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Wednesday, January 15, 2025 - 08:42 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


The Open Door Narrative

The mySCGOP leader and Greenville County State EC has mentioned throughout his tenure that his “door is always open”, and that people are welcome to bring any concerns to him to “talk it out.” Isn’t this biblical? After all Matt 5:24 talks about reconciling with your brother and Prov 25:8 and other verses relate to reconciling with your brother quickly. However, many have found this particular “open door” policy to be just a narrative and a false one at that. Consider the following:

  • Recently he sent four illegitimate “No Trespass Notices” to ECs and Presidents “banning” them from his “office” which is also the GCRP Headquarters. Begging the question, how can an entire building be someone’s office and an organization’s HQ? The reason given for the No Trespass Notices--none beyond being “known associates” of another GCRP member who had never even been to the GCRP HQ building. Only after being challenged did he begin mentioning “disruptive behavior”.. One must ask what defines disruptive behavior, and what might possibly provoke such, if indeed it was. Things such as veiled threats, false accusations, personal attacks, comments regarding relationships and marriage – all this is inappropriate. Does someone who sends out no-trespass notices BEFORE discussing any issues with someone sound like a person who wants to “talk things out?”
  • Many have offered to help this individual in volunteer roles, but at least one volunteer found themselves threatened to be sued for their efforts, requiring them to hire a lawyer for their protection. Is this the kind of person anyone would want to work with, let alone feel safe working with? Is this what you would consider an “open door” policy, especially with someone willing to volunteer their time and efforts?
  • Many have witnessed this individual’s questionable behavior firsthand during Business Meetings and heard the testimonies of other’s similar experiences. Behavior such as berating or talking down to people who try to speak and reason with him. An observed often-used tactic is to use false or twisted statements as personal digs to illicit hurt and a reaction out of people, then turn around and claim to be the victim of the person’s response in correcting the lies. This is just further evidence this individual deflects and does not discuss in good faith.
  • The mySCGOP leader has established a pattern of deflection rather than dealing with the issue at hand through many instances. For example, in recent discussions about blatant rule violations and usurpation of authority not granted to him, the individual has attempted to distract from his own wrongdoing by saying things like, “What is this doing to save babies?” or “How does this support the Mission?” thereby skirting the individual’s valid concerns, and again not discussing in good faith.

During this individual’s tenure as Chairman of the GCRP, instead of uniting true conservatives and helping legislators get much-needed bills across the finish line, he has alienated GOP leaders, and legislators, and attacked GCRP ECs and Presidents through the mySCGOP newsletter and other means, In fact, when those who ask questions show up at GCRP events to be helpful, they’re labeled “spies”, dropped from communication platforms and publicly critized. All the while, this individual continues to spread a false narrative that the same people he has locked out are not working towards “#Mission.”

This is why virtually no one, from GCRP members to legislators, will come to the table to talk to this individual. The poem often quoted by Donald Trump, The Snake, comes to mind. After a while, no one is willing to be bit anymore. So the “open door” narrative continues, but it is a false narrative.