- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
Will the United States Have Another Honest Election?
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
There has been a lot of real and alleged fraud and cheating in recent elections. In fact, it goes back at least to the Kennedy – Nixon race where it is quite well-documented that the Mafia was engaged to deliver West Virginia and possibly other states to Kennedy.
ACORN was one of the specialized organizations that was involved in delivering votes to President Obama, using a variety of alleged fraudulent methods. In a few states the allegations of fraud were investigated and prosecuted. Voter fraud in Greenville County was allegedly reported to the State and no action was taken.
South Carolina has no system for checking for duplicate voting between counties and states.
The Presidential election set for November 2016 is the most important election in our lifetime. I believe this to be true and so do many others who are paying attention and care about the future of our Republic.
SC Freedom Summit Featured 11 Presidential Hopefuls
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Event Sponsored by Citizens United and Congressman Jeff Duncan, With Lunch Provided by Tea Party Patriots
Eleven Conservative Republican presidential hopefulls participated in the South Carolina Freedom Summit at the Peace Center, Saturday. Another dozen non-presidential candidates that included members of Congress and Conservative media personalities contributed to the fast-moving event attended by an estimated 2,000 mostly conservative activists.
The event sponsored and hosted by David Bossie, President of Citizens United, and Congressman Jeff Duncan was a well-organized and expertly executed a major production televised from beginning to end by C-SPAN and covered by media from across the nation.
The Summit in Greenville, South Carolina, was the largest political gathering this political season and dominated the television news and conservative talk radio throughout the weekend and into Monday.
In many respects, the success of the Summit demonstrated the popularity, respect, and political power and influence of an incredible Congressman who voted against the Speaker twice but continues to hold three powerful committee assignments.
Fred Maus Wins Senior Olympic Gold Medal
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Fred Maus of Travelers Rest won the Gold Medal and the Senior Olympic’s 50 Meter Dash at Wade Hampton High School recently. Maus placed 2nd in the 40 Meter Dash. The age group for the Gold Medal was 85-89. Maus, a patriot who served in the US Marines, will celebrate his 86th birthday next month.
Burdick Awarded Scholarship By NGU
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- By NGU Press Release
$14,000 Scholarship Awarded After Scholarship Competition
Tigerville, SC – Sloan Burdick, a senior at Powdersville High School, has been awarded the Trustee Scholarship by North Greenville University. She was chosen to receive the scholarship on the basis of her academic achievement, school, church, and community involvement.
She interviewed and competed for the Trustee Scholarship during Scholarship Interview Day at North Greenville University on February 12, 2015.
BJU Holds 88th Commencement
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- By BJU Press Release
More than 700 students were awarded degrees at the 88th annual commencement of Bob
Jones University Fri., May 8.
The two-hour program was held in the Founder’s Memorial Amphitorium.
During the ceremony, BJU conferred 531 bachelor’s degrees, 129 master’s degrees and 50 associate degrees.
Harris Addresses 'Elite' NGU Grads
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- By NGU Press Release
Tigerville, SC – North Greenville University held its spring commencement ceremony in perfect weather in Melvin and Dollie Younts Football Stadium on Thursday, May 7.
Over 4,000 spectators watched approximately 300 undergraduates and graduates receive their diplomas. Interim Executive Director for the South Carolina Baptist Convention Dr. Richard Harris was the keynote speaker.
“You graduates are a very elite group. This is a big deal,” said Harris. “You are graduating from North Greenville University, one of the finest Christian universities in America.”
“In the world’s population, only 6.7% have a university degree of any kind. In America, only 19% have bachelor’s degrees, 8% have master’s degrees, and only 2% have doctorate degrees,” said Harris.
Harris referenced Hebrews 12, which commands us to strip off everything that hinders us from fixing our eyes upon Jesus.
Destroying the U.S. Military
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
President Lyndon Johnson and the Democrat Congress almost destroyed the United States Military during and following the Vietnam War. The military barely survived the single term of Jimmy Carter. He was the worst Commander-in-Chief ever until Obama. It took eight years of wise leadership by President Ronald Reagan to bring the dead fighting machine back to life.
The Clinton’s took their toll on the military and George W. Bush, at great expense in funds and lives, breathed life back into the fighting machine once more.
Carter was incompetent and Clinton was expedient. Bill and Hillary openly “loathed the military,” however “Slick Willie” wanted to be popular and declaring war on the military does not engender love from the public. Therefore, his dismantling of the Department of Defense slowed.
