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Monday, January 13, 2025 - 12:57 AM


First Published in 1994


A modern Liberal is someone who doesnt care
A modern liberal is a person open to "new behavior" and willing to discard YOUR traditional values.

In the Year of our Lord, 2023, the citizens of our troubled American nation find themselves virtually breaking apart over “politics”; more specifically split down the middle between those who call themselves “conservatives” or “Americanists”, who honor and respect the “old ways” that were codified by our Founders in our Constitution and transmitted long before our Constitution existed to all of mankind through the centuries by God’s Eternal Word (our Bible), and those who call themselves “modernliberals”, who essentially reject almosteverything that conservatives believe in and honor.  They love to assure us that they respect that heritage as much as all the rest of us do, but they really don’t! They are LIARS! The “heritage” that modern liberals truly respect is the chaos, repression, death and destruction (of property and Christian sanity) fomented by the FRENCH Revolution of 1789!  Those jaundiced Jacobins are the same NOW as they were during the “Reign of Terror” in revolutionary France.  The only difference is that now they call themselves “Democrats”!

This “split” between those who adhere to the principles of our Founders and those who have rejected those old and proven values is coming to a head in the ever-more-vicious verbal and increasingly physical battles now being waged or planned by some of the disreputable  segments of our population, particularly that despicable and disgusting “Klan of New Bolsheviks” (formerly known as the anti-American Democrat Party) in the House of Representatives and the Senate,  against our embattled Populist/Semi-Conservative former President, Donald Trump, as—prior to his first election in 2016 and especially now as he runs for a second term--they did and still do all they can to ridicule, dishonor, castigate, threaten and disavow him and his efforts to “Make America Great Again” (which involves saving Americans from the descent into further socialist chaos and tyranny that our “Dumbocrat” leftist progressives have long proclaimed as their “new gospel”). 

Some pundits fear that if this split between conservatives and liberals continues to worsen, actual violent civil war might come upon us for the first time since 1775 (no—the “unpleasantness” of 1861-65 was NOT a true “civil war”, properly defined, but was incorrectly called that by the “victors” of that aggression! Look up the definition yourselves.  But that’s a discussion for another time). A genuine “civil” war is now being sought by the hotheads of the left and the “center-right” (and of course by the extremist anarchists of the far right), because it would provide the globalists and their Marxist allies who are presently in control of “our” government the final excuse they need to try to force a totalitarian system on America.  That is why real American patriots must do everything humanly possible to avoid the terrible outcome—death, property destruction, loss of freedom-- that would be caused by large forces of heavily armed Americans fighting their fellow Americans!  We Americans succumbed to that evil back in 1861 and we must NEVER do so again!

It should be of great concern to all Americans that people all over our increasingly polarized nation are now actively talking about whether or not violence between “Identity Politicized” groups may be on our near horizon.  I pray that it is not, but I fear that it may be, and I also fear that’s what is being planned for all of us by those on the left who actually despise freedom and our constitutional republic! Part of the problem in modern times centers around the deliberately induced confusion over the word, “Liberal”, and the political philosophy that is associated with today’s “modern liberalism”  and the “classical liberalism” often associated with many of our country’s Founding Fathers, and by various political philosophers before them. 

The dictionary definition of “liberal”, in today’s modern sense, is:

Liberal: 1) Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values;
              2) Broad-minded; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms.

Synonyms are: Non-conventional, progressive, radical,  unconventional, broad minded, non-traditional.

Most of us who are “experienced citizens” and who had the benefit of the now almost extinct “old timey” education centered around “the 3 R’s” as well as true U.S. history, honest economics, real “American” civics, etc., are aware that some of our Founding Fathers were what we now refer to asClassical Liberals”.  This original version of “liberalism” is now equated, to one degree or another, with modern “conservatism”, which in the time of the “classical liberals” of the 1700’s and 1800’s meant ‘statist’, stodgy, resistant to change, etc.  One group whose teachings and historical knowledge I trust is the Von Mises Institute.  I quote from their website regarding the meaning of “classical liberalism”:

“Classical liberalism is the term used to designate the ideology advocating private property, an unhampered market economy, the rule

of law, constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion and of the press, and international peace based on free trade.

