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Saturday, February 15, 2025 - 04:41 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


By Voting For Two Marxists For President and Vice President, Will Be Eliminating Our Freedoms

Over the last four years, Kamala Harris’ failure as Border Czar, her inability to make cogent public statements, her inability to discuss any of the administration’s policies,  her “refusal” to hold a press conference following her nomination as US President for over 45 days, her hysterical laughing, her belief in her mother’s and her father’s Marxism, and the lack of respect Allied Heads of State have for Kamala, are some of the many reasons why Comrade Kamala Harris would be unable to effectively perform the duties of a US President, or of a Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces.  She was an utter failure in the Office of Vice President.

Thousands of uninformed and misled American Citizens, have been suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.  They are willing to turn control of the 248-year-old US Constitutional Republic to the hands of Marxist Kamala Harris and Marxist Tim Walz, who are being controlled by their Puppet Master, Marxist Barack Obama.  For the first time in US History, Comrade Obama engineered the endorsement of two Marxists for President and Vice President of the US, as explained below.  He did so “without” seeking the vote of the American people.  They are the first two Hard Core Marxist candidates to ever be nominated by the Democrat Party to run for President and Vice President.  Uninformed American Citizens are being saturated be Obama’s massive and misleading public relation campaign to convince them to vote for Marxist Harris and Marxist Walz who will execute every one of Obama’s instructions to install Marxist managers in all levels of the Federal Government Bureaucracy.

The Left of Center Media Establishment controlled by Communist China’s advertising dollars and by the corrupt elite managers in control of the media, who are in the pockets of the Socialist Democrat Party, Marxist Barack Obama, Marxist Bernie Sanders, Communist George Soros, Radical Progressive Chuck Schumer, Marxist Hakeem Jeffries, and Radical Progressive Nancy Pelosi.  The Socialist Democrat Party should be renamed as the Marxist Democrat Party; it is run by Marxists, Progressives, Communists, and Washington Deep State elites who are members of the corrupt Washington oligarchy.  They will complete the censoring of “Freedom of Speech,” will continue to discharge senior enlisted conservative white US Military men, will continue to receive millions of dollars in kickbacks from government contracts, support forever wars, and will abandon the Freedoms outlined in the US Constitution.  The are planning to initiate massive electronic Voter Fraud on election night, and to anoint two Marxists for President and Vice President of the United States.

Comrade Harris’s Marxist handlers are depending on the lies promoted by the Socialist Democrat Party and the Leftist Media Establishment.  They will promote Kamala as an all American girl to sway Americans to vote for the Marxist, will count on political correctness to prevent government intelligence analysts from exposing Harris’ Marxist background, and will promote the misleading fact that Kamala is a black female in their appeal to the conscience of women and Black Americans to vote for the Marxist.  Harris’ Marxist handlers have been working to trick Americans into voting for Harris, covering up the fact that Comrade Harris is a Hardcore Marxist like her father.  By providing Americans with the listed facts in this Op Ed, we are encouraging constructive critical and independent thinking, as an alternative to believing the bold-faced lies and propaganda that the Socialist Democrat Party and the Leftist Media Establishment has been promoting in this Presidential campaign.   By clicking on the below listed link an individual will be able to read revealing facts about Comrade Kamala Harris’ Marxist connections.

Revealing Facts About Kamala Harris; Exposing How Women Suffered Under Biden-Harris Policies, And Thrived Under President Trump Policies - https://combatveteransforcongress.org/op-ed-682-revealing-facts-about-kamala-harris-exposing-how-women-suffered-under-bidenharris.

Kamala Harris’ parents were both Radical Marxist Berkley students, and never became US Citizens prior to Kamala’s birth in 1964; Kamala Harris’ mother never did become a US Citizen.  Kamala’s Marxist parents strongly supported Fidel Castro and Che Guevara; Che was Castro’s Chief Instrument for World Revolution.  They also supported the creation of the Maoist inspired Marxist Black Panther Party that was funded by Communist China.  Kamala’s Marxist father, Dr. Michael Harris, became a tenured Economics Professor at Stanford University and taught the glories of “Marxism.”  Dr. Harris instructed his students about Marxism and the Soviet Style Price Control System that Communists use to control their economies.

