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Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 11:50 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Gender Roles in US Military 2024
Army Chaplain (MAJ) James F. Linzey (Ret.) serves the Lord's Supper to an Air Force Senior Master Sergeant at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans, on the flightline on the morning of September 7, 2005. That day, Chaplain Linzey's battalion deployed to the inner city for a month of search and rescue operations. (Released).

WASHINGTON --  On November 13, 2024, on the Megyn Kelly Show, Megyn Kelly broadcast Pete Hegseth's CNN interview wherein he states, "We should not have women in combat roles! It hasn't made us more effective, hasn't made us more lethal, has made fighting more complicated...Our institutions don't have to incentivize that where over human history men in those positions are more capable." Megyn said, "I support this, too." Hegseth also denounced men and women training together in the military.

Megyn then quoted an NPR statement concerning a year-long study by the US Marine Corps on women in combat units. She said, "The study found that all-male units outperformed mixed gender units across the board." Since the woke US Marine Corps found this to be true, and the liberals at NPR are even reporting it, the Christians and conservatives who support mixed genders in training would be better served if they came to grips with the ramifications, because they are supporting a woke, liberal agenda.

James Linzey attended Air University at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, and the General Staff and Command College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He studied issues dealing with national security, warfare, ethics, political science, decision-making, military leadership, and more. He said, "Throughout world history, men were the warriors and men trained with men and under the command of men." Linzey continued, "When women joined the military in the modern era, women initially trained with women and under the command of women. This posed no harm. Of course, this works!" His father was a Navy Captain, Stanford E. Linzey, Jr., and he held this view.

Linzey also said, "This is not too different than women playing in men's sports and men playing in women's, except that in war, soldiers are killed for lack of wisdom. The physically weak are prone to get the strong killed in action. Additionally, mixed training breeds immorality, because it requires mixed living arrangements in which married and single men and women in the field sleep, dress, and undress in front of each other while their spouses are at home."

Linzey served with the 2-185 AR Battalion from the California Army National Guard in New Orleans for the search and rescue operations in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. "When we landed at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base New Orleans, we Guardsmen spent the night in our uniforms in our sleeping bags on the flightline beside the runway. In the morning, when I got ready to conduct a field communion service on the flightline, one middle-aged, married soldier changed his clothes and was standing completely unclothed in front of male and female soldiers until he put something on. As a chaplain, you cannot tell me that mixed training and women serving with men on deployments do not create problems. I know it does," Linzey said.

Linzey has dealt with unwanted pregnancies, dead soldiers, and crying parents as a certified counselor and chaplain. Linzey continued, "Chaplains are duty-bound to address the problems that mixed gender units, mixed training, and mixed deployments cause. People might be pleased to know that some chaplains earn their pay and do. Some have suffered illegal reprisal for it, while most keep quiet to get their pay checks and promotions."

Linzey, a 24 year military chaplain and author of 'Moral Leadership,' endured rugged physical training and has matched the best of warriors for his age group, earning the Army Physical Fitness Test Excellence Award for achieving a perfect score of 300 in the pushups, sit ups, and two-mile run, outperforming the vast majority of chaplains.

Additionally, he outthinks the vast majority of chaplains. Linzey's estimated IQ falls between 125 and 140, placing him in the "very superior intelligence" range. He earned 4.0 in Koine Greek from beginning to advanced, and was among the top three students in his class at Westminster Seminary California, which has the toughest biblical languages program in the country. Steven M. Baugh, Ph.D., his professor would not say which student was number one. There were ruminations that it was Linzey.

Chaplain Linzey wrote one of the four institutional military prayers in all of American history while serving as the first-ever full time chaplain for the Leader's Training Course for the US Army Cadet Command at Fort Knox, Kentucky. He also wrote the first military hymn in 105 years—the United States Space Force Hymn (Creator of the Universe). In 2016, he served as a Donald J. Trump surrogate in media interviews and was the first clergyman to publicly endorse Donald Trump for president. He is a very smart man.

Pete Hegseth, who is a Harvard scholar and a proven military warrior, was recently appointed as Secretary of Defense by President-elect Donald Trump and plans on routing wokeism out of the military. Pete Hegseth is a straight thinker and must be confirmed to restore tradition to our military institutions to get done what chaplains failed to do.Commander Don Biadog, CHC, USN (Ret.), of San Diego, California, who received the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award 2024 and was the Command Chaplain at MCAS Miramar, former home of Top Gun, said, "We need to route wokeism out of the Church. Warfare is warfare, whether in the military, physical, spiritual, or the ecclesiastical realms. We must heed Scripture and history concerning military warfare and traditional roles in the military."

Biadog attended the United States Naval War College, which is on par with Ivy League universities and colleges. This is where he earned a Master of Arts degree in National Security and Strategic Studies. He stated, "Nowhere in scripture do women serve in any military or train with men for war. It's a woke concept, breaking down traditional military institutions, not scriptural at all. Since women do serve in various militaries in the world today, they should train with women and under the command of women, and men should train with men and under the command of men. Women do not develop male warriors. Men do!"To that, I say, "Amen!"Author Jonathan Sciano is a highly successful former Air Force Sergeant, freelance writer, entrepreneur, architect, and reader of fine literature. He is a churchman, residing in Sierra Vista, Arizona.Free downloads of the Space

Force Hymn are available here:

Sheet music: https://spaceforcehymn.com/
Audio: https://we.tl/t-x1bul0RFOs
Video: https://we.tl/t-4xkAz7jl2G
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrrgkHBfDqw