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Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 12:21 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


392715 Its More Than Just a Number

The Restoration ProjectATLANTA -- 392,715. It's just a number until you realize it is the number of abortions completed by Planned Parenthood according to their 2023 annual report. When that realization sinks in one can't help but wonder if 70-75% of those abortions were on Black women. Why? Because in 2012, Protecting Black Life  published information revealing that 78% of Planned Parenthood's surgical facilities were within a two-mile radius of black and Latino neighborhoods.

25. It's just a number until you realize "... Planned Parenthood has located a stunning 86 percent of its abortion facilities in or near minority neighborhoods in 25 U.S. counties with the most abortions."  These 25 counties are just 1% of all the counties in America, but accounted for 30%  of all the abortions in 2014 and house 28% of all black Americans. In fact, in these counties nearly 25% of the targeted zip codes within 5 miles of a Planned Parenthood have an average black population of 55%. Planned Parenthood increased the number of their facilities in these 25 counties by 35% between 2010 and 2018. 

34%. Again, just another number until you realize it represents the $699.3 million taxpayer dollars of the over $2 billion dollars of revenue Planned Parenthood reported.  These numbers alone would not trigger alarm because they are just numbers. But when you put them in context, they are not only alarming but rise to the level of genocide due to Planned Parenthood's specific targeting of black women and their babies. As they carry out the tenets of the Negro Project their founder launched in 1939 these numbers represent the success of Alan Guttmacher's (Margaret Sanger's successor) efforts to legalize abortion in order to deal with the population explosion he saw on a Johns Hopkins segregated ward in the 1940's.

Yes, Planned Parenthood has sought to control the black birth rate in America since 1939. They have pursued, shamelessly, black ministers, leaders, and politicians in their efforts to "exterminate" those they consider dysgenic. Cloaking their eugenic ideals in words that evoke an emotional response, they claim they are providing black women with access to what they call a woman's right, what they call healthcare. Five decades of lies cannot make black children in the womb a disease, or objects to be gotten rid of. The lie stops here as we say no more.