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Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 03:17 AM


First Published in 1994


WASHINGTON -- 23 members of Congress wrote the mayor, stating "we demand that a thorough investigation is conducted into the death of each child. In order to accomplish such investigation, we request and fully expect the city to conduct autopsies on the children and preserve all collected evidence. Finally, at the conclusion of such examinations, we urge the city to properly and respectfully bury the babies."

Furthermore, they told the mayor to answer the following questions:

Please respond to the following questions by close of business on Wednesday, April 6, 2022.

  1. As you are aware partial-birth abortion, as defined in 18 U.S. Code § 1531 is illegal and punishable by fine, imprisonment or both. How did the Metropolitan Police reach the conclusion while recovering the remains of each child that all of the children died as the result of a legal abortion?
  2. In order to ensure that no child was subjected to a partial-birth abortion and that no child was born alive and left to die, will you commit to conducting a thorough investigation of the death of each child?
  3. As part of such investigation, will you commit to ensuring the preservation of each child's remains for appropriate examination during the investigation?
  4. Will you direct the Chief Medical Examiner to perform an autopsy on each child to determine the method and cause of death in accordance with § 5–1405 of D.C. Code?
  5. Will you direct a subsequent autopsy to be completed by an independent, licensed pathologist to confirm the findings of the Chief Medical Examiner?
  6. If an autopsy suggests any of the children were victims of criminal activity, will you immediately refer the evidence to both the Department of Justice and the Attorney General for the District of Columbia for criminal prosecution?
  7. Will you commit to properly and respectfully burying each child?

Read entire letter here: https://www.lankford.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Lankford%20Letter%20to%20Bowser%20and%20Contee%204.5.22.pdf