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Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 07:18 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Senator Luke Rankin Suddenly Departed (fled?) the Senate Chamber on “Leave” before the Critical Vote that Day

Ephesians 5:11-13, KJV - "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light."

These are the Five (5) “Republican” Senators whose votes September 8 PERPETUATED Mass Genocide by “Abortion” in South Carolina’s Death Camps; and of Senator Luke Rankin who suddenly departed (fled?) the Senate Chamber on “Leave” before the critical vote that day

Note: Neither the SC House nor the SC Senate versions of H5399 establish legal recognition of personhood for preborn children at fertilization, and therefore neither version provides for equal protection of the laws, and therefore neither version establishes Justice. The just course of action for the SC House and SC Senate to take is to pass the Personhood Act of SC (H5401 / S1335), not H5399.

That said, on September 8, 2022, the SC Senate came within two (2) votes of passing a version, which while not establishing Justice, would have banned approx. 97% of surgical and RU486 “abortions” in SC, likely shutting down the Planned Parenthood “abortion” centers in Columbia and Charleston, and stopping most such elective “abortions”-on-demand at the Greenville “abortion” center. [ Note: The five (5) “Republicans” who voted against this version (see below) did not do so because the legislation was unjust and not “pro-life” enough for them, but because it was not pro-“abortion” enough for them. ] 

Being “Pro-Life” is agreeing with God regarding the Sanctity of the Human Life which HE has created.


These are the Five (5) “Republican” Senators whose votes September 8 PERPETUATED Mass Genocide by “Abortion” in South Carolina’s Death Camps:

Tom Davis (BEAUFORT)

Penry Gustafson (KERSHAW)

Greg Hembree (HORRY)


Katrina Shealy (LEXINGTON)


On September 8, “Republican” Senate Majority Leader Senator Shane Massey (EDGEFIELD) proposed a version of H5399 which was substantively very similar to the SC House version, with the primary difference being an additional “exception” to banning the murder of children in the womb. This H5399 Senate version** would have banned approximately 97% (using State of Florida 2020 statistics) of the surgical and RU486 “abortions” in SC. An attempt to table this version failed on a 20 Y to 24 N vote***. Since the tabling motion failed, pro-“abortion” Senator Tom Davis (BEAUFORT) began to filibuster Senator Massey’s proposal.

** This filibuster initiated by pro-“abortion” Senator Tom Davis (BEAUFORT) was against a version of H5399 which would have banned committing an “abortion” on “a woman known to be pregnant”, but with all the exceptions of so-called life/serious health of the mother, rape/incest, and fatal fetal “anomaly” [sic]; it was similar to the SC House version, which did not have a fatal fetal “anomaly” [sic] exception, and which would ban approximately 98% (using State of Florida 2020 statistics) of surgical and RU486 “abortions” in SC.

Note: There are no “exceptions” to God’s Commandment to all men not to commit murder. Exodus 20:13, KJV ]

After only about 20 minutes of Senator Davis’ “filibuster”, Senator Massey made a motion at 5:18 pm calling for a cloture vote to stop the threatened filibuster. The SC Senate came within two votes of doing so. The cloture vote*** was 24 Y to 20 N to end the filibuster, but under Senate Rules, 26 votes were needed. There are 30 “Republicans” in the SC Senate. The five pro-“abortion” “Republicans” who voted against cloture on the H5399 Senate version which would have banned 97% of surgical and RU486 “abortions” in SC were: Senators Tom Davis (BEAUFORT), Penry Gustafson (KERSHAW), Greg Hembree (HORRY), Sandy Senn (CHARLESTON), and Katrina Shealy (LEXINGTON). [ Note: The five (5) “Republicans” who voted against this version (see below) did not do so because the legislation was unjust and not “pro-life” enough for them, but because it was not pro-“abortion” enough for them. ] The sixth “Republican” who failed to vote for cloture was Senator Luke Rankin (HORRY) who departed (fled?) the Senate chamber about 25 minutes before the cloture vote on “Leave” *** (!?). Fifteen (15) pro-“abortion” Democrats also voted against cloture in the 24 Y to 20 N vote.

So this Senate version which would have banned approximately 97% (using State of Florida 2020 statistics) of surgical and RU486 “abortions” in SC, was not adopted because of the threatened filibuster and failed cloture vote.

*** SC Senate Journal – September 8, 2022

It was after the failure of this cloture vote that the Senate Bill was then amended, and the Senate then passed its final watered-down, revised six-week Heartbeat Bill version of H5399, which would ban approximately 52% (using 2021 SC DHEC statistics) of surgical and RU486 “abortions” in South Carolina, keeping open South Carolina’s Mass Genocide by “Abortion” Death Camps.

It should be noted that there were still two “Republican” Senators who did not even vote for the final watered-down, revised six-week Heartbeat Bill version of H5399 on September 8, which was Third Reading and passage of H5399 by the Senate on a 27 Y to 16 N vote. “Republican” Pro-“abortion” Senators Sandy Senn (CHARLESTON) and Katrina Shealy (LEXINGTON) each voted against even the watered-down, revised six-week Heartbeat Bill version of H5399 on Third Reading, which also includes all the “exceptions” of so-called life/serious health of the mother, rape/incest, and fatal fetal “anomaly” [sic].  [ Note: These two (2) “Republicans” who voted against even this version of H5399 on Third Reading did not do so because the legislation was unjust and not “pro-life” enough for them, but because it was not pro-“abortion” enough for them. ]


Luke Rankin (HORRY), the “Republican” Senator whose sudden departure (flight?) September 8 from the Senate Chamber on “Leave” before the critical vote that day helped PERPETUATE Mass Genocide by “Abortion” in South Carolina’s Death Camps.

*** SC Senate Journal – September 8, 2022

So if any two of the six “Republicans” who either voted against cloture (Senators Tom Davis (BEAUFORT), Penry Gustafson (KERSHAW), Greg Hembree (HORRY), Sandy Senn (CHARLESTON), and Katrina Shealy (LEXINGTON), or in the case of Senator Luke Rankin (HORRY) who was absent from the Senate chamber entirely, had voted for cloture, a Senate version of H5399 would have passed, which, while not establishing Justice, would have banned approx. 97% of surgical and RU486 “abortions” in SC, likely shutting down the Planned Parenthood “abortion” centers in Columbia and Charleston, and stopping most such elective “abortions”-on-demand at the Greenville “abortion” center.

Instead, as of October 27, 2022, it is 125 Days after the Dobbs decision and overturn of Roe v. Wade, and South Carolina is STILL killing her children in this State’s Mass Genocide by “Abortion” Death Camps.


Without Virtue There Can Be No Liberty” – Founder* Benjamin Rush:

Neither the SC House nor the SC Senate versions of H5399 establish Justice. Without the legal recognition of personhood for preborn children at fertilization, neither version provides for equal protection of the laws, and therefore both are unjust pieces of legislation. The just course of action for the SC House and SC Senate to take is to pass the Personhood Act of SC (H5401 / S1335), not H5399.

God says,

“Thou shalt not kill (murder).”

Exodus 20:13, KJV

“Abortion” is Murder.  [ https://abortionno.org/abortion-photos/ ]