MAPLE RIDGE, British Columbia, Canada -- Three decades ago, a Canadian researcher, Tom Rogers, at that time new to the Christian faith, was driven to investigate two significant questions. These were: 'How does this Creator actually create living things like us?' and 'Does this involve a lot of work?'
With input from 45 scholars, that curiosity inspired the development of a new God-based life science about how we are made and cared for. It is formally called 'Atomic Biology' and nicknamed 'God's Biology,' a science worthy of replacing Darwinisms in education. The research verifies the need for superintelligence, far above mankind's level, plus enormous physical works and care, to create, sustain, maintain, and repair each living part of us.
There is only one such superintelligent and caring entity known to mankind: The triune God who is highly recognized by the Governments of the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia as well as most of their citizens.
As the history of 'God's Biology' developed, sizeable objections arose including, 'What about Darwin's taught Theory of Evolution?' and 'What about the separation of church and state?'
As truthful research has to provide correct answers to objections, Rogers and group discovered and developed the answers.
According to Darwin's exclusively taught and enforced definition of evolution, all life came from a universal common ancestor. Over millions of years of producing offspring, these 'became' all the various living plants and creatures by natural selection. No god or guidance was needed or allowed in life education since the 1960s.
However, lacking from this theoretical process are the enormous superintelligent works and care, that are essential to build our phenomenally complex cell parts and cells. This starts with making our grown foods out of atoms in the dust, then using the atoms from our foods to make our cell parts, cells, and us.
Scientists have been trying for over seventy years to make a living cell out of elements and cannot come anywhere close. We simply do not have enough intelligence. No one but our Creator can make carrots out of dust and water.
Evolution, by definition, has no intelligence to use and is thereby factually falsified as both the origin and cause of life.
Regarding the 'separation of church and state' we have to understand that God is not the church. The church can be a building or a group of people who are Satanists, New Agers, Protestants, Catholics, Mormons, or any of various cults. None of them can create anything living. The church is not God.
God is highly recognized by many churches, just as Our Governments highly recognize him in their National Holidays of Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving Day, in Justice Systems, Pledges of Allegiance, Declarations, Constitutions, Anthems, National Mottos, Public Buildings, War Memorials, and more, with slight variations nation to nation.
More info is available at: and recent books: 'God's Biology – Darwin's Replacement (Textbook)' and a simplified summary titled, 'God Is In The Grocery Store.' 50 pp. They are part of 'The Truth For Life Education Project.'