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Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 03:12 AM


First Published in 1994


Faith2Direct Action Runs Statewide Ads

NORTH ROYALTON, Ohio -- Faith2Direct Action (the lobbying arm of Faith2Action) began running ads statewide to warn voters about what is at stake in Tuesday's election. "Issue 1 is the most radical amendment in Ohio history," said Janet Porter, President of Faith2Direct Action. "It would strip parents of their rights and partially-born babies of their lives."

Click to hear the radio ad.

Porter was the architect of the Heartbeat Law, and chief lobbyist behind Ohio's Partial Birth Abortion Ban, Parental Consent, and the Woman's Right to Know Law--all of which would be repealed under Issue 1.

"This 'Abortion until Birth without Parental Notice Amendment' is the new national strategy of the abortion lobby," said Porter. "Stopping it in Ohio is critical as they are already lining up states to attempt to steamroll next including Florida, Arizona, and Arkansas."

Issue 1 would also legalize transgender child mutilation without Parental Notice as Faith2Direct Action demonstrates in this Transgender Mutilation ad.

But Issue 1 does more than constitutionalize partial birth abortion and child mutilation without parental notice or consent. Issue 1 deliberately used the word 'individual' (not woman) to include a child of any age, and those that 'assist' that child in their sexual decisions would be immune under Issue 1. "That means if an adult pedophile can coerce a child to say it was 'their choice,' they can't be prosecuted for having sex with children or for trafficking them." Click to see Faith2Direct Action's Child Trafficking ad about this. Find more information here.

"This is Ohio pastors' last chance to tell their congregations to 'Vote NO to the Nightmare," added Porter. "God thought 'Thou shalt not kill' was important enough to write in stone; I hope pastors have the courage to obey God at this critical moment by speaking out." Click here to see the legal memo from Liberty Counsel explaining pastors right to speak against Issue 1 from the pulpit.

The Amendment language is also explained here.


SOURCE Faith2Direct Action