Media Cover-up of Corruption and 2020 Election Fraud
“We’ve got a lot of evidence…and we’re facing major censorship” -- Rudy Giuliani, Nov. 27, 2020
The Media Research Center (MRC) conducted an online poll November 9-18 of 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin—regarding voter knowledge of presidential candidates and eight key issues in the 2020 Election. The results indicated that 45 percent of Biden voters were not aware of Hunter Biden’s financial dealings in foreign countries. Probably even fewer were aware of evidence presented by the U.S Senate Homeland Security and Finance committees and sworn evidence by Hunter Biden business partners, especially Tony Bobulinski, that Joe Biden was actually the top decision maker in the Biden family scheme of corruption that made millions of dollars by selling influence over U.S. policies for personal financial gain. My Times Examiner article of October 26, “The Bobulinski Transcript’s Shadow over Joe Biden” contains the entire transcript of Bobulinski’s October 23 remarks on Fox News: The Bobulinski Transcript's Shadow over Joe Biden - The Times Examiner
Forty-nine percent of these Biden voters were not aware that the Third Quarter annualized GDP growth rate of 33.1 percent was the highest in U.S. history. More than 39 percent were not aware that 11 million new jobs were created from May to September 2020. More than 43 percent were not aware of Trump’s role in negotiating multiple peace agreements between Arab nations and Israel and subsequent Nobel Peace Prize nominations. Only 35 percent were aware of an unresolved sexual assault charge against Biden in the 1990s. Only 25 percent were aware that Vice Presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris has the most left-wing voting record in the U.S. Senate, more leftist than Bernie Sanders. Only 36 percent were aware of the $10 billion Operation Warp Speed public-private partnership to expedite the development and production of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines. Only 51 percent were aware that U.S. energy independence had been achieved by President Trump. Only 18 percent of Biden voters were aware of all eight issues, and 5 percent were aware of none.
Approximately 17 percent of swing state Biden voters said they would not have voted for him had they known about his record and the achievements of President Trump. More than half of these swing state Biden voters, 9.4 percent, specifically said they would not have voted for him had they known about Biden’s involvement with his son Hunter Biden’s corrupt business deals in foreign countries. The principal countries were China, Ukraine, and Russia, in which the Bidens profited at least $10 million dollars. .
The Election is not yet decided because of substantial evidence of widespread vote fraud in six of the seven swing states. However, if approximately 9.4 percent of Biden voters, as indicated by the MRC poll, had been minimally informed on the Biden corruption scandal, Trump would have won a substantial victory, even though there may have been as many as 2.7 million additional fraudulent votes for Biden, as alleged by Candace Owen based on several researchers. But before we address the magnitude and means of the vote fraud issue, we must ask ourselves how so many Democrat and perhaps other voters were so unaware of important ethical, economic, foreign policy, and political issues that favored Trump over Biden. .
Perhaps a larger proportion of potential Democrat voters are not as well informed as the general electorate. It is also widely recognized that most American voters are not as informed on candidates and political issues as they should be. They tend to rely on the most available media. But is most of the media trustworthy in covering issues of public concern, properly researching candidates and issues, telling the whole unadulterated truth, and avoiding bias and prejudicial exclusion of issues and facts?
The Bobulinski revelations were documented by emails and personal contact with both Hunter and Joe Biden. They were recognized by the Senate Homeland Security and Finance committees as relevant and reliable. Bobulinski’s revelations were backed up by hard evidence and corroboration by other Hunter Biden business associates. This was covered extensively by the New York Post, Fox News, and smaller conservative media, but was completely blacked out by CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, and the Washington Post. ABC, CBS, and NBC gave little attention to it except smug dismissal as a Russian misinformation campaign as powerful Democrats suggested. The Biden corruption story was deliberately covered up by most of mainstream media. They were formidably assisted by Twitter, Google, Yahoo News, Facebook, and the vast and dominating fortress of left-liberal leaning establishment news and social media. All this had the usual support and backing of academia and the BigTech Brotherhood.
The Two Greatest Scandals in American History: CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Twitter, Google, Facebook, and numerous liberal establishment allies are guilty of covering up extensive political corruption to get Donald Trump out of office and the Deep State back in office. They are also now guilty of covering up a vast scheme of election fraud in at least six states to the same end. This is far beyond mere political bias; it is potentially nation-destroying, lawless, malicious deception, and tyranny.
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”
—George Orwell
According to Rudy Giuliani, more than 900,000 invalid votes were cast in Pennsylvania, of which according to Sidney Powell over 600,000 were in Philadelphia and Pittsburg. A Wisconsin suit alleged there were over 792,000 illegal votes cast in that state. According to MIT PhD Shiva Ayyadurai, at least 138,000 of Biden’s lead in Michigan is based on computer vote-count fraud. Other computer vote-count fraud in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania probably run over 100,000 each. For more detail of computer-vote fraud, see my November 23 USMedia article: Vote Fraud and the Death of Democracy –
In Detroit, Philadelphia, and Atlanta other methods of irregular vote counting—stuffing the ballot box when the Republicans are not looking or are deliberately excluded from looking—probably amounts to far more. Sidney Powell’s suit against Republican Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and the State Election Board alleges 30 clear violations of Election Law and gross misconduct amounting to election fraud. The total impact, including computer voting irregularities may run into the hundreds of thousands. Georgia switched all 159 counties for the first time in 2020 to Dominion Voting Systems for a $107 million no-bid contract! Georgia made absentee voting extremely vulnerable to vote fraud this year by implementing extraordinarily lenient standards for signature check. This was negotiated by former Democrat candidate for Governor, Stacy Abrams, with Republican Secretary of State Raffensperger without approval from the State Legislature. This is a clear violation of both Georgia and U.S. Law. The Democrats also tried much the same thing in North Carolina but were foiled by the resignation protests of two Republican Election Board members and quick action by a Federal Judge. For more detail on what the Democrats tried to do in North Carolina, see my Times Examiner article of November 8: Deliver Us from Evil - The Times Examiner
The mainstream media claim there is little evidence for vote fraud in the 2020 Election. They are true to their well deserved reputation for lying in their attempt to cover-up a serious national problem with strong implications of criminal conspiracy. The separate attorney teams of Giuliani, Powell, and probably Georgia lawyer Lin Wood have amassed hundreds of sworn affidavits and expert testimonies. Trump is probably correct in saying he has the evidence to overturn the vote fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada, and perhaps Wisconsin, and Arizona. The Evidence is on his side but not time. I hope it does not surprise anyone that he must work his way through openings in a wall of crooked media, crooked politicians, eccentric judges, and even crooked judges.
Trump is working both through the courts, and especially the United States Supreme Court, but also through the State Legislatures of the six states. I believe he is in the right and has a good chance to make it. We should also be able to take both Georgia Senate races, but it will be a hard fight requiring huge financial support, smart and aggressive campaigning, and relentless attention to preventing vote fraud and deception. Our country and our whole culture and civilization are at stake. Surrendering to vote fraud, corruption, and lies is unconscionable with consequences unbearable and nation-destroying.
It is also time to pray, remembering our sins and shortcomings as well as the mercy, righteousness, and omnipotent providential power of a Holy God, who has little tolerance for arrogant pride, takes no pleasure in wickedness, hates injustice, and destroys those who speak lies. See Psalm 5: 1-12.
“The world little dreams the things that are wrought by prayer.”—Tennyson