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Saturday, February 8, 2025 - 05:41 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


New York UN WHO

Outraged by the growing influence of the mass-murdering Chinese Communist Party and other perceived problems, U.S. lawmakers recently re-introduced legislation that would end U.S. membership in the United Nations and its agencies, such as the UN World Health Organization (WHO).

In addition to ending U.S. government involvement with the UN, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 7806) would remove the UN’s controversial headquarters from U.S. soil and protect American troops from having to serve under UN command.   

U.S. Representative Mike Rogers, a conservative Republican representing eastern Alabama, has been the lead sponsor of the bill in several congresses so far. He has raised numerous concerns over the years, including corruption, waste, hostility to Israel, opposition to fundamental American principles, the UN’s hatred of the Second Amendment, and more.

“The United Nations has repeatedly proven itself to be an utterly useless organization,” explained Rogers in a statement announcing the re-introduction of the bill last month, doubling down on previous comments referring to the UN as a “disaster.”

Some of the congressman’s major concerns are the UN’s growing hostility to genuine human rights and its increasing subservience to the dictatorship in Beijing and others hostile to individual liberty and the United States.

“The UN’s founding charter states the UN’s mission ‘to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,’” added Rogers in the statement. “However, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet has proven herself to be nothing more than a puppet for the Chinese Communist Party — aiding the CCP in playing down the very real and horrifying genocide being carried out against Uyghurs.”

Indeed, The New American has been exposing the “Socialist” Bachelet for years. From her close ties to the communist movement in Latin America and Beijing to her ongoing anti-American diatribes calling for restricting rights in America, Bachelet has become extremely controversial. Concerns about the UN official’s abuse of diplomatic immunity to shield her and others from criminal probes are also growing.

Rogers blasted the UN’s cozy relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. “It’s unconscionable that China continues to sit on the UN Human Rights Council even as it carries out this disturbing genocide on top of its numerous and daily violations of basic human rights,” the Republican congressman said.

“It’s clear the UN has abandoned the ideals set in its founding charter and that’s why, among many other reasons, I’ve reintroduced legislation to withdraw the United States from the UN,” he added.

When introducing the bill in 2019, Rogers blasted the UN as an “inefficient bureaucracy” and a “complete waste of American tax dollars.” Saying the legislation was one of his top priorities, Rogers noted that the global organization “works against America’s interests around the world” and continues to “attack our rights as U.S. citizens.” 

Another key element of the bill would end U.S. involvement in the disgraced World Health Organization. Among other scandals, the UN agency is led by a former communist terror leader backed by Beijing, and was repeatedly exposed parroting the CCP’s talking points.

“The WHO lost all credibility when they chose to put public health second to the Chinese Communist Party by helping the CCP cover up the origins of COVID-19,” continued Rogers, blasting the UN WHO as “corrupt.”

Reacting to similar concerns, President Donald Trump started the process to remove the U.S. from the WHO, drawing widespread applause from conservatives and Republicans across America.

Joe Biden promptly re-engaged with the UN agency after taking power, though numerous congressional efforts to stop funding for and end U.S. involvement in WHO continue. (Trump did get the United States out of UNESCO, the UN’s “education” agency, and so far Biden has not been able to reverse that.)

Co-sponsors of the latest iteration of the American Sovereignty Restoration Act include Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-Tenn.), Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), and Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas).

Massie, a longtime champion of the #Amexit movement to get the United States out of the UN, previously told The New American that there are many reasons why the U.S. government should cut all ties with the controversial global organization.

“The best thing that you can say about the United Nations is it’s mostly ineffective and a waste of money,” said Congressman Massie, who campaigned for an “Amexit” from the UN after the British people voted for a “Brexit” from the European Union. “That’s the best thing you can say about it. So I’m glad that they are somewhat ineffective, but I don’t like that we waste the money.”

But that is just the start. Another major problem is that the UN is packed with autocratic regimes and is constantly seeking to infringe on the sovereignty of nation states.  “It’s full of dictators, and it’s also something that I don’t think our sovereign government should defer to,” Massie explained in an interview at The John Birch Society’s 60th anniversary celebration.

“For instance, a lot of these foreign relations bills that come in front of us in Congress and the whereas clauses — they might say ‘whereas the UN has said this,’ or ‘the UN decided this, now therefore be it resolved’ — well that’s almost an automatic no for me, because why would I defer to the United Nations if we’re a sovereign country?” asked Massie.

The Kentucky congressman, who has a near-perfect score on The New American magazine’s Freedom Index, also warned that the U.S. government supplies far more than the American people’s “fair share” for the UN’s budget. “But a fair share would be zero, and we should get out,” he added.

With an added boost from the United Kingdom’s successful bid to secede from the European Union, Massie launched the “Amexit” campaign in 2016, saying there was fresh interest in the move. Trump’s efforts to end U.S. involvement in various UN agencies and programs also proved to be popular with Americans.

The Deep State, though, wants to keep Americans entangled in international organizations. “They would like to see us fully involved in the United Nations and intervening in every country possible,” Massie said, adding that global agencies increasingly dictate policy to American elected officials and that many congressmen are more than willing to bow down.  

In a more recent interview with The New American magazine in which he called for passing the American Sovereignty Restoration Act, Massie took special aim at the World Trade Organization, saying it has long been “hostile” to the United States. Indeed, it was the WTO that purported to “force” Congress into repealing its country-of-origin labeling for meat.

Blasting the UN as “a collection of dictators,” Massie also pointed to the WHO’s attacks on science and language — and how the CDC followed suit in seeking to redefine terms such as “vaccine” and “herd immunity.” “It is Orwellian in the sense that they’re trying to control thought by controlling the language that we use,” he added.

As the UN becomes increasingly aggressive in its efforts to undermine sovereignty and redefine the concept of rights — not to mention empower Communist China and itself — public sentiment in America is souring. Top conservatives ranging from U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) to former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (R) have expressly called for the United States to exit the UN, too.

The effort to liberate the United States from the UN — an agenda long championed by The John Birch Society, which publishes this magazine — has been gaining steam for decades. Congressional votes on defunding the UN and the Trump administration’s strident attacks on the UN have shown that the movement is no longer a fringe issue, as it was in the 1960s and 1970s.

One leading advocate for the American Sovereignty Restoration Act was former Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas). Paul, who ran for president and made history by attracting millions of young people and breaking fundraising records, introduced the bill regularly in the 1990s and 2000s. He called on Congress to at least vote on the bill, so Americans could know where their representatives stood on the issue.

Another lead champion of the measure was U.S. Congressman Larry McDonald (D-Ga.), a hardcore conservative who also served as the chairman of The John Birch Society. Unfortunately, in the mid-1980s a Soviet fighter jet shot down the commercial airliner he was a passenger on.

Even establishment-minded figures have joined the chorus. Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley said Americans must decide whether or not the U.S. government should remain involved.  “The American people need to decide if it’s worth it,” she said of continued U.S. membership, adding that “the verdict is still out.”

As is typical, the bill has been referred to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, where internationalists in leadership will do their best to ignore it and keep it bottled up. However, with a public groundswell in favor of getting the U.S. out, lawmakers will have to bend to the will of their constituents.


Alex Newman is a senior editor for The New American. He can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or through Liberty Sentinel Media. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook.