- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
God is in Control
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- By Winston McCuen - Ware Shoals, SC
Easter is a good time to reflect on the state of the world and the mysteries of God's providential plan.
Liberals in America have murdered over 40 million people by abortion in the name of "women's rights" since Roe v. Wade in 1973. The Nazis are said to have killed 6 million Jews. Does this mean that our "progressive and enlightened" Liberals are at least six times more evil than Hitler and the Nazis are supposed to have been?
Recently on FoxNews, Bill O'Reilly declared that "Christianity is non-political." Evidently he meant the Bible is politically neutral and that somehow people who differ on moral-political fundamentals can all be Christians. But that is absurd, since the Christian faith is all about the one and only correct conception of moral fundamentals.
Cruz: Strong Contender for Truth, Conservative and Christian Vote
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz Strikes Fear in Hearts of Democrats, RINO Republicans: “I will tell the truth and do what I say”
Senator Ted Cruz broughthis wife and daughters to the Poinsett Club in Greenville, Friday night, to speak to and mingle with Republican women and their families.
“We are all here tonight because we are worried about the direction of our country,” he told the packed house that was so spellbound by the speaker that some forgot to eat their cheesecake and their coffee became cold.
The Cruz message was positive and sometimes humorous. “Let’s talk about what is fixing to be going right in this country, rather than what is going wrong,” he suggested.
“I make you this promise: I will tell the truth and I will do whatI say.”
Contending for the Conservative Vote
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
It will be interesting watching Republican candidates for President of the United States compete for the conservative vote, that in South Carolina’s open primary includes Christians, Libertarians, and Tea Party independents. They constitute a majority-voting block in the Palmetto State, however, somehow they always manage to have several candidates to split the vote and give an advantage to the most liberal candidate.
Jeb Bush, the obvious Republican Party elite favorite, will be aided by crossover Democrat voters. Half a dozen candidates will fight for the conservative voters that include the almost disenfranchised legitimate Republicans. This is part of the GOP/Bush strategy to help usher in a Bush primary victory in South Carolina.
SC Secretary of State Mark Hammond to Speak at FFI Event
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- By Press Release
South Carolina Secretary of State Mark Hammond is scheduled to speak in Greenville on May 9 to honor student authors. Hammond’s 2 p.m. address will highlight the announcement of high school winners in the BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY essay contest sponsored by nonprofit First Foundations, Inc.
Ten student finalists are expected to win cash prizes for writing about how the U. S. Constitution informs and inspires young Americans in 2015. Each student was challenged to compose an original 500 word essay. The grand prize winner will be offered a scholarship from North Greenville University. Other finalists will win cash and merchandise.
Greenville County Republicans Abandon Costly Legal Action
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Following a short report by their attorney Samuel Harms, The Greenville County Republican Party Executive Committee voted to suspend pursuit of legal actions to overturn the state election law that allows all registered voters to participate in selection of Republican Party candidates. The Committee also released Harms, who had invested thousands of hours and dollars pursuing the case, from any further responsibility or obligation.
The Greenville County Republican party had pursued the matter in federal court for four years, at great expense to members and volunteer attorneys. The State Party had been a supportive partner in the legal action.
Top Ten Finalists for 2015-16 GCS Teacher of the Year
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- By Susan Clarke
Ten finalists have been selected in the 2015-16 Greenville County Schools Teacher of the Year program. They are, in alphabetical order:
• Alice Bradley, Seventh Grade Language Arts, Ralph Chandler Middle School
• Amy Burnett, Mathematics, Berea High School
• Kristin Danko, Fourth Grade, Bell’s Crossing Elementary School
• Shiree Turner Fowler, Kindergarten, Hollis Elementary Academy
• Tracy Gay, Fifth Grade, Crestview Elementary School
• Stacy Hall, Sixth Grade School Counseling, Riverside Middle School
• Anne Matthews, String Orchestra, Greenville Middle Academy
• Shelley Peak, Third Grade, Robert E. Cashion Elementary School
• David Quigley, Math and Science, Woodmont High School
• Heather Steading, Fifth Grade, Fork Shoals School
Thanks to Those Willing to Risk It All
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
From the beginning of our nation, there have been men and women willing to risk it all. The truth is that our republic was created and kept free by a small percentage of men and women who were and are willing to risk it all. We should honor and celebrate those people, not punish them for doing the right thing.
In earlier times, students were exposed to the words and deeds of men like Patrick Henry, who said, “Give me liberty, or give me death.” The men who signed the Declaration of Independence put everything on the line.