Kamala Harris’ Marxist handlers carefully concealed the fact that at age 7, in 1971, following her parents’ divorce, her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, a native of India, took her and her sister, Maya, to Montreal, Canada.   Harris graduated from Westmount High School in 1981, where she had also been exposed to Socialism; she remained in Canada until 1983, when she returned to California.   It was reported, but not confirmed that in the mid-1980s, Kamala traveled to Moscow and Voronezh, Russia through the All-Union Komsomol Organization.   In 1989, Kamala graduated and obtained a law degree from the University of California, Hastings in San Francisco.  Following her graduation from law school, Kamala joined the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office in 1990.

Kamala Harris was mentored and bedded as the girlfriend of the married CA Leftist Assembly Speaker Willie Brown in the mid-1990s, for about ten years, during her election to various offices in California; during that period Leftist Willie Brown, as the CA Assembly Speaker, had a warm friendly relationship with Communist China, and he repeatedly made trips to Communist China.  Kamala Harris supported her mother and father’s Marxist philosophy and was in tune with Leftist Willie Brown’s friendly relationship with Communist China.  Kamala has always had a penchant for Soviet-era governing styles, along with her beliefs that “capitalism isn’t working for everyone;” her stated intention is to install Soviet Style Price Controls in the US, which have never worked, and to centralize commodity pricing structures.  Those policies are right out of the Marxist Play Book.

Obama observed Kamala’s rise in various elective offices in CA, because of Leftist Willie Brown’s strong support, the support of radical CA Leftists, and CA Marxists support, she always ran as the Radical CA Socialist Democrat Party standard bearer.  Obama appreciated the fact that Kamala’s parents were Berkley Radical Marxist Revolutionaries, and that she supported their Marxist policies.  So, Kamala was Obama’s first choice to be the 2020 Socialist Democrat Presidential candidate.  However, despite Kamala’s exhaustive campaign throughout the nation in 2020, she could not even get “one vote” to be the Socialist Democrat Party Presidential nominee; the nomination went to Biden who was hiding in his basement and did not campaign. 

Obama saw a second opportunity to again propose his Marxist President selectee of 2020, to be the Socialist Democrat Presidential Nominee in 2024.  There was no need for debates against other contenders for the nomination after Biden faltered in his debate with President Trump, or to have a popular vote of Socialist Democrats nationally, Obama just had Kamala selected as the nominee.  There was no need for a national election campaign in 50 states, for a contentious fight over the Socialist Democrat Marxist Party Platform, and there would be no need for any Press Conferences by Kamala after she received the Socialist Democrat Party Nomination (45 days and still counting).   Obama selected Kamala’s running mate, Marxist Tim Walz, a strong advocate for Communist China, who made 30 annual trips to Communist China in 31 years, and was repeatedly charged with and was found guilty of Stolen Valor.

They intend to change the Republic into a Marxist State.  It will not be pretty, and American Citizens whose Freedoms outlined in The Bill of Rights, will be shredded.  When a Marxist government or ruler controls an individual and owns their work product, and a small group of elites are in control of government agencies, that system is oppressive Marxism.  In a Marxist State, the Freedoms of the individual, as outlined in the US Constitution, and the Free Enterprise System practiced in the United States today are eliminated.

Since the reference to Marxism is made throughout the above narrative, the below listed article puts Marxism in focus.  By reading the below listed article, Americans will understand what Hard-Core Marxist Harris, Marxist Walz, and Marxist Obama, in the Maoist molds, have planned for the US Constitutional Republic; they are wolves in sheep’s clothing posing as Democrats----THE BELOW LISTED ARTCLE IS A MUST READ!!!!!


Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only be posted on another Web site or be distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62
Capt USN(Ret)/Former FBI
Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
San Diego, CA


Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” -Isaiah 6:8