Gowdy Requests Follow-Up Information On Spartanburg Refugee Resettlement Program
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- By Press Release
Washington, DC, May 4th – Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) today sent a letter to the State Department, requesting additional information on plans for a refugee resettlement in Spartanburg.
Please see text of the letter below:
The Honorable John Kerry
Secretary U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520
Dear Secretary Kerry,
Thank you for your response to my April 13, 2015, letter. This issue continues to be important to my constituents, and as their representative in Congress, it remains my job to get complete answers to the legitimate questions raised.
Toward that end, parts of your Agency’s response lacked sufficient specificity. In an ongoing effort to better understand the process and public impact of the proposed resettlement of refugees in Spartanburg pursuant to the resettlement agency’s proposal, several follow-up questions are listed below. I appreciate your prompt, substantive, and specific responses.
Growth of “Big Tent” Theme of SC GOP Convention
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Governor Lashed out at Lawmakers, Asked for Help
Matt Moore, Chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party, who was reelected with only token opposition, boasted that more Republicans were elected in the last election cycle than ever before. This was labeled the party’s greatest accomplishment.
Several other party leaders trumpeted this achievement. Officially, all is well in the South Carolina Republican Party.
Only last minute challengers and their supporters held opposing views. Mark Powell candidate for chairman and Michelle Wiles, candidate for First Vice Chair were Conservatives before the standards were lowered and everyone with an R following their name can qualify to wear the Conservative label.
South Carolina’s open primary system and “Big Tent” Republican advocacy has tragically rendered the Republican brand virtually meaningless to those outside the Party organization.
New State of the Art Facility for Keller Williams
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- By Press Release
Largest Real Estate Company in North America has a brand new home in Greenville SC
Keller Williams Greenville Upstate has moved to a new state of the art 15,000 square foot office at 403 Woods Lake Road. This sizable space was built to accommodate the explosive growth of the Keller Williams Airport Road office, part of the Largest Real Estate Company in North America.
Keller Williams is an industry leader in training and technology with the insight that Real Estate is a local business done by local agents. This new state of the art facility includes a dedicated fiber network offering the best online access for agents and staff, while ensuring the best online interaction with our customers and clients.
Rep. Chumley, Confederate Memorial Service Speaker
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
“Lets Stand up for what is Right and Never Back Down”
The Honorable William “Bill” Chumley was the speaker at the Confederate Memorial Day Service at Springwood Cemetery in Greenville, Sunday, May 2nd.
The annual Confederate Memorial Day service is sponsored by the 16th Regiment, SC Volunteers, Camp 36SCV, and the Museum and Library of Confederate History owned and operated by the Camp.
The annual memorial service is part of the obligation of the Sons of Confederate Veterans that was given to the Sons and future generations of their children by Lieutenant General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General , United Confederate Veterans in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1906. The charge stated:
Clinton Dynasty Readies Takeover
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Hillary Clinton appears to have the Democrat presidential nomination locked up. She is avoiding crowds, hostile media and conducting a very controlled campaign. The campaign conduct is typically “clintonesque”. They do not only think they are “above the law,” they are above the law.
The public will never know the details of the deal between the Clintons and the handlers of Barack Obama, however you can rest assured that there was a mutually beneficial deal made.
Americans under 30 years of age don’t know that the United States Congress impeached President Bill Clinton. Many of those over 30 have forgotten, because Clinton and the Clinton supporters act as if it never happened. As I recall, he was the first president impeached since the 1860s when President Johnson was impeached.
State GOP Lets Pickens Convention Results Stand- For Now
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The South Carolina Republican Party leadership has decided to seat the Pickens County delegation without exception and delay their “investigation” of the Pickens dispute until after the convention set for Saturday, May 2, 2015.
Sylvia Bass, Pickens County State Executive Committeewoman said the telephone meeting of the Executive Committee, Monday night at 8 pm resulted in no vote.
“Remember when Republicans Opposed Tax Increases?”
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Ashley Landess gives Republican Women bad news about State Government
Ashley Landess, President of the South Carolina Policy Council, was the guest speaker at the April luncheon of the Greenville County Republican Women’s Club.
The Policy Council is a non-profit, nonpartisan research organization that has worked diligently to collect data that exposes fraud and corruption in South Carolina Government.
It was the Policy Council that provided the Attorney General with information that ultimately led to the removal of House Speaker Bobby Harrell from office.