“With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”
Most of these men and many of their families paid a price in pain and suffering for doing the right thing and providing us with freedom that we must preserve.
Piedmont Women’s Center 2015 Banquet for Life
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Piedmont Women’s Center held their 2015 fundraiser banquet Thursday, March 26, at the TD Center.
The program featured filmed greetings from Governor Nikki Haley, presentation by Joni Eareckson Tada, and music by Wes Hampton.
Center nurses presented live ultrasound images of “littlest guests.”
Eyewitness Report from a Benghazi Survivor
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 KJV
Both sides of Kris “Tanto” Paronto’s business card has the same message: “John 15:13.” The United States is most fortunate to have active duty and veteran military personnel that not only uphold their oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” but also willingly give their lives in order to save the lives of their comrades.
A few hundred Upstate citizens had a rare opportunity last Wednesday and Thursday to meet a legitimate living hero and hear a true and accurate account of what happened during the Benghazi attack. Kris “Tanto” Paronto was one of the survivors of the attack on the U.S. State Department Special Mission compound in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of September 11, 2012.
Ashtabula Celebrates Old Farm Day
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- By Terry M. Thacker
The sights and sounds of yesteryear came alive in Pendleton on Saturday as Ashtabula celebrated Old Farm Day.
Antique gas engines powered a plethora of machines, including a cotton gin and a hay bailer, just to name a few. Antique tractors and automobiles were on display as well.
The coolness of the day did not deter hundreds of people of all ages from coming out to enjoy the event. While some spectators meandered over the front lawn, inspecting the various and sundry exhibits, other visitors paid an extra $3.00 to take a guided tour, given by young ladies dressed in hoop skirts, of the Ashtabula mansion, which served as the backdrop for the day's festivities.
Candidate with Brains and a Backbone
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Senator Ted Cruz was the first Republican presidential candidate to formally announce his candidacy. He made the announcement at Liberty University before a crowd of several thousand people. The location could not have been better for the “born again” Christian son of a Baptist preacher.
Typically, Cruz spoke eloquently and with passion without notes or a teleprompter. He was interrupted by enthusiastic applause following almost every statement. The Harvard educated lawyer is obviously very intelligent and has demonstrated exceptional common sense, both in the United States Senate and as Attorney General of Texas. In contrast with other Republican candidates and party leaders, Ted Cruz has a backbone. He has the courage of his convictions and is willing to stand up to both Democrats and the leadership of his own party when necessary. He can articulate proven conservative principles in a manner reminiscent of Ronald Reagan.
Netanyahu Re-Elected Prime Minister
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
With all the ballots counted, it was clear that Benjamin Netanyahu has been re-elected as Israel's Prime Minister for the fourth time. Netanyahu's conservative Likud Party won 30 of the 120 seats in the Knesset. The liberal Zionist Union (formerly Labor Party) won 24 seats, but it was not enough to put their party leader Buji Herzog in office as prime minister.
While there were few surprises with the smaller parties, the most recent pre-election polls had shown Herzog unseating Netanyahu. Even preliminary results on election night had Likud and Zionist Union neck and neck with about 24 seats each, making it unclear who would be designated by the president to form the next government.
Governor Scott Walker Visits Greenville
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin addressed a crowd of more than two-hundred at the TD Center in Greenville last Thursday evening.
Walker mingled with the crowd and posed for photos with supporters prior to the sit-down BBQ supper. He appeared very comfortable with friends, some of which supported his political campaigns in his home state.
The Governor thanked attendees for their prayers during his recall-election battles that involved vicious demonstration by his opponents. “Don’t stop praying,” he said.
Governor Walker, who has two young sons, said he was concerned about the safety of future generations of Americans. He said that was his motivation for seeking the presidency. He listed a number of his accomplishments as Governor of Wisconsin and said he wanted to do some of the same things in Washington, DC.
Cruz is First Top-Tier Movement Conservative Candidate Since Reagan
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- By Press Release
MANASSAS, Va., -- Christian Newswire -- Richard A. Viguerie releases the following statement and is available for comment:
Today's official announcement that Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is running for president changes everything in the 2016 presidential campaign.
Ted Cruz isn't running for Vice President or Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Jeb Bush administration.
Every Republican candidate for president will have to move significantly to the right, starting with Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, and define their position on amnesty for illegal aliens, on fighting and winning the war radical Islam has declared on America, on spending, the deficit and the debt, and on repealing Obamacare, against the positions Ted Cruz will talk about and campaign on in the coming months.
Guest Worker Program Replacing Americans in High Tech Jobs
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
American Worker Making More than $60,000 per year, “Your Job is up for Grabs”
A bill before the United States Senate would triple the number of “guest workers” under the H-1B guest worker Visa program, according to testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee recently.
Howard University Professor Ron Hira told the committee that the Senate “I-Squared” bill would triple the number of guest workers for high tech jobs and send a message to American workers making over $60,000 annually that “your job is up for grabs.”
The professor informed the committee that “it is a myth that companies pay guest workers prevailing wages and actively look first for Americans to fill the jobs that are eventually given to H-1B guest workers.”
National Security Summit Held in S.C.
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- By Jeff West
The National Security Action Summit was held in West Columbia on Saturday, March 14. The event was sponsored by Breitbart News, The Center for Security Policy and the High Frontier. Over 250 people attended from as far away as Washington, D.C. and Florida. The numerous speakers included dignitaries such as Ambassador John Bolton, Admiral “Ace” Lyons, former SCGOP Chairman Van Hipp, Ambassador Henry Cooper, and the Honorable Senators Rick Santorum and Ted Cruz. LTG William “Jerry” Boykin spoke via Skype. Recent Senatorial candidate Richard Cash opened with a prayer acknowledging America’s turning away from God and asking Him to protect America.
Topics included the decline of the military, the vulnerability of the U.S. power grid, threats from radical Islam and shariah law, immigration and border security. There was much valuable material in the almost 9-hour conference, which obviously cannot all be covered here, but the event can be found on Youtube by searching for “SC Summit Live.”
This Ministry Must Continue
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Wisdom in Living Life Ministry of Winn Freeman is desperately needed, highly effective and must be continued. Community church and business support is necessary to carry out his vision of a “Beyond Recovery” campus in Northern Greenville County. The Freeman method is the God method for providing a permanent cure for addiction of all kinds.
Hundreds of friends joined the family of Winn Freeman, Saturday afternoon, to celebrate his life and remarkable ministry. Attendees had only to look around the sanctuary of Renfrew Baptist Church to see evidence of the miracles God has performed through a former alcoholic and drug addict whose productive life began after age 30 and ended much too soon. This Southern Baptist Church on Saturday probably had the largest gathering of former (cured) drug addicts ever assembled in Upstate South Carolina. Many of them were giant black men, praising God and giving thanks for what Winn Freeman, a quiet white man of small stature, had done in their lives.
Rick Perry Visits the Hamiltons in Greenville
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- By By Thomas C. Hanson
From left to right: Adam Morgan, Megan Hamilton, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Shelly Hamilton and Ron Hamilton.
Two Pretenders
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- By Frank Hall - Greenville, SC
In 1980-85 I was a member of the California City Airport Advisory Committee. Whenever the City Council dealt with issues that involved the airport we attended their meetings and contributed mostly helpful advice. For reasons I don’t now remember we decided in 1983 to hold a fly-in/airshow at our airport. We divided the responsibilities: Vendors, car parking, aircraft parking, advertising, event registration, etc. I took on the responsibility for the air show.
Spartanburg to be Colonized as “Refugee Seed Community”
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Obama Administration has apparently selected Spartanburg County as a “Refugee Seed Community” as part of the controversial plan to root-out western European culture and traditions from American conservative communities. A World Relief contractor is establishing an office in Spartanburg, according to a report by Lisa Pandone Benson, a national security expert tracking Muslim influence in the United States.
The report indicates that Jason Lee, former pastor of Oak Grove Baptist Church, has been named executive director of the Spartanburg office. Lee was pastor of Oak Grove Baptist Church for more than 5 years according to the report.
He is also a leader with Come Closer Spartanburg, a partnership of faith leaders, Christians and business leaders with a mission to “unite God’s people for the purpose of loving our city to Christ.”
Pannell Named NGU Interim President
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- By Press Release
Tigerville, SC – North Greenville University Board of Trustees voted today to name Dr. Randall Pannell as interim president of the school effective immediately.
The decision is in response to NGU President Dr. Jimmy Epting’s announcement of his sabbatical and retirement effective June 1, 2015.
Pannell came to the institution in 2011 when he was hired as vice president for academics.
"We want to continue offering quality education as well as protect the culture here during this interim period,” said Bill Tyler, member of the interim leadership search committee. “We feel we can accomplish this with Dr. Pannell.”
