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Friday, January 24, 2025 - 06:19 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


A large segment of the American people are demanding that the Republican controlled Congress stop President Obama from circumventing the Constitution of the United States and acting like a dictator with no constraints or checks and balances. The Republican led House and Senate are responding to abuse of power by the president with measured rhetoric and piecemeal legislation  that Obama has promised to veto.

So far, the Congress has lacked the courage to cut his personal budget or the budget of Obamacare or other unconstitutional programs.

Impeachment is the constitutional remedy for a president that is out of control and abusing his power. He is endangering the American people by giving aid and comfort to our sworn enemies. He is dismantling the best health care system and the most proficient military force the world has ever known. He is illegally misusing the employees of government agencies to punish his political enemies.

House and Senate leaders have pledged not to Impeach Obama out of fear. They are afraid of a black backlash, including riots, arson and assault. They are fearful of acquiring the legacy of being the political party that impeached the first “African-American” President.

The House impeached President Bill Clinton although it was predictable that the Democrat-controlled Senate would not convict him. At least the House members did their duty. Clinton’s crimes were lying under oath and sexual misconduct in the Oval Office. Obama’s behavior is much more serious. Lying is a way of life for him and his actions are endangering the lives of Americans and jeopardizing the future of the Constitutional Republic.

The stakes are too high to risk Obama in the White House unrestrained for two more years. Our internal and external enemies are moving rapidly to take advantage of the two-year window when they can take advantage of the weakness and incompetence they see in Obama.

Mr. Putin, the aggressive Russian president, is expanding his grip on the Eastern and Western European nations while Obama is doing nothing to help them resist his rebuilding of the Russian Empire. Putin is also forming alliances with Iran and Syria to fill the voids left by our withdrawal from Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.

China is becoming the greatest economic power in the world and is harvesting natural resources from Africa and South America. They are our most dangerous military and economic foe. The Chinese also hold more than 30 percent of our national debt, the largest amount of any country.

Finally, President Obama is providing material and political aid to the Muslim Brotherhood coalition that is the parent organization for all the Radical Islamic terrorist groups that are kidnapping, decapitating and murdering Christians throughout the world.  Obama  refuses to call Islamic killers by their correct name and refuses to implement a winning strategy to oppose their murderous activities.

The President refuses to protect our national borders, and anyone who wants to come in illegally can do so. The illegal aliens crossing our borders include a variety of potential terrorists, drug smugglers, common criminals and individuals bringing communicable diseases including Measles, Chicken Pox, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria and others. These diseases, not present in the United States until recently, are taking the lives of American children.

President Obama is refusing to enforce laws passed by Congress if he does not want to. He has legalized as many as 5 million individuals who have entered the country illegally in violation of current immigration laws. He has threatened to take unilateral action to do anything he wants if the Congress does not give him legal authority to do so.

President Obama is spending millions of dollars flying around the nation and world in that large airplane with tax paid servants. While making drastic cuts in the military budget and forcing well-trained people from the service, he has no constraints on his spending for entertainment and travel.

I see no alternative to Impeachment to constrain the illegal behavior of the current president. What is needed is a Republican Party with the courage to do their duty.