“Everything I Know about the Bible I Learned on the Farm”- A Book Review
Jim Geyer is a blessed man. He grew up on a farm. Many of his generation received that blessing although, at the time, it may not have been recognized as a blessing, because work was hard, winters and summers were harsh, and conveniences were scarce. There were no cell-phones, television, I-pods or inside plumbing. In fact many modern crop-harvesting machines had not been invented.
In more recent years, Jim and his family moved from the Midwest to Upstate South Carolina. He is an ordained Christian minister who has conducted more than 200 seminars and workshops on leadership, has earned a masters in education administration and supervision, and has worked as both a Christian school administrator and a business owner. He is also the published author of several Christian magazine articles and numerous instructional materials for Christian schools and churches.
At the present time, less than one percent of Americans live on farms and experience the valuable blessings and first-hand lessons of God’s miraculous creation that Jim Geyer and millions of Americans of his generation experienced.
Recognizing the void in the life experience of many children and their parents, Jim Geyer has recorded some of his valuable experiences in a 190-page volume titled: Dad and Mom’s Country Wisdom: Everything I Know About the Bible I Learned on the Farm.
As a volunteer at Roper Mountain Science Farm, Jim discovered the void in the life-experience of local students. In one group of 20 students, only one knew that corn flakes came from corn and none could identify a corn stalk.
Reflecting upon his heritage, Jim says: “I had the privilege of being raised on a large farm in the Midwest. I realize it was a God-given blessing. During my childhood and early adult years, my roots went deep into God’s created earth. Now from those roots has blossomed a deep love for, and fuller understanding of, God’s Word; a knowledge of God’s marvelous creation of the soil, trees, plants, herbs, and flowers; and an understanding of God’s creation being one beautiful bloom of harmony and productivity. From this heritage has come not only a better and deeper understanding of God’s Word and biblical principles but also a deeper understanding of how it has spiritually affected my life.”
The author teaches us that God speaks to us through two sources: “the written Word of God (the Bible) and the marvelous masterpiece of creation.”
Individuals who grew up on a farm or spent a summer on a farm with grandparents will relate to these stories. They not only make connections to important Scriptural lessons, but paint a vivid portrait of farm life with it’s painful lessons learned by experience and the knee slapping humor that is part of farm life that, without television and video games, became what you made of it.
Jim Geyer combined his knowledge of God’s Word and his memories of farm life to provide the reader with entertaining, meaningful lessons of the genius of creation and how great our God is.
This book is easy to read, with short stories and a spiritual lesson in each brief chapter. Once you read a page, you will not want to put it down. This masterpiece could have been written only by a child of God who has walked with bare feet in cool, freshly plowed ground.
Dad and Mom’s Country Wisdom: Everything I Know About the Bible I Learned on the Farm is available in bookstores. For more information, contact the author at