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Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 04:17 PM


First Published in 1994


Former Democrat gubernatorial candidate James Smith rejected as judge

SC Congressional Conservatives Block Liberal Judge

Today, conservatives had another major win at the State House.

The General Assembly held elections for our state’s judges. As we have discussed before, our current judicial election system is inherently flawed by allowing trial-lawyer legislators to choose the judges in front of whom they try their cases.

Over the years numerous liberals have been elected to the bench despite Republican control of both chambers. In fact just a few years ago Justice Kay Hearn, a proven liberal, was re-elected to a 10 year term (despite the fact she could only serve 1 year due to age limitations) against our objections. She then served as the deciding vote and wrote the majority opinion striking down the Heartbeat Bill in SC.

This year the uniparty again attempted to place another liberal on the bench. But they hit a major roadblock—the momentum of the SC Freedom Caucus.

Since the start of session, House Leadership has been pushing to elect former gubernatorial candidate and House Minority Leader, James Smith as a circuit court judge. Smith was endorsed by Planned Parenthood, Bernie Sanders, and endorsed Joe Biden for President.

How a candidate as flawed as Smith was released by the Judicial Merit Selection Commission is baffling but is par for the course for the uniparty in Columbia. Lawyer-legislators secured enough off the record pledges for Smith and even successfully pressured his opponent drop out. Smith had it won. But then we exposed the plan and took to the grassroots.

We emailed over 15,000 people to contact their legislators, and conservative allies like Charlie James, radio host on 98.9 WORD, and Citizens for Life rallied conservatives across the state. Republicans once supporting Smith began to abandon ship thanks to YOU!

Today, when the vote came up, the vast majority of Republicans joined together, and Smith’s candidacy was defeated.


Green votes recommitted Smith’s nomination ending his bid to become a circuit judge

This is a massive win for our judicial system. South Carolina is truly changing. But it is only changing because of the momentum of the conservative movement. Stay engaged, and stay informed!

Thank you to all who made calls and sent emails. Your efforts made the difference.