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Monday, January 13, 2025 - 02:04 AM


First Published in 1994


Left to right: Charles (Charlie) Waller and Hovie Lister.

When I began to write “The Gospel Music Corner” I said that not only would the feature be about groups and artists but also about folks who had made an impact on the gospel music industry.

This week’s feature is without question about one person who has impacted the gospel music industry nationwide, as well as the upstate, as much if not more than any other person. This person is Charles (Charlie) Waller, “The Grand Ole Gospel Man.” Charlie is one of the more colorful people in Southern Gospel Music. He loves traditional Southern Gospel Music and works tirelessly to promote and preserve it Charlie was born in 1948 (a very good year) in Waynesboro, Mississippi.

The twenty-eighth Grand Ole Gospel Reunion will be in Greenville this year. The date for this year’s reunion is August 13th through the 15st.  Charlie’s background is well-rounded in the gospel music field. He began as a DJ in New Orleans and while there promoted his first concert in 1971. He formed the Southern Gospel Music Association of Georgia in the late 70’s.

If the above were not enough to keep Charlie busy, he has also put together The Florida Boys Quartet. As most of you know, the Florida Boys announced their retirement a few ago so Charlie is carrying on the name. If you would like to have the Florida Boys at your concert or event please contact me.

One again let me remind about the Grand Ole Gospel Reunion which will be held this year on August 13th through 15th. The exciting part about this year’s event is that it will be back in Greenville; the place where it all begin in 1988. You can go online at www.grandole

gospelreunion.com or call 864-421-3889 to order tickets and packages of the many events surrounding the Grand Ole Gospel Reunion.


Make plans to attend and as always you can contact me at 864-979-9626 or 864-895-1287 about tickets or any other comments or questions. Hope to see you at this year’s reunion.