“Up until around 1900 this ideology was generally known simply as ‘liberalism’.  The qualifying (word) “classical” is now necessary…

because ‘liberalism’ has come to be associated with wide-ranging interferences with private property and the market on behalf of egalitarian goals.  This version of ‘liberalism’…is sometimes designated as “social” or … “new” liberalism.” 

Essentially the difference between classical liberalism and new liberalism is the degree to which “government”, in all of its plodding, inefficient, condescending, overreaching, and intimidating forms becomes involved in the economic and cultural and religious traditions of the people.  In other words, it’s  between the philosophies of “leave us alone” (lassez faire) and “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you”.  Once upon a time, not terribly long ago, most Americans enjoyed the traditions of self-help, of independence from the tentacles of government, of living a debt free and self-sustaining life, of honoring faith and family and friendships.  It was a time when a person’s word was his or her bond, a surety that a promise made or a debt incurred would be honored or repaid. 

Despite many societal imperfections in those halcyon days, most Americans considered themselves to be “classical liberals” in the original sense, or what we today would call “conservatives”, or more accurately: Americanists.  Unfortunately, the U.S. government, purposely enticed by those very societal imperfections, began to stick its “camel’s nose under the  tent flap”, as the old saying goes, and what was just “a little” government “help” and “guidance” has morphed into a flood of “group thinking” and arrogant bureaucrats (or as I now call them: “bullycrats”), thanks to those who today call themselves “new liberals”, who intrude their “busybody-ness” into virtually all aspects of our society and culture and cause it to be dominated and controlled by “Big Brother”.  Today’s good old “Uncle Sam”, with his hordes of mindless bureaucrats who infest all agencies of our overly bloated government, is no longer the picture of the friendly and grandfatherly “good ol’ guy” dressed in red, white, and blue of fond memory.

So how can one detect a ‘modern liberal’?  A famous comedian has made a living observing that “you might be a redneck if…….”.  Well, I’ve discovered some equally pertinent “observations” about the possibility that a person might be a “liberal” (in today’s understanding of the term) if they espouse certain beliefs.  Most of these tidbits are not mine, and I mined them from different sources on the web. Suffice it to say that, while I didn’t originate them, I concur with their validity.

First, let’s restate, again, the definition of a “modern liberal”.  The Oxford Dictionary says a liberal is “a person open to new behavior and willing to discard traditional values”. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary says a liberal is “a person who believes that government should be active in supporting social and political change—relating to or supporting political liberalism.  A person not opposed to new ideas or ways of behavior that are not traditional or widely accepted.

Definition of a Liberal
No further explanations are needed!

SO:  you “might” be a liberal IF……..

  • You want to ban guns except for those carried by your own kids’ bodyguards (like certain Hollywood or TV types) or the police (and increasingly not even the police);
  • You support “alternative energy” but don’t want windmills to spoil the view from your own yard;
  • You actually profess to believe, because the government assured you, that “electric vehicles” are the ‘wave of the future” and will be far friendlier to the environment than are gasoline powered vehicles;
  • You believe that consenting adults can freely engage in any activity except free enterprise and wearing red “MAGA” hats;
  • You want to outlaw tobacco and legalize marijuana;
  • You have no problem with rich Hollywood or TV stars or politicians flying in fuel guzzling private jets to give speeches on the “impending catastrophe” of climate change;
  • You believe, deep down, that all those Americans killed on 9/11/2001 deserved to die;
  • You rant against school vouchers for public school students but send your kids to private schools;
  • You think that Israel is a criminal state but that Hamas and Isis and all Islamic Jihadists aren’t criminals;
  • You support the murder of unborn babies but oppose executing convicted murderers;
  • You think that traditional marriage is obsolete except for homosexuals and gender-confused people;
  • You support a woman’s “right to choose” unless she chooses adoption or chooses to be a stay-at-home mom or chooses to homeschool her kids;
  • You value “tolerance” except for opinions that differ from yours;
  • You believe that all religious beliefs are the same and all “lead to God”, except for Christianity, which is historically wrong and full of violence, sexism, misogyny, toxic male domination, and disrespect for “other” religions.
  • You believe that all religions are nothing but superstitious fairytales, written only by deluded white men eons ago in order to explain what to them was unexplainable;
  • You believe that the “universe” is 15 to 20 billion years old, was “miraculously” generated from nothing in a “big bang”, and that all life on planet Earth evolved from nothing, then into a ‘green slime’, and then over ‘billions of years’ into higher life forms.
  • You believe that the world is “going to end” within a few years unless all countries generally, and particularly the U.S., adopt the socialist and economy destroying “Green New Deal” being proposed in Congress by the latest flock of stupid MOONBATS.

