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Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 08:27 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Trump 2024 2892
Donald J. Trump Speaks Out May 31, 2024, New York.

Arrogant Totalitarian Power Championed by Complicit Mainstream Media

The outrageous Soviet-style trial of former President Donald Trump may mark the darkest days of American history. It is a totalitarian and immediate existential threat to American freedom and justice. It was a temporary triumph of big lies, utter dishonesty, and a complete distortion and violation of almost every principle of American justice and the rules of evidence. It is an arrogant  insult to all who have cherished, worked for, and fought to preserve the integrity, justice,  freedom, and common-sense fairness of American government serving the common good of the American people. Many have sacrificed their lives and fortunes in preserving this heritage. Yet all this may be undone and lost if the American people and their Representatives tolerate the monstruous villainy of the Manhattan District Court and Prosecutor or their like anywhere in the United States. The American people must also turn to better guides to truth than have been demonstrated by the cowardly and complicit mainstream media.

President Trump gave a 33-minute speech at 11 AM EDT, Thursday, May 31, in New York expressing his consternation over the utterly unfair,  dishonest, and despotic conduct of the “rigged” trial,  in which the judge denied the jury access to exculpatory evidence and witnesses, one of which was head of the Federal Election Commission, highly relevant to jury understanding of election law. He also pointed out that the so-called crime has never been recognized as a crime. In a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), Trump’s legal expenses regarding the NDA were referred to as “legal expenses” 34 times. This term “legal expenses” is standard for NDAs. Trump had nothing to do with specifying the phrase. The NDA was drawn up by an experienced legal clerk who inserted the standard language of “legal expenses.” This was not a misrepresentation, but it was construed as a misrepresentation by the Manhattan District Attorney and presiding Judge.

A true misrepresentation would have been a misdemeanor subject to fine. Since the “legal expenses” designation was used more than once in the document, the Judge and District Attorney felt justified in upgrading the so-called crime from a misdemeanor to a felony, using the election implications as justification. This is not the rule of law or election law.  Far from it;  it is corrupted thinking unconstitutionally creating law for political manipulation, bullying, and vengeance. Trump pointed out that the case had been rejected by several courts, including the Southern New York District, and that it should not have been picked up by any court because the statute of limitations had expired. Moreover, Trump easily connected the very prominent dotted lines that show the Biden Administration had a major part in this planned INSULT to the Rule of Law and the American people by using dishonest lawfare to destroy Trump, fair elections, and anyone who opposes the Deep State Mafia.  

Most of Trump’s 33 minute speech was dedicated to campaign issues, especially crime, immigration, open borders, inflation, energy independence, and national security. He called the miscarriage of justice and degrading of the American justice system exhibited in his trial more important than himself, more important than the presidency, and extremely dangerous to the very survival of America as a stable and free nation. He regards November 5 as the most important election in American history, which will determine its survival as a free, just, and great nation.

Most recognized legal experts, who only appeared on Fox, agreed that the trial was a terrible blemish on American justice, listing as many as six major causes for being overturned on appeal. But the election will be over by the time it takes to go through the Appeal process. The U.S. Supreme Court will be remiss if they do not acknowledge the danger to Justice and the American Republic and immediately address the case and its issues.

In writing this article I first looked for a transcript of Trump’s May 31 speech. Using Google and MSN.  Rather than leads to finding a transcript, I found only highly distorted titles condemning the speech by the usual mainstream media suspects.

At the top of the list was ABC’s “Trump Hush Money Conviction.” ABC is underrated as a leftist propaganda source. It is just more subtle in its high-toned bias and oblivious omissions. The usual suspects in Google order of disgusting anti-Trump hit pieces rather than genuine coverage of the speech were CNN, the New York Times, NPR, Politico, CBS, The Atlantic, NBC, and MSNBC. I am sure the Washington Post was not far behind. I have still not found an actual transcript. The speech was well covered by Fox News, although some on Fox expressed no concern about the extraordinary irregularities of the trial. Even they acknowledged that it is almost certain to be overturned in an Appeals Court in a year or two.

What really condemns these media corporations is that only Fox stayed the full 33 minutes of Trump’s speech. The others left after 10 to 15 minutes to compose their hit pieces. This was noted by both Fox and Glenn Beck on the scene. The entire 33-minute video may now be seen  on YouTube thanks to the Washington Examiner.

WATCH IN FULL: Trump responds to historic felony conviction - Washington Examiner

I urge every thoughtful and concerned American to watch it at least once. The Mainstream Media and the Biden Administration are hoping you do not watch it.

In my wide internet search to get some facts, I found foreign news more helpful than most of the U.S. Mainstream Media.  One of the most concise and objective was Russia Today, now also called RT.  RT is often considered Russian propaganda, but its style under Putin, to whom international credibility is important, is not disinformation. It is putting the Russian view and relevant facts in their best light. Here are some quotes from the brief article:

“Trump stood accused of ordering his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, to mislabel $130,000 worth of ‘hush-money’ payments to porn star Stormy Daniels as “legal expenses.” 

“Prosecutors argued that this bookkeeping decision amounted to “election fraud,” as the disclosure of these payments could have negatively influenced the 2016 election.”