ObamaCare Can Cancel Your Insurance, Warns Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)
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- By Jane M. Orient
Tucson, AZ. One of the biggest selling points for the Affordable Care Act (ACA or ObamaCare) was the promise that insurers couldn’t cancel your plan if you get sick. But if the U.S. Supreme Court, in King v. Burwell, holds premium subsidies to be illegal in Exchanges not established by States, the Administration will allow insurers to abrogate their contracts, says the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
“It’s déjà vu all over again,” states AAPS executive director Jane M. Orient, M.D. “When Medicare passed, seniors who had private insurance lost it. The insurers told President Johnson that they couldn’t unilaterally cancel subscribers’ contracts. But LBJ said they could cancel all the contracts, and they did. Private insurance for seniors was ended with a stroke.”
Upstate Congressmen and National Committeewoman Speak at Republican Breakfast
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- By Thomas C. Hanson

Understanding Survivor’s Guilt
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
We are told that some 22 active duty and military veterans commit suicide every day. Only they understand the burdens left with them from their war experiences. There are many contributing factors. One of these burdens has become known as “survivor’s guilt”. It can take many forms.
You cannot forget comrades injured or killed during the horror and trauma of battle. In the aftermath, you may wonder whether you did all you could have done to save a member of your unit. You may have miraculously survived while others did not. You may wonder, “Why not me?” These thoughts, unless compartmentalized, dealt with spir-itually or otherwise controlled, can push an individual to desperation. Only those who experience these things can fully understand the pain and guilt involved.
Greenville County Republican Women Attend AIPAC in Washington, D.C.
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- By Cheryll Cuthrell
Left to right: Debbie Spaugh of GCRW, Geri Warren of GCRW, US Rep. Jeff Duncan of SC, Betty Poe 1st VP of National Federation of Republican Women and Cheryl Cuthrell 2nd VP of GCRW joined AIPAC in Washington D.C. on the first of March. The ladies had several breakout sessions that gave information about Iran working on a nuclear bomb. On Monday the ladies were treated to the first speech by Benjamin Netanyahu. Tuesday after the speech to Congress the ladies went to Capital Hill and met with Senators Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham regarding the Senate Bills, Kirk-Menendez (S269) and Corker-Menendez (S651). They also met with Rep. Jeff Duncan and Rep. Trey Gowdy regarding a House letter by Royce and Engle and asked them to sign the letter. The delegation members of South Carolina that they met with were working towards keeping Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.
“Old Farm Day at Ashtabula” - One Day Festival Celebrates Upstate’s Farming Heritage
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- By Press Release
The Pendleton Historic Foundation and the Bart Garrison Agricultural Museum of South Carolina invite the whole family to “Old Farm Day at Ashtabula” on March 28 from 10 AM – 3 PM. This one-day festival is a celebration of our rich farming heritage in the Upstate. Old Farm Day showcases antique tractors, cotton gins, and hit-and-miss engines to demonstrate the historical progression of farming. Our Ag-venture event not only shows bygone equipment to a new generation, but also allows old-timers to recall farming the way it was. Whether you’re a city mouse or a country mouse, Old Farm Day will fill your family’s day with fun. Admission is $5.00 per car.
Why is My Paper Late?
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
More Changes at the Post Office
Many subscribers have called and asked why they no longer get delivery of The Times Examiner on Wednesday.
The short answer is that the Greenville Bulk Mail processing center has eliminated the night shift.
The Times Examiner has changed nothing on our schedule. The paper is finalized on Monday night and sent to the printer early Tuesday morning. It is printed, processed, labeled, sorted and delivered to the Post
Winn Freeman: Man on a Mission 1955-2015
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
He Carried a Burden in His Heart for Addicts and a Vision of Helping them Move Beyond Recovery
Winn Freeman, 59, Passed away Monday morning, March 9, following a period of declining health.
A native of Bakersfield, California, he was the son of the late Gene and Bette Freeman.
He is survived by his loving and supportive wife of 26 years, Rhonda Freeman, four children and seven grandchildren.
A daughter Candy Freeman and four grandchildren reside in California. A daughter Crystal Hawkins and husband Matthew with three children reside in Charleston, South Carolina.
Sons Johnwinn and Seth Freeman reside in Greenville.
He is also survived by a brother, Stacy Macom.
- How The South "Made Do" During The War
- Wisconsin Trying to Understand Islam
- Rally for the Protection of Marriage Act
- McCarrell Announces New Venue for Spirit of ‘45 Event
- S.C. Landowners to be Surveyed About Feral Hog Damage, Interactions
- “Truth” Seeker - Open Letter to President
- Sen. Mike Fair Discusses Gas Tax Hike Proposals
- More Vietnamese New Year Photos
- The Only Thing We Have to Fear…
- Greenville County Republican Women Present Luncheon with Kris “Tanto” Paronto: Survivor of Battle of Benghazi
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