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Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 12:05 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Against the Reigning Tyranny of Cancel Culture

Against the Reigning Tyranny of Cancel Culture - Peter Brimelow
Peter Brimelow

Twenty-nine years ago in 1995, Peter Brimelow wrote a book entitled;  Alien Nation: Common Sense about America’s Immigration Disaster. Nine years before, the 1986 Amnesty and deliberate Congressional resistance to enforcing immigration laws exploded illegal immigration.  

Congress had mandated in 1990 that the Jordan Immigration Reform Commission, chaired by former Member of Congress and Black civil rights leader,  Barbara Jordan, investigate and make recommendations to reform and control immigration, which were presented to Congress in 1997. Jordan had passed away in 1996.

The recommendations included:

Improved Border Security

Strict Enforcement  of immigration laws at the workplace.

Strict Enforcement of Visa stay limits.

Limiting medical care for illegal immigrants to emergency situations.

Amnesty is out of the question and deportation is crucial.

End chain migration by allowing immigrants to sponsor only spouses and minor children

Reduce legal immigration by 30 percent, with a 550,000 annual limit.

More emphasis on skilled immigration.

Prevent the expansion of guest worker programs for low-skilled workers.

Eliminate the annual Visa Lottery of 50,000.

Naturalization should not be an avenue to welfare.

The wages and employment of American workers should not be jeopardized.

The prosperity of American workers and families must remain primary.

Congress, however, under the influence of cheap-labor lobbies and misguided ethnic voting blocs, ignored the recommendations. In fact, dangerous amnesties that would have multiplied both illegal and legal immigration by two to three-fold  were proposed. Now we have perhaps more than 30 million illegal immigrants and are suffering enormous costs and unprecedented  levels of public disorder.

Twenty-five years ago, in 1999, Peter Brimelow established VDARE.com, an online journal containing high quality articles on the urgent need for immigration reform and limitation. The content addressed the disastrous economic, fiscal, social, cultural, national security, public safety, public health risks, and political consequences of runaway immigration and insane immigration policies. VDARE.com became a very successful source of valuable truth and direction about immigration, while the political and media establishments glorified immigration insanity and covered up its disastrous reality.

In recent years, the political and media establishment has used totalitarian methods for suppressing the truth, much of which is a network of heavy-handed “Cancel Culture” financial, internet technology, and media bullies intent on suppressing dissent and destroying troublesome dissidents.  The most prominent opponents of the current Biden-Kamala-Obama regime open-door immigration policies are especially targeted with the most ruthless measures of lawfare and Cancel Culture.  Most conservatives trying to survive in some media or journalism business have experienced this to some degree, and many have been destroyed by it. So much so, that it reminds me of Revelation 13: 16-17 ESV:

16 Also it [‘the Beast”] causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.

Peter Brimelow’s VDARE.com was very successful for 25 years, but he had made one unforeseen mistake in its legal foundation. It was founded in the State of New York, which has recently become a Jacobin center for the persecution of conservative or populist politicians and causes.

VDARE has been destroyed by the totalitarian lawfare of New York State Attorney General Letitia James. New York AG Letitia James has not charged VDARE or Brimelow with anything, but she had come near bankrupting the Brimelow family through her lawfare misconduct. Law Professor Jonathan Turley has recently referred to New York State as a “legal wasteland” of prosecutorial and judicial abuse. Most people are more familiar with her unprecedented and legally baseless and vengeful prosecution of Donald J. Trump and the National Rifle Association.

According to Brimelow,

“She has simply battered us to death by a massive and intrusive “investigation” that bears no rational relationship to any conceivable offense. We estimate we’ve spent upwards of a million dollars on compliance, let alone hundreds of hours of work. All of these resources should have gone to our mission: advancing the cause of Patriotic Immigration Reform….Letitia James is quite obviously aiming at suppressing our speech. But the New York State courts have completely declined to protect our First Amendment rights.”

But direct actions of New York AG were by no means the limit of their suffering. The Cancel Culture network made it impossible to operate. Banks and credit card companies cancelled their operational support of online donation systems. Other needed computer and internet sources and support were withdrawn. Hotels cancelled their seminars. A long-time financial advisor was forced to drop them. Even their internet domain company cancelled them without legitimate reason.

In addition, they have been subject to extraordinary cyberattacks, baffling even to experts. Moreover, they were refused help by cybersecurity firms. Fewer and fewer of their emails reached supporters, and several email companies dropped them as clients. They have also been subject to personal harassment.

According to Brimelow, “Americans generally don't understand what is actually going on here—how this de facto “Social Credit “system, like the one the Chinese Communists have, is being used to suppress patriots.”

According to Lydia Brimelow, Peter’s wife, and President of the VDARE Foundation, it is mainly the Cancel Culture network that has driven them out of business. There are four things at a minimum VDARE must have to operate:

The ability to create content and post it to VDARE.com.

The ability to distribute our message and communicate with our readers.

Access to funding.

Support from professionals who provide back office support and financial and legal advice.

In fact, these same factors apply to many businesses but especially publication or communications related businesses. Collusion to deny them is to destroy a business. Such cancel culture collusion is a deadly threat to American freedom.

Without these, many businesses have been effectively cancelled by the totalitarian government-corporatist-deepstate establishment “cultural authority.” What ever happened to American freedom? The mainstream legacy media, now better termed the anti-truth media, is largely responsible. It takes an anti-truth media to ignore the flagrant legal abuses of Letitia James and others of her ilk. It takes an anti-truth media to ignore the massive economic and social damage of insane and unjust immigration policy. It takes an anti-truth media to ignore the enormous dishonesty that pervades in so many of our educational, political, and cultural institutions.  

The  Brimelow’s are still under stress, but an answered prayer, or many answered prayers, have improved their position. In February, Lydia Brimelow was interviewed by Tucker Carlson. More than 21 million people saw that interview. You can see it here: 

Lydia Brimelow:  my appearance on Tucker Carlson

See also Lydia Brimelow’s 16-minute video on how Cancel Culture works, which includes many details on companies who practice Cancel Culture and how some of them are actually fearful compliant victims of Cancel Culture. Learn about Viewpoint Discrimination and what you can do about it in your state. The Brimelows now live in West Virginia. Lydia is originally from Texas. Note to Cancel Culture regulators and subservients:  “Don’t mess with Texas!”

LYDIA BRIMELOW: VDARE.com vs. Cancel Culture—My Story (rumble.com)

Things need to change, if our country and freedom is to survive. The November 5 Election will provide a step in the right direction, but we are still a long way from recovering American Freedom. Maybe 200 million more potential voters need to see Tucker Carlson’s interview of Lydia Brimelow.  

“My people are destroyed by a lack of Knowledge…”—Hosea 4:6a


Mike ScruggsMike Scruggs is the author of two books: The Un-Civil War: Shattering the Historical Myths; and Lessons from the Vietnam War: Truths the Media Never Told You, and over 600 articles on military history, national security, intelligent design, genealogical genetics, immigration, current political affairs, Islam, and the Middle East.

He holds a BS degree from the University of Georgia and an MBA from Stanford University. A former USAF intelligence officer and Air Commando, he is a decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, and holds the Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, and Air Medal. He is a retired First Vice President for a major national financial services firm and former Chairman of the Board of a classical Christian school.

Click the website below to order books. http://www.universalmediainc.org/books.htm.