As of last September 17, 2023, our nation—the United States of America—has existed as a Constitutional Republic for 236 years, thanks to the wisdom, the faith, the fortitude, and the willingness to reach compromises, on the part of our Founders who signed the 1787 constitution and, a few years later, our Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to that constitution. During those 236 years our venerable constitution has weathered many attacks against it, and has been amended (often unwisely) a total of 27 times. Despite the hordes of calumnies directed against our constitution by mental midgets and Godless collectivists, and especially against those inspired men who codified the God-given rights enshrined therein, our federal Constitution has stood the test of time by providing a national “blueprint” for the governance of our nation through war and peace, through good and bad economic times, through disasters caused by human foibles and corruption and treason, and increasingly through the shadowy conspiracies of “Un-Americans” who were—and still are-- determined to end this “experiment in self-government” in favor of some form of collectivist coercion or authoritative tyranny, forms of “government” for which those treasonous Devil’s spawn have always lusted.
Our U.S. Constitution has survived the follies of presidents, the attacks of countless bureaucrats and demagogues who ignored it (and are doing so increasingly today), who decried it as “out of date” and who lied about it by claiming that it was meant to be “a living document” that must “change with the times”, in total contravention of our Founders’ intentions. These not-so-subtle stabs in the back of the work of that 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia are heard increasingly in our day, as those who have always despised freedom and liberty under law seem to be determined to totally ignore our constitution and institute a government of men, rather than a government of law; “Rex Lex”, rather than “Lex Rex”. Tyrants of all times have loved that idea.
Despite these endless attacks and lies about our constitution, (attacks which began in the late 18th century barely after the ink was dry on that new Constitution—and some coming from the very men who are considered to be “Founders” of the nation, such as Alexander Hamilton), which was admittedly a compromise document to satisfy the serious concerns of the various delegates to that Philadelphia Convention and, later, similar concerns of the state legislatures who were considering our constitution’s ratification, it has served the American people reasonably well.
Today, however, we are faced with a horde of faceless and sinister people who seem determined to either change our constitution beyond all recognition or twist it to conform to the devilish plans and sinister purposes of those who use their vast wealth while hiding behind “the curtain”, like arrogant puppet masters pulling our national “strings” and plotting to turn our institutions, and our people, against each other for their own nefarious desires and lust for total power! Do these ENEMIES OF FREEDOM harbor a “death wish” against our constitution? Against our republic and its freedoms? Against our free enterprise system? Against those “unalienable rights” that many Americans, from 1775 to this very day, died to defend and preserve for the future? Against the freedom and well being of their fellow Americans? If your answer to these questions is anything but “yes”, you are living in a “fantasy land” and need to come to your senses! Fast! Or you need to move to Venezuela or North Korea and enjoy life as a starving serf.
For decades we’ve had the “Extremes” of our highest court issuing rulings that our Founders would have taken great umbrage over. MAKING laws, as the extreme Supremes have been doing for at least a century, along with their lower court toadies, who also love to “make” laws rather than rule seriously regarding the merits of our legislatively enacted laws and the cases that they engender, is the apparent ‘raison d’etre’ of our modern court systems, especially the federal versions. The denizens of “our” Supreme Court weren’t called “Nine Men Against America” several decades ago without reason. Has the “Extreme Court” harbored a secret “death wish” over the past century or so against the Federal Republic our Founders gave us, and a desire to be the most powerful branch of government? Does the sun rise in the east? Does spring come after winter? Do liberals always lie to us? Are Democrats dangerous to our freedoms? Hmmmmmmm?
