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Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 11:27 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Voting Democrat in November Could Cancel Our Constitution

September 17, 2024, marked 238 years since our Founding Fathers signed their names to a document that has given us tremendous freedoms. The Constitution was very controversial at the time with some delegates refusing to sign their names and others who were skeptical engaging in negotiations for a signature much like the politicking we see in Congress today. However, the Constitution was successfully ratified, thereby creating the United States system as a beacon of freedom and strength. 

All these years later, the tenets of our Constitution remain under attack. Power-hungry politicians, activists, and foreign adversaries want to push Marxist and Communist ideologies in our nation. The current extreme Democrat policies parallel these views. Calls have been made to enshrine abortion and gender ideology into the Constitution as well as eliminate the Electoral College. Another four years of a radical Democrat in the White House could be damaging to our foundational freedoms.

Recently, Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris championed President Joe Biden’s proposal to reform the Supreme Court. Not only have Democrats disparaged and invoked violence on the Justices with whom they do not agree, they are advocating for a complete overhaul of how the selection of Justices occurs. Article III of the Constitution establishes the Supreme Court as an independent branch of the federal government to shield its decisions from the political whims of Congress and the Executive branch. Yet, Biden’s reforms suggest staggered 18-year terms that would cause the Court’s members to fluctuate more often and be subject to political influence.

After former President Donald Trump had the opportunity to seat three Supreme Court Justices during his term, which led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Democrats began talking about packing the Court. Senator Edward Markey (D-MA) introduced the Judiciary Act of 2023 (S. 1616), which would increase the number of justices from nine to thirteen. While Harris has not explicitly endorsed this bill nor the idea of expanding the Court, she has said she is “open to this conversation.” Make no mistake, it is not a matter of principle that causes her hesitation. She wants to make sure that she is the President who will make the call on the four new Justices.

Fortunately, the current makeup of the House and Senate would not allow for such radical legislation to move forward. However, time is running out this year to codify language that would prevent court packing. The proposed “Keep Nine” amendment to the Constitution, H.J. Res. 8 and S.J. Res. 21, simply states that the Court is to be composed of nine Justices. Not a single Democrat has cosponsored these resolutions. If Harris wins the Presidency in November, Democrats could move forward with packing the Supreme Court to solidify their agenda.

Who you vote for matters. Not only do we need a Republican in the White House, but also a conservative majority in the House and Senate to pass meaningful legislation and prevent the dangerous ideology of the Harris-Walz campaign. At our upcoming Eagle Council in St. Louis, we will have voter guides and action items for you to bring back to your state. If you haven’t registered yet, you still have a few more days! Visit our website here for more information.