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Monday, February 17, 2025 - 04:56 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio
John Deberry expelled (ousted) by Democratic Party in 2020. More photos of Black candidates expelled by Joe Biden here

Joe Biden is claiming the Tennessee Republicans are racist and "undemocratic" for expelling two Black representatives from the House of Representatives for leading a takeover of the Tennessee House this week.

Public Advocate supports the proper removal and expulsion of radical leftists who illegally disrupted the legislative sessions in Tennessee.

However it is Joe Biden who has waged "undemocratic" war against Black candidates and there is a long list of Democratic Party candidates who are victims of Joe Biden's racism.

In fact, Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have an established pattern of expelling Black people from the ballot in Tennessee for a decade.

Biden is a hypocrite in Tennessee for removing moderate (pro-family) black Congressional candidate of Memphis, Marion LaTroy Alexandria-Williams, from the ballot for U.S. Congress twice (2018 and 2020) but was forced by a Federal court to post Marion LaTroy Alexandria-Williams on the 2022 Democratic Party ballot. Public Advocate fought for this Black moderate candidate to be on the ballot.

LaTroy Alexandria-Williams was allowed on the 2022 ballot only after a federal court ordered his placement on the ballot opposite white liberal Steve Cohen.

Biden is a hypocrite in Tennessee for attempting to force moderate (pro-family) Black Councilman Jonathan Hall, Nashville, from the ballot by filing a frivolous financial disclosure complaint resulting in a $360,000 fine that bars him from running for re-election. Public Advocate fought for this candidate to receive a fair hearing and it is the subject of continuing litigation.

Public Advocate is fighting to overturn an unfair $360,000 fine for a minor disclosure mistake against pro-life Councilman Jonathan Hall in Nashville, Tennessee.

And here is a report on Public Advocate representatives filing complaints against Joe Biden's purge of candidates previously.

Biden is a hypocrite in Tennessee for removing long time moderate (pro-family) Black Representative John DeBerry in 2020 from the Democratic Party ballot, preventing him from having ballot status. DeBerry served 26 years and was a pro-family advocate all his years.

See Tennessean for Biden's Democratic Party voting to expel John DeBerry.

Because of Public Advocate persistent support of federal court proceedings against Joe Biden, Biden was forced to accept Black people on the ballot in the Democratic Party in Tennessee in the 2022 federal election.

Biden is the racist anti-black political boss in Tennessee who was forced to accept Black candidates into the Democratic Party in 2022.

Public Advocate has been supporting access to the Democratic Party process for mainstream Black citizens in Tennessee for a decade. Joe Biden and his forces have been expelling Black citizens from the Democratic Party and elections for a decade.

And it is no small coincidence that Joe Biden and his Democrat Party waged public war against white candidate Mark Clayton for U.S. Senator in 2012 since his name was the same as the Black football hero Mark Clayton.

Public Advocate asks, and is preparing a legal demand, in court to find out all the candidates Joe Biden and the Democratic Party has been removing from the ballot in Tennessee for the past ten years.

Joe Biden is "undemocratic."  Public Advocate is with the freedom riders in 2023 and Joe Biden is today's Ku Klux Klan.