle Forum had the privilege to take part in this year’s events.

The 2019 March for Life theme was “Unique from Day One: Pro-Life is Pro-Science”.  As science has advanced, so has the proof of life in the womb. We now know that a baby’s DNA is present at fertilization, their hearts begin to beat shortly after fertilization, and they can feel pain beginning at 20 weeks gestation.  No individual is the same or can be replicated. 

Just last week, Congress took strides to protect life.  Many of our Representatives issued statements on their commitment to the cause.  Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) announced the creation of the first Senate Pro-Life Caucus, and the Senate voted to advance a bill that banned taxpayer funding of abortion, just falling short of passage.  Vice President Pence spoke at the March for Life, and President Trump sent a video with his promise of vetoing any legislation that would weaken our pro-life laws. You can watch the full statements here. Our pro-life Congressional members are under attack for their beliefs every day.  We need to continue to lift them up in prayer, and be diligent in encouraging lawmakers to push forward legislation that protects unborn babies.

Beyond the political battles, we as individuals can make a difference on the ground level.  We can show compassion to the unborn child, the questioning mother, and the unsure father.  Jesus shares with us that he comes that we may have life and have it more abundantly.  Abundant life begins in the home, so we must support the whole family by upholding the institution of marriagebetween both parents, supporting adoption, and advocating for a better education that will lead to better decisions.   

Battling the culture of abortion may seem like an uphill battle at times, but your voice could make a difference for generations to come.  Please take a moment to view this song affirming life in the womb sung by Susanna Lynn and share it with others.