The Republican Primaries to select the Republican candidate to go up against Hillary Clinton for president of the United States is just a little more than a year away. The Establishment or “Moderate” wing of the GOP is already working to assure that they have only one candidate to compete with a dozen or more “Conservative-Tea Party” types.
Hillary is the assumed Democrat candidate, but that is not a certainty. Mrs. Clinton, the former First Lady and Secretary of State, has serious alleged criminal charges pending that if pursued by the Congress and federal law enforcement will remove her from the contest.
Hillary has been involved in the Benghazi cover-up from the beginning. More seriously, it is now alleged that she more than anyone else in the United States Government was responsible for launching the disastrous, unnecessary war against Libya. That war resulted in many unnecessary civilian deaths and turning the country and thousands of American weapons over to the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist organizations.
Vice President “Uncle Joe” Biden will be in the wings should Hillary fail to make the grade. He could keep the same small committee of leftist and Muslim women that are currently making foreign and domestic policy and writing the script for the presidential teleprompter scripts.
Last week, Mitt Romney, the alleged leading Republican candidate, announced that he would not be a candidate. His departure leaves Jeb Bush and Chris Christie to decide which will carry the “Moderate” banner. Bush is the likely victor between the two, primarily because he has more friends and wealthy financial donors in the wings that are obligated or inclined to support the Bush Dynasty.
Senator Lindsey Graham is considering tossing his hat in the ring and seeking the Republican nomination. Lindsey, who has more face time on television than anyone, is probably shooting for a selection as Vice President, or appointment to a judgeship.
From the viewpoint of South Carolina Conservatives, it may be advantageous for Graham to enter the race. With the South Carolina Republican primary being a total scam and a deceptive fraud with any registered voter eligible to participate and vote for the “Republican” candidate, Graham would likely pull votes away from a Bush or Christie rather than from a Cruz or Santorium.
Establishment Republicans and Democrats of all stripes are terrified of Senator Ted Cruz. Cruz is the most articulate Republican currently in public life. He knows what the problems are that must be addressed and how to correct them, he knows whom our enemies are and how to deal with them and he doesn’t need a speechwriter or a script to talk about these things. Cruz is a strong Bible-believing born again Christian and a member of a Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. He is a strong defender of the Constitution of the United States. Some Establishment Republicans will support Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorium in order to take Evangelical and Catholic votes from Cruz in the primary.
The only way Jeb Bush can be kept off the Republican Presidential ticket in 2016 will be to reduce the number of Conservatives in the race.
Conservatives, especially here in South Carolina, must study the candidates, pick one and urge all Conservatives to get behind that candidate. If that is not done, Bush or Christie will win South Carolina, be the nominee, and the Bush-Obama big government policies will continue under the Republican big tent.
It will take a lot of work to sort out the Republicans claiming to be Conservative, and it may be wishful thinking to hope there are enough people willing to read and seek the truth to make a difference. Time will tell.
It is encouraging that a few newcomers have discovered the problem created by the South Carolina open primary election law. Now they are trying to organize the natives who have not been sufficiently interested to notice the fraud, while some of us have been harping on this problem in print and otherwise for three decades.
There is a war in the Republican Party and it will heat up as we approach the primaries.