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Monday, January 20, 2025 - 03:36 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


I am always excited about the first quarter of every new year. Yet annually, while as human beings we begin each year with new hopes and dreams, it is often hard to move ahead with unfinished business yapping at our heels.

In my 2023 "multiverse" I continue to pray for victory, faith over fear, love and forgiveness in every aspect of life; from the womb to the tomb and beyond. Today is March 31, 2023; the last day of the year's first quarter. So much has happened already.

January gave us the first March for Life following the overturning of Roe v Wade. Grateful. We also honored the MLK National Holiday; looking forward to the 50th Jubilee Anniversary of the MLK I HAVE A DREAM speech.

For many reasons, January is always a bittersweet season for me.

February was a time of mixed blessings. Although there have been victories, for many of us, loved ones have passed away in the aftermath of Covid and senseless acts resulting from fear and violence. Yet, all is not lost.

Among other things, in many ways, in February, Black History Month was broadly observed with new respect among many communities. On a personal note, I was honored to reenact Harriett Tubman in Dr. Ben Carson's "Star Spangled Adventures" series.

February also ushered in a new revival of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in America.

Led by youth and young people of all ethnicities, prayer and repentance began to sweep the nation. The truth of Acts 16:26, that there is one blood/one human race has come alive in this sweeping awakening.

The end of the year's first quarter culminates with Women's History Month on March 31. This month, Chaka Kahn, a popular and gifted musical personality reminded us that life should not be about competition; we should rather appreciate each other and our talents as gifts. How wise.

Also, the release of our cover of WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN is making a splash. This is our artistic tribute to the multiverse for the first quarter of the year.

This post is intentionally a-political and non-political. Politics can't solve our problems. What we really need more than ever is the powerful love of God to overtake us in these troubled times. In the meantime, until next time - stay safe and keep looking up.

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