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Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 11:02 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Trump Will Make Families Safe Again

President-elect Donald Trump has boldly proclaimed his plans for his first 100 days in office. In fact, last year, he made videos announcing his Agenda 47 initiatives which he reiterated over and over on the campaign trail. Trump outlined a conservative vision in stark contrast to the radical stances of the Harris-Walz campaign that caused them to lose the election. Now, with Republicans leading these efforts in the House, Senate, and White House, we can bring some sanity back to our nation.

One grassroots issue that President Trump promised to champion is school choice. He plans to strike a balance of giving parents the freedom to choose private or home schooling while improving the quality of public schooling. Just as in his previous administration, President Trump’s tax plan will allow parents to use Education Savings Accounts to spend up to $10,000 tax-free per year on private school tuition or homeschooling supplies.

Under the previous Biden and Obama administrations, public schools have become a Marxist breeding ground that confuses children about their own bodies and stunts their intelligence. Trump will ensure that students are learning true American History and patriotism with the reinstatement of the 1776 Commission. Students and teachers will have the freedom to pray in schools again without fear of the federal government silencing them.

We watched in horror as the Biden administration rewrote the Title IX regulations to redefine ‘sex’ to include self-defined ‘gender identity’. This will allow boys in girls’ private spaces and sports, as well as declaring the use of the ‘wrong pronouns’ a form of discrimination. Parents have been told that they have no right to know what their children are learning and have been silenced when disagreeing with schools’ methods. In contrast, President Trump has promised that parents know what is happening inside the classroom including academic changes, classroom violence/bullying, and violations of privacy in bathrooms and locker rooms. Girls will be able to play on female-only athletic teams again. Parents will be notified immediately if a teacher has encouraged a child to change their name, gender, or pronouns. The President will also direct the Department of Education to stop all gender ideology and critical race theory curricula in schools.

Teaching children how to think- not what to think- would create better societies. The President-elect said:

Rather than indoctrinating young people with inappropriate racial, sexual, and political material, which is what we’re doing now, our schools must be totally refocused to prepare our children to succeed in the world of work.

Violence in schools will also be addressed. President Trump will order the Departments of Justice and Education to overhaul disciplinary standards to remove violent kids from classrooms and get them the help that they need rather than allowing innocent students to remain in harm’s way. He has offered his support to school districts that train teachers to have concealed carry permits on campus and hire veterans and retired law enforcement to patrol schools.

While much of the focus is on K-12 schooling, President Trump addresses higher education as well. He champions free speech on campus promising to “fire” the accreditors who impose “woke” policies on universities. He will direct the Department of Justice to tax the endowments of universities that engage in racism disguised as diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and fine them up to the amount of their endowment.

Perhaps, the biggest loser of the election is the transgender industry that seeks to confuse children’s minds and mutilate their bodies. President Trump has promised to no longer fund any hospital or healthcare provider that participates in gender transition procedures on minors and will encourage Congress to pass a national ban on child sexual mutilation. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will be directed to research the consequences of transgender hormone treatments. Not only will the Trump administration only use “male” and “female” when addressing the sexes, but they will also champion the nuclear family structure celebrating the unique roles of men and women.

The Left learned a hard lesson this year: when you come after our kids, we fight back! Thanks to President Trump’s leadership, the perverse gender ideologies that seek to destroy the future of our children- and ultimately our nation- will no longer have a foothold in the federal government. Eagle Forum is looking forward to working with the Trump administration to protect America’s most precious resource – our children!