Then there are the supporters, still fighting their increasingly uphill battle, of the extremely dangerous “Article V Constitutional Convention” movement, also referred to by its proponents, in an effort to “camouflage” their true intentions, as a “Convention of the States”, or “COS”. If anything has the potential to qualify as a truly sinister CON, it is this. As I’m sure you know, one of the ways an Article V Constitutional Convention can be realized is when two-thirds of our state legislatures petition our Congress to establish a “convention” (just like the one in Philadelphia in 1787 that became a “runaway convention” that totally abrogated the existing Articles of Confederation). A modern CON CON could, and probably would, give to a group of politicians, and the mega-wealthy who financially control them, the almost unlimited power to rewrite our PRESENT constitution, or to so alter it with multiple amendments as to render it meaningless regarding the original intentions of our Founders. A modern COS (i.e. a CON CON) would allow powerful politicians and even more powerful (and hidden) vastly wealthy and powerful leftists and globalists like George Soros, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, et al, with agendas of destroying our free enterprise system, to rewrite our present constitution and, for example, vote in a NEW ratification procedure, exactly as happened at our one and only (so far) Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787.
Despite what Mark Meckler and his associates in his Convention of States Action organization love to assure trusting Americans, it is not inconceivable that an entirely NEW CONSTITUTION would be proposed in this CON CON, voted on, and approved. Several versions of NEW socialist-style, big-government promoting, freedom-restricting constitutions have already been written and proposed, including by one of C.O.S. Action’s board members, by George Soros, by the Socialist Party, by the Communist Party, among others. I’ve read some of them. They’re really scary! Also, can you imagine the chaos, rioting, burning, and general Marxist mayhem perpetrated by the anti-American communists in Black Lives Matter or by the violent FASCIST anarchists of AntiFa that would be associated with a modern-day CON CON? That some prominent Americans, including prominent conservative politicians and media “stars”, who should know better, have come out publically in favor of this “Convention of the States” and/or belong to it, just shows how little thought they’ve given to this serious subject, despite their soothing reassurances to the contrary that they would have everything under control and that the CON CON would be “restricted” to considering “only a “balanced budget” amendment, and/or a “term limits” amendment.” DON’T BELIEVE THEM! Reining in our out-of-control bloated government is the only logical solution, not calling for a CON CON that could, and probably would, lead to disaster!
According to the Marxists who dominate the Obama/Biden Administration, by the year 2030 sixty percent of our power must be provided by electricity—appliances, cars, lawn equipment, furnaces.. NO natural gas furnaces, cooking stoves, WATER HEATERS, will be allowed, at least in new buildings and homes. And thanks to Comrade Biden and that “sneaky snake”, our former Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, who blithely capitulated to this insanity, 90% of our power generation capacity that is “coal or natural gas” fired must be free of “polluting particulates”, technology that does NOT currently exist except in experimental laboratories. Thus, by the year 2030, according to our Marxist “climate czars” in the E.P.A., IF the technology (scrubbers) does not exist and IF 90% of the “pollutants” can’t be removed from the natural gas and coal fired power plant emissions (smoke stacks), then THEY WILL BE SHUT DOWN, and our electrical grid will LOSE 60% of its present available electricity generating capacity! That is the “death wish” these whack job Marxist/progressives have in store for Americans, if we capitulate to their collectivist insanity! Are YOU ready to be without electricity 60% or MORE of the time? Are you ready for electricity costs to increase by 100% to 200%? Are you ready to begin to protest this Marxist insanity? You’d better be!
As I write this, Americans seem to have put the “first” major Covid-19 “PLANDEMIC” calamity behind us, a purposely released bio-weapon foisted upon the U.S. (and most of the world) by our determined enemies in the Communist Party of China (and by some ultra-wealthy and politically powerful ‘home grown’ enemies such as “our” C.I.A., a sinister organization from its beginnings which financed and directed much of the development work for the recently “ended” Covid plandemic (according to the main developer of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone). Others in “our” government who are associated with, or controlled by—the Chinese Communist Party, were also intimately involved in a societal disruption of the first magnitude that was aided and abetted by the “useful idiots” and willing accomplices of Americans in positions of authority, not only in “our” government but in other major institutions of influence and power who relished the thought that the plandemic would allow them to strike blows against the liberties that Americans have always enjoyed--liberties always despised by the authoritarians of the left. And those blows were struck, and serious injuries to our national freedoms were experienced, and still are affecting our national well being!
Today, however, Americans are facing the prospects of a new Covid-style PLANDEMIC that will surely be unloosed upon the world (it probably already has been) during the Fall of 2023 or Winter of 2024, giving the authoritarian collectivists in and out of “our” government the excuses they need to try to install new and even more harsh versions of the “lockdowns” and government “mandates” that Americans cowardly submitted to beginning in the early months of 2020. And they will do so if we Americans meekly allow them to run roughshod over all of us, rather than RESISTING THEIR TREACHERY!
Since the obviously illegal end of President Trump’s administration, Americans have been enduring the major incompetency of the Marxists/socialists/collectivists that have infested Comrade Joe Biden’s administration (which is, essentially, a continuation of the administration of that despicable Marxist, Comrade Barack Obama), a group of admitted authoritarians and America-haters who are intent on destroying the United States as a Federated Republic under our constitution, and converting our nation into some form of Marxist/socialist “worker’s paradise” run by them, with no resistance permitted. As Fascist Klaus Schwab and his Satanic ilk at the World Economic Forum love to remind us, their goal by 2030 is that Americans will “own nothing and be happy”. Yeah, sure we will.

It’s plain to all who are not brain damaged that the Obama/Biden government (and those shadowy powers that control it—including loathsome creatures like billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates) want to destroy the America of the past, the two-party (sort of) system that seemed to serve our nation, more-or-less, and convert the majority of Americans to “blue” (Democrat) robots who will forever vote for The Klan of New Bolsheviks, thus assuring a permanent one party, authoritarian political system and destroy forever any chances of future Republican major office holders, especially the POTUS. Those who support the Marxist Obama/Biden Administration have a definite “death wish” against the America that all of us grew up in, and appear to look towards Marxist Venezuela, Marxist Cuba, and the supposedly defunct Communist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics—as well as the Communist Peoples Republic of China, as their preferred models..
Another case in point is the sure and certain damage that is presently being loosed upon the U.S., and all of us who were born in and loved our once “America for Americans” nation, by allowing the totally unlimited entry of vast armies of ILLEGAL ALIENS, hordes of disease-ridden, poorly educated, totalitarian loving, haters of our Judeo/Christian religious beliefs, and increasingly HIGHLY DANGEROUS PSEUDO-REFUGEES and “undocumented immigrants”, both from the socialist, Marxist, progressive cesspools south of our border and increasingly from all over this planet, many now coming from Communist China, and especially in increasing numbers from many terrorist-harboring Islamic countries, such as Iran, who are purposely sending trained Islamic jihadists into our midst—violence loving and Satan-worshipping enemies whom our former President Trump tried hard to keep out of the U.S.. (“Our” government has recently reported that at least 75,000 (probably far more) Islamic extremist potential terrorists have crossed our borders since Comrade Biden stole the 2020 presidential election. Believe me, they are not here among us to merely “proselytize” for Islamic converts). They and their disgusting Chinese friends are here to set up “sleeper cells” and prepare to begin waging violent and destructive “jihad” against Americans when the CCP and their masters in Iran give the order to attack us from within!
All who are not willingly deceived or totally brainwashed know that in all of these Islamic dens of worship of “Allah”, the Islamic enemies of our nation and our constitution and its codified God-given freedoms, are plotting ways of intensifying their fight to convert the entire world of “infidels” (i.e. non-Muslims) into an Islamic Caliphate. Just because many are illegally entering our nation from or through the nation of Mexico does not mean that all of the poorly educated, diseased and verminous hordes are Hispanic in origin. More and more people from Islamic and Asian countries are crossing illegally, and they don’t plan to cozy up to Americans and sing “Koombyah” with us. At least not until they’ve shoved a knife in us or massacred many of us via “suicide bombers” in their ages-old quest to earn the “affections” of “72 virgins”! Yet our Marxist/progressive “masters” who dominate the Obama/Biden Administration insist on giving the Islamic nation of IRAN, one of our most deadly and determined enemies, billions and billions of our inflated dollars, which of course they use against us in multiple ways. Does that insanity qualify as a “death wish”? I think so.