“The case was dismissed as legally unsound by the Southern District of New York in 2021 and even by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg in 2022. However, Bragg reversed his earlier decision and brought the case in 2023, four months after Trump announced his 2024 election campaign.”

“Falsification of business records is typically a misdemeanor-level offense in New York, punishable by a fine. However, Bragg elevated the charges to felonies, arguing that Trump falsified the records in a bid to violate federal election laws. Generally, state-level courts do not have the jurisdiction to try federal crimes.”

“Trump was slapped with 34 separate charges, one for each individual document referring to a payment to Daniels.”

This is a really important fact. Biden and his Democrat media captives are phrasing their campaign against Trump as if he had committed 34 separate felonies. This only refers to using the phrase “Legal expenses” 34 times in the NDA agreement or on 34 pages of the NDA.  Actually it is a dishonest stretch even to call them 34 misdemeanors. It was really a decision for only one combined NDA document, and that decision was standard legal practice.

Here is a partial transcript from the actual Court Verdict:

“The Clerk: Members of the jury, you have said through your foreperson that you find the Defendant, Donald J. Trump guilty of all 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.”  

Each juror was then asked: “Is this your verdict?’, which they all agreed to. It is all just about using the phrase “Legal Expenses,” a standard practice that Trump did not question.

RT summed it up this way:

“The former president spent much of the six-week trial under a gag order, which barred him from publicly criticizing prosecutors, jurors, or witnesses – including Cohen and Daniels. Trump repeatedly condemned this order, calling it “unconstitutional” and arguing that the entire trial – during which he was forbidden from calling certain witnesses – was a Democrat-orchestrated plot to derail his re-election campaign.”

This is basically in agreement with most of the Fox commentary, including legal experts. Trump’s sentencing is July 11, just before the Republican National Convention. He could get as many as 20 years in prison. According to Fox legal experts, Trump’s conviction of a felony does not prohibit him from running for President or becoming President. According to a Daily Mail Poll on Thursday, Trump jumped six points on news of his conviction. The Trump campaign also set of record of $39 million in mostly small donations in the first 10 hours. Indeed, you have to be totally uniformed, stupid, crooked, or a pathologically bullheaded anti-American not to see through this Judicial villainy and tyranny.

Trump attorney Will Scharf told Fox News:

“This case is replete with reversible error going back to the very first day, continuing through jury instructions. Every aspect of this case is ripe for appeal. We are going to appeal as quickly as we can. We will seek expedited review of this case.  And we’re going to trust that the appellate courts in New York understand the dangerous Pandora’s box that this lawless judgment has opened and that they understand the potential ramifications to our legal system if this unjust verdict is allowed to stand.

Responding to questions, Scharf also indicated that a direct appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court was an option. He closed his remarks saying,

“Justice has not been done in this New York courtroom today.

Joe Biden keeps repeating that “nobody is above the law,” but he and his allies have hypocritically put themselves above the law by making up outrageous laws to bring down Trump and any who dare oppose them.  In his speech, Trump called Biden the dumbest, crookedest, and most dishonest President ever. Considering there are a lot of other Biden burdens on the country, that might actually be an understatement. But despite Trump’s surge in the polls, American voters should not be complacent. The Democrats may replace Biden before or during their August 19-22 National Convention in Chicago. His replacement will not carry the whole burden of his record of misgovernance and subservience to social radicalism, but they will be cut from the same ideological and moral mold.

The new Democrat standard bearer and Deep State lieutenants will be backed by great power, enormous wealth both foreign and domestic, and have little moral conscious in their methods. They have already flooded America with millions of illegal immigrants. Many nations are emptying their prisons into our open borders. In some critical states, they may be mailed ballots, and someone will vote them. Moreover, the unprincipled, thoroughly dishonest, and cowardly Mainstream Media will continue to bury truth and exalt the lies and false narratives of the monied establishment Left, persecuting Trump, his allies, and determined followers.  Be alert rather than complacent. We must save our country from despots, slavish cowards, and fools. A Trump win on November 5 is going to take widespread effort, generous financial support from millions of ordinary people, and courage.  

In 1630,  in Southampton, England, Puritan leader and later Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, John Winthrop, gave a warning sermon to his fellow Puritans about to depart to America.  It closed with words based on Jesus’s teaching in the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of the world, a city built on a hill cannot be hidden.”  Both presidents  John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan referred to Winthrop’s closing words in their inauguration speeches.  

In that spirit, may the Author of all Truth and Wisdom hear our pleas and guide us to righteous courage and actions to make our country like a City on a Hill that will become a beacon of light and hope, of justice and right, of truth and wisdom, to the nations and to our posterity.  


Mike ScruggsMike Scruggs is the author of two books: The Un-Civil War: Shattering the Historical Myths; and Lessons from the Vietnam War: Truths the Media Never Told You, and over 600 articles on military history, national security, intelligent design, genealogical genetics, immigration, current political affairs, Islam, and the Middle East.

He holds a BS degree from the University of Georgia and an MBA from Stanford University. A former USAF intelligence officer and Air Commando, he is a decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, and holds the Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, and Air Medal. He is a retired First Vice President for a major national financial services firm and former Chairman of the Board of a classical Christian school.

Click the website below to order books. http://www.universalmediainc.org/books.htm.