- The Assassination of Donald Trump and The Revenge of MAGA
- A review of Jenna McCarthy's new book: YANKEE DOODLE SOUP
- Air Commando Hunters on the Ho Chi Minh Trail
- Remembering LBJ’s Vietnam War Operation Rolling Thunder
- A Different Focus on Biden July 11 Press Conference
- The Battle for Biblical Christianity
- False Prophets and Deceived Shepherds
- Returning America to Truth, Justice, and Common Sense
- The Resignation of President Joe Biden and his Endorsement of Kamala Harris
- Kamala Harris Promises to Impose Abortion on All 50 States as President
- Frontline Ministries, Inc., Celebrates 30 Year Anniversary
- Lisa Campbell Bracewell for Greenville County School Board - District 17
- A Republic Or A Democracy? There IS a Difference, You Know!
America's Survival Hangs in the Balance
- By David Limbaugh
How long can this nation survive when its main cultural and educational institutions preach a relentless, unchallenged stream of anti-Americanism to young people (and others) who lack the background to resist this toxicity?
Along with others, I have long argued that the American left has a major problem with America as founded. Yet Democrats are outraged by the suggestion, and too many Republicans seem insufficiently concerned about it. They better wake up.
- Hits: 1585
The Silent Majority Can Be Silent No More
- By David Limbaugh
Lately it seems that we conservatives can't win even when we're winning. But the country is under siege, so we cannot indulge the luxury of being discouraged.
This year has been one body blow after another to the nation we love. First, there was the coronavirus, and we thought, "How can this get any worse?" Then came the economic shutdown and the incalculable pain and suffering it brought. Next were the riots, the radicals' unopposed seizure of a section of Seattle and the maniacal efforts throughout the country to defund the police. Now a series of rulings from the "conservative" Supreme Court are wreaking untold havoc on the Constitution and the rule of law.
- Hits: 1868
A Tale of Two Americas
- By Josh Hammer
David Limbaugh is off. The following is a column by Josh Hammer.
What comes of a nation whose newspaper of record publicly caves to overwhelming pressure and repudiates an opinion piece written by a duly elected leading national legislator who boasts degrees from the nation's most famous educational institution, has undeniably relevant life experience on the subject and advances an argument supported by a majority of citizens? America is about to find out.
- Hits: 1788
Time for Trump Haters to Put America First
- By David Limbaugh
Once again, President Donald Trump is being scapegoated for societal problems that he didn't cause. He didn't bring the coronavirus to our shores, and he has not created an atmosphere of racial disharmony in this country.
Is there anything Trump's haters won't blame on him? They've been trying to remove him since before he was sworn in, and every time they fail, they find another excuse -- from the Russia-collusion hoax to Ukraine to the coronavirus to economic hardship from the shutdown to the murder of George Floyd to the subsequent mayhem in our cities.
- Hits: 1929
Kayleigh McEnany Shines on the Job
- By David Limbaugh
Don't listen to White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany's predictable critics. The level of vitriol the leftist media hurls at her daily -- during and apart from the press briefings -- conclusively proves she is doing a superb job.
Liberal journalists whip their long knives in her direction and seem shocked she doesn't grovel. They've been savaging her since her first press conference on May 1. No one with the audacity to work for President Donald Trump deserves a second's worth of honeymoon.
- Hits: 1703
RIP Ravi Zacharias, Good and Faithful Servant
- By David Limbaugh
Three short months ago, I received an encouraging text from my friend Ravi Zacharias. Now, as if in a blink of an eye, he has passed away. Along with countless thousands, I grieve.
When he wrote, he was reeling from excruciating back pain but wholly unaware of the cancer diagnosis that would soon follow. Despite his suffering and his onerous schedule, he shared that he was praying for my brother, Rush, who had just been diagnosed with cancer.
- Hits: 1692
No, Obamagate Is Not a Trump Diversion
- By David Limbaugh
No, President Donald Trump is not ranting and raving about Obamagate to keep himself center stage or to distract attention from COVID-19, as liberal media are suggesting. They still don't get Trump.
Two recent columns contend that Trump has ulterior motives in harping on Obamagate -- the notion that the Obama administration tried to destroy Trump with the myth that he colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
- Hits: 1697
Trump's Critics Can't Have It Both Ways
- By David Limbaugh
The left's position on the nation's proper response to the pandemic, though shrouded in the language of compassion, is incoherent and morally repugnant virtue signaling.
