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Saturday, September 7, 2024 - 07:40 PM


First Published in 1994


American Life League's Marian Blue Wave Seeks Closure of Birmingham Abortion Location

FREDERICKSBURG, Va. -- Throughout the month of October 2022, participants in the Marian Blue Wave prayer initiative will be praying for the protection of Alabama women and children. Those praying will focus on ending abortion and will direct particular attention to the Planned Parenthood mega center in Birmingham, the city known for its historic role in the America's Civil Rights Movement.

In the 1960s, Birmingham was known for its segregation and racial discrimination. Today, the people of Birmingham are still targeted for abuse according to the American Life League, this time by Planned Parenthood.

"The Birmingham, Alabama, Planned Parenthood is among the abortion giant's 34 mega facilities throughout the country. These huge abortion sites are usually constructed under the guise of neighborhood revitalization, near university campuses or bordering states that limit abortion. Each is over 10,000 square feet and can commit abortions on hundreds of women each day," shared Katie Brown, Director of the American Life League's growing Catholic movement to eliminate abortion.

"While the SCOTUS ruling on Dobbs has once again returned abortion regulation to the states, we cannot ignore the fact that babies are still going to die," added Brown. "The end of Roe is the undoing of a grave injustice imposed on this nation for nearly 50 years, but in most states, abortion violence is still going to happen–especially in mega Planned Parenthood facilities."

"Each month, our prayers have targeted the abortion facilities in a different state," Brown explained. "By leading with love and asking for our Blessed Mother to intercede for us, prayer is the most important next step we can take as we continue this fight to save precious lives. We pray God will bring about the closing of these Planned Parenthood facilities, we pray for the preborn babies whose lives are ended at these facilities, and we pray for the protection of teenagers who are lured to these facilities and ushered into lives of sexual sin."

"The Marian Blue Wave has a prayer companion booklet that facilitates these prayers," added Brown. "Loaded with devotional thoughts and prayers from life-affirming Catholic priests, the booklet is a tool to guide pro-life Catholics in their commitment to pray for an end to abortion."

Under Brown's direction, over its three-year existence, the Marian Blue Wave has gathered thousands of participants, representing all 50 states and 31 different countries, and is growing daily.

The Marian Blue Wave is a call to Catholics throughout America to pray a weekly Rosary with the specific intentions of ending all types of abortions and shutting down every Planned Parenthood facility. The American Life League celebrates the third anniversary of its Marian Blue Wave in October 2022 and continues to invite Catholics across the nation to join the initiative.

Brown explained that in addition to the focused prayers for these particular Planned Parenthood mega abortion facilities and the overarching aim of ending abortion throughout the nation, the specific goals of the Marian Blue Wave are to:

  • Shut down every Planned Parenthood facility in the United States (Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in America)
  • Shut down all other abortion facilities in the United States
  • Change the hearts of Catholics who advocate for or promote abortion in any way

"We have been fighting abortion politically for over 40 years, and nothing has changed. The Marian Blue Wave focuses on the true evil behind abortion, and rallies people together to fight that evil with our most powerful weapon – The Holy Rosary," said Brown.

Brown believes that dedicated prayer will "refocus the fight against abortion from politics, to putting our faith back in God to end the deep-rooted evil of abortion."

Learn more about the Marian Blue Wave, join the movement, and find resources for participation at marianbluewave.com.


About American Life LeagueThe American Life League has been part of the pro-life abortion debate from its inception. Since 1979, the American Life League has committed to the protection of all innocent human beings from the moment of creation to death with a pro-life integrity that stands up for every innocent human being whose life is threatened by a "culture of death." For more information visit all.org.

SOURCE American Life League