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Monday, October 7, 2024 - 07:52 PM


First Published in 1994


WASHINGTON -- The protest will be on Wednesday, February 15, at 12:00 PM at the Chinese Embassy located at 3505 International Pl NW Washington D.C., DC 20008.

The activists will be displaying two large helium balloons, each having a 2 foot diameter, at the entrance to the Embassy.

From January 28 to February 4, 2023, a Chinese-operated high-altitude spy balloon was seen in North American airspace, including Alaska, western Canada, and the contiguous United States. On February 4, the U.S. Air Force shot down the spy balloon over U.S. territorial waters off the coast of South Carolina.

Se Hoon Kim, Director of the Captive Nations Coalition of the Committee on Present Danger: China, states;

"The CCP Balloons that appeared in our airspace represents the complete disregard for our sovereignty by the Chinese regime. We must stand together as united Americans and people of the Free World even stronger than before.

"No matter what the decision/reaction may have been from our own government, the people of the United States will show that we do not tolerate the clear violation of our nation's sovereignty by anyone, especially by the Communist Chinese Regime.

"Our protest at the Chinese Embassy in DC will show that there are those out there who will always stand against the evils of the CCP and most importantly, it will serve as a sign that we are standing strong with the persecuted peoples of China."

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington D.C., has a 40 year history of standing for human rights and freedom in China. He has led many prayer vigils, protests, rallies and media appearances in support of the Chinese people against the brutality and oppression of the Chinese Communist Party.

Concerning this protest at the Chinese Embassy, Rev. Mahoney states;

"We are gathering at the Chinese Embassy to condemn the brutal human rights abuses of the Chinese government against their own people and their violation of American airspace with a large spy balloon.  By sending this massive spy balloon across our nation, the Chinese Communist Party has shown a complete lack of respect and regard for American sovereignty and freedom.

"We believe, instead of spying on other nations, the Chinese government should be diligently working to protect and honor human rights and ensuring freedom for all their citizens."

SOURCE Christian Defense Coalition