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Omicron: Country Pauses for a Moment of Science
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- By Tony Perkins - Family Research Council
Stand by for Act III. While the rest of the world reeled with the discovery of a new COVID variant, Omicron, at least one person appears to be basking in the spotlight once again: Dr. Anthony Fauci. Reveling in his celebrity-like status on the Sunday shows, the president's pandemic mouthpiece didn't let the absence of scientific information hinder his discussion about the latest COVID variant.
In Fauci's latest media tour, the infectious diseases director dodged any substantive questions about Omicron and instead focused on stoking fear and painting himself as a political martyr. "I've stayed away from politics my entire life," he told CBS's Margaret Brennan, and it's "painful and disturbing," Fauci claimed, to be attacked by Republicans when he "only cares about science and health." It's "outlandish politicization" of a public health crisis, he argued. "I'm just going to do my job, and I'm going to be saving lives -- and they're going to be lying."
Nurse Whistleblower: "I'm Watching Them Commit Murder"
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- By The Stew Peters Show
So we’re told endlessly that the Covid-19 vaccine is amazing and safe and perfect, but somehow I’m able to get a new nurse on this show every single day with new horror stories about what’s happening in our nation’s hospitals. Really weird how they disagree with Saint Fauci.
Megan is a nurse in Minnesota. She has 15 years of experience, and she says the hospital she works in is falling apart. COVID patients are being treated with Remdesivir and stuck on ventilators, and it’s killing them.
She says the new monoclonal antibody treatment is working on patients, but her hospital won’t prescribe it because they can’t bill people for it. If you can’t cash in, may as well let people die it turns out.
Everywhere she looks, she sees lies. There’s the lie that ICUs are packed full of unvaxxed patients. In reality, she says nothing could be further from the truth, and in many cases, the unvaxxed patients are sick after getting the disease from vaccinated family members. And the ICUs aren’t full. They have lots of empty beds, but can’t take more patients because the real shortage is in nurses. It’s like the whole crisis is engineered to intentionally collapse the health care system, Megan is extremely distraught over this whole thing, she’s done a LOT of praying about it and she’s been given the courage to come forward and she joined Stew to discuss.
Chinese Whistleblower, Virologist and Vaccine Expert Dr. Li-Meng Yan Calls for Complete Transparency from Vaccine Makers and the Biden Administration on the Need for the COVID Booster Shot
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- By Christian Newswire
NEW YORK -- As the Delta variant rages, the Biden Administration wants Americans to get a booster shot beginning September 20th. However, there is lingering doubt as CDC advisors called for more data to support the boosters. Compounding the uncertainty, two top FDA vaccine officials—Dr. Marion Gruber, Director, and Dr. Phil Krause, Deputy Director of the Office of Vaccines Research and Review—suddenly resigned.
"These sudden resignations and calls for more data are very troubling," says Dr. Li-Meng Yan. "It's very risky to issue a booster without the proper scientific understanding of the virus and its variants."
*10* Facts Why Healthcare Workers are Refusing the COVID-19 Vaccine
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- By Dr. Christa Krzeminski
For months, the news media has constantly barraged viewers with vaccine, vaccine, vaccine.
It’s amazing how many experts on vaccines and viruses have emerged over the last 11 months. I mean seriously, experts are everywhere…Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, the local grocery store! It is truly astonishing!
One statistic that has been circulating, which many people are questioning, is 40% of front line healthcare workers have refused the vaccine. This number comes from multiple government watchdog organizations who have combed through the data of county health departments.
That is a big number…4 out of 10 healthcare providers have refused the vaccine!
Reports of America's Death Are Greatly Exaggerated
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- By Tony Perkins - Family Research Council
Look up hyperbole in the dictionary, and you'll find a description of President Joe Biden's speech Tuesday at Philadelphia's National Constitution Center, warning Americans that state election security bills are a "21st Century Jim Crow assault" on democracy. Among his more ridiculous exaggerations, Biden warned: "We're facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War. That's not hyperbole. Since the Civil War. The Confederates back then never breached the Capitol as insurrectionists did on January the 6th. I'm not saying this to alarm you; I'm saying this because you should be alarmed."
'I'm from the Government, and I'm Here to Vaccinate'
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- By Tony Perkins - Family Research Council
Most people were shocked when the president wanted to go door-to-door with his vaccine campaign -- but that's only the half of it. According to a Pentagon spokesman, the White House is also planning to go barracks to barracks -- requiring the men and women of our voluntary military to involuntarily surrender their freedom and take an unproven shot some of them don't want.
Frankly, Obama Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told CNN, "I think the president ought to issue an order requiring everybody in the military to get a COVID-19 shot -- period. That's an issue involving our national security," he argued. "The last d--- thing you need is to have those in the military that are our warriors unable to respond to a mission because they've gotten COVID-19. There's no excuse for that." Interesting, considering that the same military leadership has been cheerleading the troops' gender reassignment surgery, which renders patients completely undeployable for months. Apparently, it's no problem if you skip out on your job for the extreme LGBT cause. But if you have a personal objection to the vaccine, well then, a handful of potential sick days is unacceptable.
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- Our Children Should Not Be Guinea Pigs In The Rush To Test New Vaccines!
- Miscarriages Skyrocket 366% in Six Weeks Due to Covid Vaccines
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- Personhood Alliance Announces Official Position on Vaccine Ethics
- COVID Broadens Mental Health Crisis