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Friday, January 24, 2025 - 04:20 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


[This piece, originally published in June of last year, could not be more relevant now, in the extremely dangerous lame-duck period of the usurpatory Biden administration.  Provocations against Russia by that administration have now brought us to the brink of a nuclear WWIII.  Those provocations have prompted thoughtful men to ask if provoking such a war could be a wild and desperate DEM plan and hope, via a declaration of emergency executive powers, to avoid a second Trump presidency.]

As a private American citizen, I write on behalf of patriotic Americans who desire - not war and death - but lasting peace and open trade and friendship with the Russian people and their government.

I write to you over the heads of the current American regime, which is unelected and illegitimate and lawless and warmongering and ideologically mad.

First, I thank President Putin for his very cautious and measured and humane response to American governmental misconduct in Ukraine over the last several years, and, especially, since the start of the special military operation. Your intelligence and good sense and restraint, sir, in countering repeated American governmental lies and insults and machinations and provocations and aggressions, aimed both at the Russian people and at your own person, have probably saved millions of lives around the globe - including millions of American lives -- from death by both conventional and nuclear war.

As I write, more and more Americans are realizing that you are now confronted with the same ideologically rabid foe -- the United States "federal" government -- in Ukraine and elsewhere, that we American patriots are struggling against here in the States. I ask now that we - as patriotic Russians and patriotic Americans respectively -- pray for one another in these struggles against a common foe that now threatens, by its hubris and imperial ambition and ideological madness, to engulf the entire world and all its peoples and nations in nuclear war and true holocaust.

There are deep historical forces and causes that have brought us -- the Russian people and the American people -- to this present unhappy and dangerous - and above all, needless -confrontational juncture.

While the Russian people have, by God's hand, ascended out of long decades of atheist-communist tyranny into a brighter day of national renaissance and freedom and life, the American people have descended into political darkness under "woke" communistic tyranny. And this latter tyranny is a Providential punishment for the disobedience and sins of Americans against the same God Whom you Russians - to your eternal credit -- now freely worship and honor, the one and only true (Triune) God of the Christian religion.

But many Americans, still sunk in Cold War thinking, or ignorant of history and current events generally, are oblivious to these new realities. Others, though aware of these recent historical developments, have a corrupt and vested interest in ignoring and denying these new realities. So many here in America (and in Europe) still speak and act - as realities, though stretched, yet allow -regardless of this great and fundamental historical sea-change and exchange of Russian and American fortunes.

But it was your great writer, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who long ago predicted this ironic and Providential passing of the Russian and American ships of state. This great Russian patriot predicted that Russians would gain their freedom while Americans would lose theirs.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, corrupt and powerful elements in our deepstate stupidly followed the example of ancient Rome, after the destruction of Carthage, and steered America, without consulting its people, yet further down the road to endless foreign wars and empire. Without an effective and salutary counterpoise — as Carthage had been to Rome -- to our fallen and sinful disposition to aggression and expansion and empire, we Americans discarded our republican principles and institutions and veered ever more, in a consuming power-lust, for world dominion.

Finally, in our power-drunken state, you — the Russian people — preemptively checked us in Crimea in 2014, and now, by skillful statecraft and force of arms in Ukraine, you are slapping us back to some measure of sobriety and reality, and God bless you for that! You are now checking American governmental hubris abroad — deftly and humanely and without nuclear incident thus far -- just as American patriots are digging in to defeat and overthrow that hubris here.

So now, as American patriots under tyrannical government, our goal is to oppose the Godless communistic designs of our government as strongly and as successfully as we once opposed the Godless communistic designs of the Soviet government that once so murderously and so long tyrannized over the Russian people.

The regime now in power in Washington D.C. is a traitorous regime at war with its own people. It routinely and systematically flouts and violates both the letter and spirit of the fundamental law of this land, the Constitution of the United States of America, as ratified by the States of this political union. The regime is controlled by powerful and corrupt interests bent on enriching themselves, on lording over the hapless people of this land, on plundering foreign lands (including Russia), on spreading Godless homo-trans immorality (including to Russia), and on total global dominion. In the prophetic words of one of America's greatest heroes, General Robert E. Lee (Confederate States Army), the Yankee Empire he did so much to resist has now become thoroughly "aggressive abroad and despotic at home."

As American patriots, we cheer the skillful and successful resistance of the Russian people to American globalist tyranny. As American patriots, we long for a return to wise and frugal government both here and elsewhere. As American patriots, we weep alongside you over the blood needlessly shed and lives needlessly lost in the tragic Ukrainian conflict, a war both instigated and driven by our rogue American globalist-interventionist government. As American patriots, we remember the immortal words of our first president and brilliant revolutionary leader, George Washington, who had warned later generations of the dangers of imperial ambitions and entangling alliances.

As American patriots, we long to see the nations of Europe, now servile vassals of our wicked Yankee empire, returned to their former dignity and sovereignty. We long to see again a European Europe, and we rejoice — with you -- at the Providential emergence of a free and Christian and truly Russian Russia. As American patriots, we wish our European and Russia brethren well under God; and we now ask from you Godspeed in bringing about peace between all our peoples, by an American political and social renaissance.

From America with Christian love.


Winston McCuen is a metaphysician and political philosopher and Christian apologist. He is a Reformed believer, native South Carolinian, proud son of the Confederacy, and outspoken Southern patriot. He holds a Ph.D. and an M.A. in philosophy from Emory University, is a John C. Calhoun scholar, and a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Furman University in history and philosophy. Formerly a welding instructor, philosophy instructor and Latin teacher, he holds multiple welding certifications and is a senior certified nuclear metallurgical welding engineer.