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Monday, January 20, 2025 - 04:24 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Examining an Important National Faultline

Family Bible ScruggsIn February 2016, the Pew Research Center published a study entitled, How Religious is Your State. One question on the survey asked how important religion was in the respondent’s life. The states were then ranked by what percent responded that religion was very important in the respondents’ lives. Alabama and Mississippi tied for first with 77 percent. Alabama was also first in those who said they believed in God with absolute certainty, 82 percent. Alabamians were second, 73 percent, in those who claim to pray daily. They were also second with 51 percent who claimed they went to church one or more times weekly.  

I have listed the first 15 states that were classified as highly religious, i.e. those where 60 percent or more respondents considered religion very important in their lives. Besides that  percentage figure for each state, I have given the percent who voted for Trump in the 2020 Election.

1. Alabama 77% Trump 62%
2. Mississippi 77% Trump 58%
3. Tennessee 73% Trump 61%
4. Louisiana 71% Trump 59%
5. Arkansas 70% Trump 62%
6. South Carolina 70% Trump 55%
7. West Virginia 69% Trump 69%
8. Georgia 66% Trump 49%
9. Oklahoma 66% Trump 65%
10. North Carolina 65% Trump 50%
11. Texas 64% Trump 52%
12. Utah 64% Trump 58%
13. Kentucky 63% Trump 62%
14. Virginia 61% Trump 44%
15. Missouri 60% Trump 57%

You may notice that 14 of the 15 of these states are either Southern or Border States having a Southern religious culture. Utah is the exception, being predominantly LDS.

The only Southern state that did not make the top 15 was Florida, which has a mixed Southern and national culture but was tied with several others at 22nd place.

22. Florida 54%   Trump 51%

Some Midwestern, Plains, and Mountain States that ranked high in Trump votes are noted below:

South Dakota 59% religious rank 16 Trump 62%
Ohio 58% religious rank 17 Trump 53%
Iowa 55% religious rank tied 19 Trump 53%
Kansas 55% religious rank tied 19 Trump 58%
Indiana 54% religious rank tied 22 Trump 57%
Nebraska 54% religious rank tied 22 Trump 58% 
Wyoming 54% religious rank tied 22 Trump  70%
North Dakota 53% religious rank 27 Trump 65%
Idaho 51% religious rank 33 Trump 64%
Montana 49% religious rank 39 Trump 57%

I mention Maryland separately, which is a mix of a small part of Southern culture now overwhelmed by District of Columba culture.  Maryland, which 141 years ago supplied 30,000 volunteers to the Confederate Army, tied at place 22 with 54 percent religious, but is one of the most left-progressive states in the U.S. with only a 32 percent vote for Trump.

It is worth noting, along with Maryland, the lowest percent of Trump voters in 2020 and their low inclination to religious devotion:

Vermont 34% religious rank tied for 48 31% Trump
Maine 34% religious rank tied for 48 44% Trump
New Hampshire 33% religious rank tied for 50 45% Trump
Massachusetts 33% religious rank tied for 50 32% Trump

New England is for the most part solidly Democrat and low in religious inclinations. New Hampshire was once a reliably conservative Republican state but is now a hard capture for Republicans. Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont have moved considerably to the left politically and religiously, due to immigration from Massachusetts and New York City. New York ranks 43rd in religious devotion at 46 percent, and Trump received only 38 percent of the vote in 2020. However, Republican Lee Zeldin received 47 percent of the vote in the 2022 Governor race.

Two states that may determine the U.S. Senate majority may be of interest.

Nevada 49 percent religious ranking 35 of 50 Trump 48%.
Arizona 53 percent religious ranking tied for 27 Trump 49.1% vs. Biden 49.4%.

Of the 15 states that were 60 percent or more religious, Trump won 13 of them (87%) in 2020. Of the 33 states that were at least 51 percent religious, 70 percent of them voted for Trump in 2020. Of the 17 states with below 50 percent religious, Trump won only one—Alaska—which is only 45 percent religious, but where Trump received 53 percent of the vote.   

There are, of course,  other cultural, ethnic, and economic factors with many nuances that influence each voter, community, and state. 

In my county, Johnston County, North Carolina, there was no provision for straight-party voting, but virtually all the Republican candidates got close to 62 percent of the 2022 vote in the county. Donald Trump got 61 percent of the vote in the county in 2020.

North Carolina did have a bit of a red wave this year. Conservative Republican Ted Budd was elected to the United States Senate. The State Senate Republicans now hold 30 of 50 seats,  and Republicans in the NC House have 68 of 120 seats.  Republicans will also have a 5 to 2 majority on the North Carolina Supreme Court. 

However, the national election results make me wonder how much crime, lawless corruption, lying, illegal immigration, inflation, unemployment, social nonsense, moral and spiritual depravity, tyranny, and war will be necessary to wake Americans up to the disastrous evils and follies that are wrecking our culture and threaten our civilizational collapse.    


Mike ScruggsMike Scruggs is the author of two books: The Un-Civil War: Shattering the Historical Myths; and Lessons from the Vietnam War: Truths the Media Never Told You, and over 600 articles on military history, national security, intelligent design, genealogical genetics, immigration, current political affairs, Islam, and the Middle East.

He holds a BS degree from the University of Georgia and an MBA from Stanford University. A former USAF intelligence officer and Air Commando, he is a decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, and holds the Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, and Air Medal. He is a retired First Vice President for a major national financial services firm and former Chairman of the Board of a classical Christian school.

Click the website below to order books. http://www.universalmediainc.org/books.htm.