The Koran, Sira, and Hadiths - Part 1
Islam is a total worldview, and Islamic Law is a legal system encompassing every aspect of Muslim life—religion, politics, government, war, criminal and civil law, business, family, food, dress, social, culture, absolutely everything. Although criticism of Islam or Islamic Law can invoke the death penalty, there are many secularized or purely cultural Muslims who are not fully compliant with Islamic doctrines and Islamic laws. But according to a 2008 survey reported by Ingrid Carlqvist with Dispatch International (Sweden) in 2015, 66 percent of European Muslims want to be under Sharia Law rather than Europeans laws.
Sharia is the Arabic word for Islamic Law. Although it is a redundancy, I frequently refer to it as Sharia Law to be better understood. Knowing some basic facts about Sharia is essential to understanding Islam. Just as the Bible is the foundational basis of Christian doctrines and teachings, the Koran, also spelled Quran and Qur’an, is the most sacred foundational text of Islam. However, Islam has two other foundational texts that are considered by Muslims to be almost as sacred as the Koran. The Koran is believed to have come directly from Allah (Arabic for god) and imparted to Muhammad, the foremost Prophet of Allah by the angel, Gabriel over 22 years. The two other collections of documents are the Sira, which is basically the biographical history of Muhammad, and the Hadiths, which are the sayings and example of Muhammad recorded by his close companions. Together the Sira and the Hadiths are termed the Sunna. The most important thing to know about Sharia is that each of its laws are documented by reference to the Koran or the Sunna.
The Hadiths and the Sira are especially useful in explaining the context and meaning of Koranic passages. By actual volume of words, the Koran, which is about the size of the New Testament, is only 14 percent of the combined doctrinal texts of Islam.
While many translations of the Koran use “God” referring to Allah, I prefer to use Allah. That is because despite common characteristics such as being all-powerful and all-knowing and being connected to the story of Abraham, the personalities of Allah of the Koran and Jehovah, the Lord God of the Bible, are quite different, leading to sharply contrasting theologies.
The easiest and most used Sharia Law text is Reliance of the Traveller (1,200 pages and spelled with a double l). In it, each law is indexed. For example Apostasy from Islam is indexed as o8.0.
o8.1 “When a person who has reached puberty and is sane, voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed.”
The reference is given as Bukhari Hadith (9,83,17).
Muhammad: “A Muslim who has admitted that there is no god but Allah and that I am his prophet may not be killed except for three reasons: as punishment for murder, for adultery, or for apostasy.”
The Sahih (authentic) al-Bukhari Hadiths were collected by Muslim scholar Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari about 200 years after the Prophet Muhammad’s death in 632 AD. Bukhari is considered the most reliable of six canonical Sunni Hadith collections.
o9.0 covers Jihad.
“Jihad means war against Kafirs to establish Islam.”
Kafir here means unbeliever or infidel or one who suppresses Islam. Note that both Christians and Jews, though sometimes referred to in the Koran as “people of the book” are Kafirs. Note that Sharia does not refer to Jihad as spiritual struggle as claimed by disingenuous Muslim apologists. Jihad is Holy War against any who have not submitted to Islam and Sharia Law. About 32 percent of the Koran and Sunna deal with Jihad, but it is not mentioned at all in the early chapters of the Koran recorded in Mecca ( Note that the chapters in the Koran are not in historical order, but by the length of the text. I strongly recommend reading them in historical order.
One Jihad reference is Koran 2.216 “You are commanded to fight although you dislike it. You may hate something that is good for you, and love something that is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not.” Sometimes the word, Surah, chapter, is used rather than Koran, as Surah 2.216.
The Doctrine of ABROGATION is extremely important in interpreting the Koran and understanding Sharia. The Koran, despite its claim to divine origin, is filled with many contradictions. One reason for this is that Muhammad’s sayings became markedly more political and violent, when he moved from Mecca to Medina (both in the eastern portion of modern Saudi Arabia), where he became a political leader and warlord. Whatever is revealed last through Muhammad effectively subordinates earlier sayings that contradict it. The new Medinan verses become strong verses, and the early Meccan verses they replace are known as weak verses. The contradictions and abrogations are explained in two ways. First, Allah can change his mind. Second, is that the weak verses were Allah’s advice, when the Muslims were weak politically and militarily while in Mecca. When they became politically and militarily strong in Medina, Allah’s advice became more coercive and violent. This can easily be seen in Muhammad’s Biography, which is heavy in Jihadic narrative and example, 67 percent of the Sira. While in Mecca they had to be submissive and peaceful. When strong and dominant in Medina, they cut off the heads of 800 Jewish prisoners. Within a few years, all the Jewish men in Medina had been driven out or slaughtered. They kept their wives and children as concubines and slaves. The biography of Muhammad serves as a plan for Hijra (invasion by migration) and Jihad against non-Muslim host nations.
Muslim immigration (Hijra) to Kafir lands is peaceful as long as their number remains small, and they are politically weak. As they grow stronger, they begin to demand that the host government make small accommodations to Sharia Law. The stronger they become the more demanding they are for larger host country concessions. When they become strong enough, they begin their Holy Jihad and demand that Sharia Law become the new law of the land, superior to any other law. That is why Sharia Law violates Article VI of the U.S. Constitution and why we should deny immigrant or visitor entry to anyone who embraces Sharia Law, Jihad, or the Islamic Doctrine of Supremacy:
Muslim Hadith (001,0031) Muhammad: I have been ordered to wage war against mankind until they accept that there is no god but Allah and that they believe I am His prophet and accept all revelations from me…”
Sharia contains essentially two sets of laws, one for Muslims and one for all non-Muslims, and they are by no means equal. It allows for dualistic ethics. Treat Muslims as brothers and non-Muslims as they were treated by Muhammad: subject to robbery, rape, torture, slavery, and murder. Swedish politicians still refuse to believe their suicidal immigration and refugee policies have any relationship to their new status as the rape capital of the world. Treat men as equals and women as inferiors with few rights. Keep your word to Muslims but freely lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam. This is Taqiyya, the doctrine of deception supporting subversion and Jihad.
Bukhari Hadith (4,52,268). Muhammad said: “Jihad is deceit.”
Bukhari Hadith (5, 59,369). Regarding the murder of Ka’b, the enemy of Allah and Muhammad, Bin Maslama said, “Give me permission to deceive him with lies so that my plot will succeed.” Muhammad replied, “You may speak falsely to him.”
Sharia dualism teaches the principle of loving what Allah loves and hating what Allah hates.
Thus we have sacred love and sacred hate, and all Kafirs and Kafir culture and institutions are subject to the zealous intensity of sacred hate, violence, and terrorism.
Koran 8:12 “Then your Lord (Allah) spoke to his angels and said, “I will be with you. Give strength to the believers. I will send terror into the Kafirs’ hearts, cut off their heads and even the tips of their fingers.”
Leonard M. (Mike) Scruggs is the author of The Un-CivilWar: Shattering the Historical Myths, UniversalMedia, Asheville, 2011.