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Foundation Files Suit to Halt DC Minor Consent Law
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- By Parental Rights Foundation
WASHINGTON -- Today the Parental Rights Foundation, in conjunction with Children's Health Defense, filed suit in federal court on behalf of four DC parents to halt enforcement of DC's Minor Consent to Vaccination Act of 2020. According to the complaint, the new law circumvents the legal and constitutional right of parents to make medical decisions for their minor children.
Passed by the DC Council on a 10-3 vote last November and allowed to pass into law by Mayor Muriel Bowser in December, the Minor Consent Act would allow a medical provider to administer vaccines to any child aged 11 or older if the medical provider decides the minor is mature enough to provide informed consent and if the vaccine is on the list of vaccines recommended by the United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
Our Children Should Not Be Guinea Pigs In The Rush To Test New Vaccines!
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- By Eagle Forum
Please sign this petition that will be sent to Senators and Representatives. Please note that the petition is not a statement of overall opposition to vaccinations or the COVID-19 vaccination. It is an expression of opposition to mandating what is still an experimental vaccine. We need our Congressional Representatives to protect our privacy and our freedom of health care choice.
College Students Must Be Protected From Dangerous COVID Vaccine Mandates
Miscarriages Skyrocket 366% in Six Weeks Due to Covid Vaccines
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- By Ethan Huff - Natural News
(Natural News) Official data released by the British government shows that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections are killing unborn babies at an astounding rate.
The latest Medicines and Healthcare produce Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) Yellow Card Scheme report, dated Dec. 9, 2020, through March 7, 2021, reveals a whopping 366 percent increase in the rate of miscarriage thanks to Chinese virus jabs.
This is the seventh such report to be released by the MHRA and it clearly shows that Wuhan flu shots are extremely deadly, especially for pregnant women who, for whatever reason, decide to get jabbed.
Beware of COVID “Vaccine,” Warns Top Doctor
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- By Alex Newman - The New American
In this follow-up interview with Senior Editor Alex Newman of The New American magazine, former president of the Assocation of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) Dr. Lee Merritt warned about enormous risks associated with the experimental COVID19 “vaccines” from companies such as Pfizer, Moderna, and more. From potentially being used as a bioweapon and lack of safety testing to massive side-effects that can occur and are occurring worldwide, there are huge dangers that are not being discussed by the Big Pharma-funded establishment media. Meanwhile, there are very effective treatments such as hydroxychloroquine that were deliberately suppressed so the vaccine makers could get their experimental gene drug masquerading as a vaccine approved under the FDA’s “Emergency Use Authorization.”
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Alex Newman is a senior editor for The New American. He can be reached at
Abortion is Not Safe: New Video Documents 67 Abortion-Related Medical Emergencies and 1 Maternal Death in 2020
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- By Christian Newswire
WICHITA, Kan -- Today, Operation Rescue released a new video that documents 67 medical emergencies that took place at American abortion facilities in 2020, including one abortion-related maternal death. The video vividly shatters the rhetoric of the Abortion Cartel that attempts to convince the public that abortion is safe.
Out of the 67 medical emergencies documented in 2020, 30 involved Planned Parenthood abortion facilities.
Personhood Alliance Announces Official Position on Vaccine Ethics
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- By Christian Newswire
WASHINGTON -- The national board of directors of the Personhood Alliance announced today its official position on vaccine ethics (www.personhood.org/vaccines). This announcement comes at a critical time, as vaccine development and other treatments for COVID-19 race forward and as new laws make it more difficult to claim moral and religious exemptions for vaccines that are produced or tested using the remains of aborted human beings.
COVID Broadens Mental Health Crisis
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- By Eagle Forum
Yet another unintended consequence of COVID-19 induced shutdowns is being felt across the country. Many states are experiencing a mental health crisis, with rising rates of suicide and overdoses. It’s no wonder that the prolonged pandemic is taking a toll on mental health; the mainstream media has been engaged in unrelenting fearmongering as affected Americans are suffering from unemployment, boredom, and isolation.
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