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Sunday, February 9, 2025 - 02:15 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


ATLANTA -- VoterGA announced today an expansion to its original complaint that seeks a ban on the pending Salesforce third-party voter registration system also known as GaRVIS. The amendment seeks to ban all outsourcing of Georgians’ private data to third-party vendors. It is one of the first lawsuits in America to contest all outsourcing of private voter data by a Secretary of State (SOS).

The amendment seeks to ban current voter data transfers to the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) that receives both voter and non-voter resident data from the Georgia SOS. Petitioners contend that ERIC shared personal data illegally with the Center for Electronic Innovation and Research (CEIR) and that data was used for partisan purposes in violation of the Help America Vote Act and National Voting Rights Act.

VoterGA also announced that its petitioners have subpoenaed Konnech Inc. (Konnech) servers currently being held by Los Angeles County District Attorney investigators after the arrest of Chief Executive Officer Eugene Yu. The servers were seized in Michigan for violation of federal law after expert grand jury testimony alleged American poll worker data was in the hands of Konnech’s Chinese programmers and stored on a Unicom internet backbone controlled by the Communist Chinese government. The arrest warrant was issued in Los Angeles County based on a contract Konnech has with the county.

Konnech has a contract with DeKalb County, Georgia and the same servers are believed to contain not only DeKalb County poll worker data, but data from other officials in DeKalb County and even other residents throughout the state.

GaRVIS, originally scheduled to be implemented early last year, was postponed to correct a variety of technical problems. The original complaint was filed in Fulton County Superior Court on January 21, 2022. The temporary injunction filed on March 11, 2022, has never been heard. Defendants objected to every item on the Interrogatories and Notice to Produce lists that were filed. Petitioners challenged the objections and refusal to comply. VoterGA co-founder, Garland Favorito, credited research of other groups: “We are grateful to True the Vote and Verity Vote for their vital investigative work that revealed privacy violations impacting the security of the American people. Their investigations formed the basis of our expanded legal efforts to defend the privacy rights of all Georgia residents.”

VoterGA is a non-partisan, 501(c)3 registered non-profit organization created by a coalition of citizens working to restore election integrity in Georgia. We advocate for independently verifiable, auditable, recount capable, transparent and tamper proof elections.