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Sunday, September 8, 2024 - 08:14 PM


First Published in 1994


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The LGBTQ agenda has taken over as the nation’s elites and woke lawmakers seek to change biology. We’ve sadly seen the Left’s woke agenda everywhere. What started as a seemingly small effort to indoctrinate at the local level (events like Drag Queen Story Hours), has since moved to blatant propaganda that is infiltrating our own homes.

In late 2021, the White House allowed a social media influencer their platform to encourage COVID-19 vaccination.  However, this was not a simple PSA on vaccination, but a blatant effort to normalize effeminate behavior, especially among the nation’s youth and young adults.

More recently, Disney leadership swung a blow to the brand, citing a new campaign called “Reimagine Tomorrow.” Disney’s goal is that by 2022, “50% of regular and recurring characters across Disney General Entertainment scripted content will come from underrepresented groups.” Underrepresented groups most certainly means those in the LGBTQ category. In addition, Disney theme park staff can “no longer address theme park visitors as ‘ladies and gentleman, boys and girls’ but instead as ‘dreamers’ and ‘friends’.”

Sadly, there are many more examples of this propaganda. At Eagle Forum, we have fought against sexual orientation and gender identity doctrine for years because we know that it ultimately hurts children and women. Recently, we joined a coalition letter to the Department of Education asking that they stop its plans to release a new Title IX rule, which mandates how schools must respond to sexual misconduct complaints. Of particular concern, this rule is expected to extend gender identity as a protected class under Title IX.

From sports teams to privacy, the Department of Education should rethink how this policy change will impact the welfare and opportunities of girls and young women. Gender ideology hurts. The most recent examples of Lia Thomas and Loudoun County tell this story well.

The Biden Administration is also seeking changes to the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) screening procedures to better accommodate transgender, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming persons by adopting transgender screening procedures. In response, Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is leading the Securing Americans from Transportation Insanity Act, which prohibits federal funding for TSA to modify their Standard Operating Procedures to remove any biologically determined sex-based screening procedures from security screening. The bill also includes a section to prohibit federal funds from being used to enact the changes TSA announced, including:

  • Updating TSA PreCheck program this year to include an “X” gender marker option
  • Replacing biologically determined sex-based Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) screening with gender-neutral AIT screening
  • Promoting the use and acceptance of the “X” gender marker
  • Updating checkpoint SOP to remove gender considerations when validating a traveler’s identification at airport security checkpoints.
  • Requiring CBP to use gender-neutral language and an individual’s self-identified pronouns or name.
  • Updating the Trusted Traveler Programs application form to add an “X” gender marker option.

Eagle Forum is grateful for opportunities to fight against the Left’s illogical ideology. Please make sure that you are signed up to receive Eagle Forum’s legislative alerts and emails so that you can help us fight for truth.