Those Americans who have a “death wish” (literally) tell the rest of us that all of these poor, downtrodden aliens just want to come to America for “freedom”. BALDERDASH! Don’t believe that for a minute! Far too many of them have been “invited” by the Marxist/collectivists of the Obama/Biden Administrations to set up a “Fifth Column”, i.e. a huge army of YOUNG and willing fighters, saboteurs, and infiltrators, into our entire culture, eagerly awaiting orders to launch their “jihad”—their civilizational conflict with the formerly Christian west.
One would have to be deliberately blind (and many Americans are) to deny the inroads of the subversive Marxists that now have working control of our U.S. government, academia, most of our financial system, our labor unions, our medical institutions and societies, and even multi-national corporations that pretend to be “American”, but aren’t remotely such. Both Islamists and Marxists use “SITUATIONAL ETHICS”, which permits them to use any means to achieve their ends, including lying to one’s enemies, and using subterfuge to infiltrate themselves into positions of power or influence within the governments, the military, the religious institutions, or the cultures they are seeking to destroy.
Without any doubt, these people have always harbored a “death wish” against any free, non-Islamic or non-Marxist nation. And that certainly applies to our domestic Islamists and Marxists. If you find that truth “offensive”, perhaps you need to study history in more detail than you have, because YOUR ignorance is nothing more than a “death wish” directed against your nation and all of its people!
Finally, there is the growing domestic problem of the cultural attacks being waged by our increasingly violent Marxists and their deceived dupes under the guise of “Critical Race Theory”, communist agitprop which posits that all Caucasian (white) people in the U.S. are inherently “racist” from birth, an attitude that is “genetic” in only white people, and that must be “purged” by Marxist brainwashing, self-shaming, and obeisance to any minority group in the U.S., who are ostensibly the “superior” race (including people of Asian heritage, who apparently are just as “racist” as white people). Without belaboring this Marxist nonsense, it is absolutely clear that those who preach—AND TEACH-- such collectivist CRAP have a “death wish” against those who have a different skin color than they do. It is also totally apparent that those who believe such collectivist (Marxist) CRAP have a “death wish” against the sane among our population who refuse to capitulate to this vile and racist and violence-promoting Marxist claptrap. And that applies particularly to our large and powerful and ANTI-AMERICAN teacher’s unions here in the U.S. that are doing such a “good job” of destroying the pro-American and pro-free enterprise beliefs of our young people who, due to the uncaring attitudes of their parents, are being turned over to and mentally destroyed by these Marxist teacher’s unions that are so powerful.
So what about you? Do you harbor any kind of “death wish” along the lines I’ve described? I hope that you do not. However, there are far too many in our population who subscribe to one or more of these “death wishes”. Many of them are our younger, poorly educated members of the herd of conformity and “wokeness”. If the rational and sane patriots among us, including real Christians and Jews who have not been brainwashed with Marxist “liberation theology” and Critical Race nonsense, will not stand and fight these Satanic ideologies and beliefs, then the U.S. faces a real “death wish” situation—a new and violent civil war or, even worse, a bloody race war or, as is becoming increasingly apparent since early October, a disgusting anti-Semitic war pitting “Jews” against “non-Jews”, with its demands to “support” and “free” the mostly despicable so-called “Palestinians” of Gaza from their “evil occupation” by the nation of Israel. (Let me remind you that the Israelis EVACUATED totally from Gaza back in 2005, and despite what Comrade Obama and his fellow anti-Jewish clique tell us, the ONLY “occupiers” of that troubled land of ignorance and hate known as “Gaza” are the HATE-MONGERS OF HAMAS, WHICH IS THE GOVERNMENT OF GAZA! And totally financed by IRAN!)
These ANTI-AMERICAN rantings and ravings are not what Americans of good will should tolerate. Each of us must do all we can to educate others as to what is being planned by the enemies of God and Country. We must REFUSE the Marxist/progressive LIES that encourage Americans to hate each other because of “skin color” or “religious beliefs” that do not threaten others. We must put increasing pressure on our local, state, and federal legislators, on opinion molders all around us, and insist that we go back to honoring and adhering to our U.S. Constitution as envisioned by our Founders. Then, perhaps, we can escape the “death wishes” directed at us by those who are the implacable enemies of God and freedom under law, and YOU.