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Saturday, July 27, 2024 - 12:20 AM


First Published in 1994


Issues You Can Talk About at Thanksgiving

Many of us avoid talking politics around the Thanksgiving table. When family members have different political opinions, some of the most controversial topics that we are dealing with daily may need to be put aside for a peaceful meal. Even though it seems like our nation’s politics are becoming increasingly divisive, there are still a few subjects that have bipartisan consensus and may result in interesting discussions while passing the mashed potatoes.

Daylight Saving Time

Nothing will cause a larger collective moan from your family members than bringing up the issue of daylight savings time. Moms know how brutal the transition to an hour later or earlier can be on your kids’ schedules and attitudes. Whether driving home from work, school, or extracurricular activities, all of us are experiencing darker-than-usual commutes.

The concept of Daylight Saving Time (DST) was conceived by Benjamin Franklin in 1784, but as a satirical way to conserve candlesticks! It’s no surprise that politicians would take a joke and make it a reality. DST became federal law in 1918, repealed seven months later, and then re-enacted in 1974. Contrary to popular belief, farmers are against Daylight Saving due to the loss of morning light to complete farm tasks. Businesses have seen less productivity from their employees and claims that DST saves energy are inconclusive at best. So why keep this unnecessary law on the books?

Every year, members of the U.S. House and Senate introduce bipartisan legislation to eliminate Daylight Saving Time. The Sunshine Protection Act  (H.R. 1279/S. 582) passed the Senate last year, but never got a vote in the House.

Religious Freedom

Whether or not every member of your family shares your faith, we can all appreciate the religious freedoms that we have in the United States. This month marked the 30th anniversary of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act “RFRA” which ensures the free exercise of religion. You may be surprised to know that in 1993, then-Congressman Chuck Schumer (D-NY) introduced the bill in the House, Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) introduced its companion in the Senate, and President Bill Clinton signed it into law. That year, the House passed the bill unanimously by voice vote and 97 Senators voted in favor of passage. Although Democrats have recently tried to weaken its protections by passing laws that exempt its application in various situations, many Americans believe strongly that the government should respect religious beliefs and exercise as much as possible.  As families gather over Thanksgiving dinner, hopefully, all can give thanks for the First Amendment protection of religious liberty.


The federal government has shown tremendous consensus in support of Israel in its fight against Hamas. In October, the House passed a resolution to stand with Israel “as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists.” 412 Representatives from both parties voted in favor of its passage. Both the House and Senate are working in different ways to provide supplemental funding to Israel. Just last week, almost three hundred thousand Americans attended the March for Israel in Washington, D.C., to show support for our ally Israel. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) both addressed the crowd.


Homicides, carjackings, and lootings have been in the headlines much too frequently this year. In Democrat-run cities like Washington, D.C., Chicago, Seattle, and New York City residents have experienced a spike in both violent and property crimes. The movement to “defund the police” has not fared well for Democrat mayors. Chicago’s Mayor Lori Lightfoot became the first mayor in 40 years to lose re-election and D.C.’s Mayor Muriel Bowser flipped her position and now is taking a tougher stance on crime. With the majority of people feeling unsafe in their own communities, there is (unfortunately) a good chance that people around the Thanksgiving table will agree things need to change.


Whoever is providing any part of the Thanksgiving dinner will certainly feel the effects of inflation this year. While turkey prices have gone down slightly, those who serve ham will pay an all-time high of $4.56 per pound. Increases in the price of potatoes (14%), green beans (9%), and canned pumpkin (30%) may make traditional sides and desserts feel like luxuries. No one likes to pay extra for basic groceries especially when the increases can be linked to the federal government.

If guests are overstaying their welcome, you can always bring up Target’s transgender nutcrackers and handicapped Santas or Joe Biden’s ever-growing list of gaffes. Jokes aside, we at Eagle Forum are grateful for your support and pray you have a blessed Thanksgiving!