I’d like to end this excursion into the perplexing beliefs of our liberal countrymen by submitting these pertinent comments from a writer in The Urban Dictionary, which I couldn’t have said any better myself:

“A liberal is a person with liberal views.  However, an EXTREME liberal is the WORST kind of person….  They brainwash people.  Then

they convince you that their pre-made views…are open-minded.  They tell you to hate (those whose political views differ from their own).  They are the first to throw around the word ‘racist’.  They look for a group, typically blacks or Hispanics, convince them that they are nothing (and are persecuted) and need liberals to survive---then they exploit these groups for their own political power”. 

Sadly, people who call themselves “liberals’ are more shrill, more prone to violence, more likely to become members of mobs, more committed  to mendacity and perfidy, and more willing to use “situation ethics” to get their dose of political power or ‘feel-good thrills running down their legs’ every time they can.  Truth, to most liberals, is ‘relative’, and like Allah’s 7th Century Primitives now infesting our land, liberals will not refrain from lying if it furthers their cause.  We’ve seen that disgusting behavior frequently over the past couple of years, as the progressive loonies of BOTH parties in general, and the “Klan of New Bolsheviks” specifically,  unite to destroy either the presidency of a legally elected President, or negate his chances for re-election in 2024 (which is their real goal if they can’t imprison him before then)! 

Beware of modern liberals, particularly those in your own families or circles of friends or work associates, and even those with whom you worship,  who smile at you and assure you of their love for and admiration of you despite the fact that you’re not politically “one of them”.  Whether they admit it or not, they are almost without exception your political and cultural enemies (or perhaps a better word would be ‘antagonists’), and while you should make every effort to remain polite and, if possible, friendly with them, always take their words with a ‘grain of salt’ and a large measure of doubt.  And  by all means watch your back!



A native of Cleveland, Ohio W. H. (Bill) Lamb was graduated from Cleveland State University (Ohio) in 1960, and relocated to South Carolina in 1964.  For many years he was an Industrial Engineer, Chief Industrial Engineer, and plant manager in the steel, electronics, and apparel industries in Ohio, South Carolina, and Alabama. 

An avid and long time writer concentrating on political and cultural issues of concern to America’s Christian Patriot community, he was published in the Lancaster, S.C. “News” during the mid-to-late 1960’s and in Greenville’s “The Times Examiner” since 1999.   The late Christian Patriot, Col. Bobby Dill, was his first editor for The Times Examiner, the publication he always refers to as “a great journal of truth”.

Married to Barbara for 65 years, he has two adult kids, five grandkids, and six great grandkids, plus a “feisty and opinionated” 80 lb. Pit Lab named Hayley, who runs the entire house.

A long time member, with Barbara, of the patriotic John Birch Society, he believes that it is the duty of ALL Christians to first, share the love of his Savior, Jesus, with others, and then to be dedicated patriots and do everything possible to both resist the evil of collectivism that is smothering Western Civilization and educate and motivate his fellow Americans in the preservation of our unique Constitutional Republic.