Since this calamity began, many national Democratic leaders, the left-wing media and various never-Trumpers have been more interested in smearing President Donald Trump -- no change there -- than helping to solve the myriad problems caused by the coronavirus.
- Hits: 1792
Trump Supporters: Fear Not Those Discouraging Polls
- By David Limbaugh
What are we to make of the dire predictions of President Donald Trump's political doom -- that he doesn't stand a chance for reelection in November?
I've read numerous mainstream media reports gloating over polls that show presumed Democratic nominee Joe Biden surging and Trump plummeting. I'm not one to casually dismiss polls, but I view them skeptically, especially given their poor track record in more recent elections, and pollsters' brazen manipulation of them to sway public opinion.
- Hits: 1817
Uncertainty About COVID-19 Warrants Our Humility
- By David Limbaugh
COVID-19 is so new and information is changing so rapidly that it is difficult to separate fact from fiction and truth from partial truth. Like everyone else, I'm just trying to make sense of the evolving information.
Many of us have been monitoring the daily reports measuring the number of deaths relative to the number of cases. We've been treated to crash courses in lay epidemiology via daily press briefings and voluminous articles.
- Hits: 1890
Media Prefer Hating Trump to Helping America
- By David Limbaugh
The liberal media are urging Joe Biden to form a shadow government to upstage President Donald Trump's crisis response effort, which illustrates its consuming partisanship -- and its insufficient attention to the health and welfare of the American people.
MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle floated the idea during an interview with former Barack Obama staffer Jim Messina. Referring to Trump's COVID-19 daily press briefing, Ruhle asked, "Should Joe Biden be counterprogramming that? Should he be creating his own shadow government, shadow Cabinet, shadow SWAT team, and getting up there at a podium every night, saying, 'Here's the crisis we're in. Here's what we need to do to address this'?"
- Hits: 1941
Our Hope in Christ's Victory Over Death
- By David Limbaugh
Many things about Christianity are counterintuitive but none more than this: God the perfect Father sent Jesus the perfect Son to Earth as a human being to suffer and die for the sins of imperfect human beings so that those who believe in the Son would receive the perfect Holy Spirit and live in eternal love with God.
Scripture makes all this clear.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16).
- Hits: 1802
Americans' Goodness Outweighs Pockets of Anti-Christian Bigotry
- By David Limbaugh
Though some deny it, many harbor a strong hostility toward Christians in our society, especially those who obediently wear their faith on their sleeves.
You know what they find worse than an outspoken evangelical Christian? An outspoken evangelical Christian who's also an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump. Talk about a perfect storm of contemptibility!
Mike Lindell, owner of MyPillow, and the Rev. Franklin Graham fall squarely into this category. Both are Christians. Both support Donald Trump. Both speak out about both.
- Hits: 1868
The Worst Time for Congressional Partisanship
- By David Limbaugh
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's attempted partisan sabotage of the coronavirus relief bill might mark a new low for her. That the bill finally passed doesn't excuse her reckless gamesmanship.
Republican and Democratic Senate leaders were close to an agreement when Pelosi parked her partisan broomstick and poured poison into the congressional punchbowl.
- Hits: 2131
Media's Negativity Won't Dampen the American Spirit
- By David Limbaugh
Silver linings accompany most catastrophic events, and one major one with the coronavirus is the remarkable way Americans (and people throughout the world) have come together to fight this outbreak.
Though the stock market has reflected a nation in panic, in other respects Americans, for the most part, have reacted responsibly, unselfishly and cooperatively, and I pray we are making substantial progress toward flattening the growth curve of this virus.
- Hits: 2129
Biden's 'Charming' Rudeness and Instability
- By David Limbaugh
The left's reaction to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's rude exchange with a union worker in Michigan is a case study on liberal hypocrisy and propaganda.
You'd have to be living in a cave not to recognize that something is way off with Biden. He's always been strange, but he's getting noticeably worse. His rhetorical recklessness is a feature, not a bug.
He has a history of gaffes, especially for someone so prominent. Casual ethnic slurs roll off his tongue like water off a donkey's back. Pandering to an Indian American supporter, he said: "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking." Or how about this tribute to the poor? "We have this notion that somehow if you're poor, you cannot do it," he said. "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."
- Hits: 2085
David Limbaugh is a writer, author and attorney. His latest book is "Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of the Gospel." Follow him on Twitter @davidlimbaugh and his website at www.davidlimbaugh.com. To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at www.creators.com.