It was the Policy Council that led the way in forcing the legislature to record votes and make them available to the public.
14th Honor Flight Returns to Greenville
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- By Gilbert Scales
Tuesday morning, April 21, the 14th Honor Flight Upstate SC with 91 World War II and Korean War veterans from Greenville area, the Upstate, Asheville-Hendersonville of NC and northern Georgia left Greenville-Spartanburg Airport shortly after 9 a.m., destination Washington, D.C.
As the plane taxied down the runway, two airport “yellow” firetrucks saluted the “Flight” with a five-minute water cannon salute.
Four tour buses waited outside Reagan National Airport terminal to take the veterans and support staff to visit the various memorials in the D.C. area.
Greenville County Honors Teresa and Clark Gray
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Teresa Gray, a former librarian at League Academy, has been diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, which is attacking her throat and voice.
Teresa’s son, Clark, is a student at Eastside High School and a lifeguard trained and employed by Greenville County Rec.
On Christmas Eve, Teresa began choking and turned blue. But thanks to his training , Clark knew the Heimlich maneuver and calmly and bravely stepped up and saved his mother.
Evolution of the Republican Party
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
The Republican Party at the State and County levels is undergoing a major planned transformation. Traditionally, the direction of the party has been from the precinct level up. Within the past two years, the direction has been from the top (Republican National Committee) down. This is not a new idea; it is copied from Obama Democrats who are intolerant of dissent. The state party leadership, in most instances, has been brought in line with the desires of the RNC. Those at the grass roots who “rock the boat” and support unapproved change are considered to be disloyal to the party and are, if possible, forced out.
Most county Republican leadership in South Carolina has been brought into compliance and has bragged that they are making progress by bringing in new younger recruits to the Republican Party. Those party workers and activists associated with Tea Party, libertarian causes or anti-Republican-in-name only activities have been made to feel unwelcome and have been silenced, forced out or departed by their own initiative. In Greenville County, the transition took place quietly and mostly without public notice. It is estimated that as many as 30 to 40 active party officials are no longer active in the party and have been replaced.
TR High School Student Body Raised Over $30,000 for Honor Flight
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- By Gilbert Scales
Travelers Rest High School student body voted to donate the entire $30,211.88 to the “Honor Flight” Upstate SC Program. The check was officially presented to Paul Howell, Director of Honor Flight Upstate, Friday, April 17th, with a special presentation in the High School Media Center. Ken Rice, WWII Veteran, holds bottom left of check, was on Honor Flight to D.C. on Tuesday, April 21. Travelers Rest is the only high school in the Upstate that had the Honor Flight Upstate as a recipient for “Spirit Week” fundraising activities.
Ted Cruz Wins Straw Poll
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Delegates Vote Down Opposition to Gas Tax Increase
Senator Ted Cruz won the Greenville County Republican Party straw poll Saturday. Cruz received 80 of the more than 200 votes cast. Gov. Scott Walker received 64 votes with Senators Santorum and Rubio receiving 23 each. Cruz and Walker, likewise, took first and second place in the Spartanburg County Republican Straw Poll.
Only presidential candidates Santorum and Governor Kasich who received votes in the single digits spoke at the convention. Mike Huckabee, who was advertised as one of the speakers, failed to appear. Huckabee received ten votes, trailing Jeb Bush with 14.
South Carolina’s Senior Senator Lindsey Graham, who is a potential candidate, received only ten votes. All other candidates were in the single digits.
A Lesson in Why Your Participation Matters
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- By Guest Column by Steve Haynie
Political Skullduggery in Pickens County
Every two years political parties in South Carolina go through the process called precinct reorganization during which people from each voting precinct can elect party officers to represent their precinct in the countywide party. Attendees of precinct reorganization may also apply to be delegates to county and state party conventions. On March 19, 2015, the Pickens County Republican Party precinct reorganization meeting took place in Liberty, South Carolina. This reorganization was quite different from those in the past, however. This time roughly half the attendees have worked against the Republican Party Platform.
After the reorganization meeting ended, it was obvious that there was an effort to move the Pickens County GOP to the left. True Republicans had to scramble to convince other like-minded individuals to participate by the make up date of March 21, 2015. Not only were the conservative and moderate members trying to motivate people to join the party by that date, the pro-tax and liberal activists were recruiting as well. By the time of the county convention 202 delegates had been confirmed.
Good Ole Boy Politics on Display
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- By Johnnelle Raines - Pickens, SC
What happened the other night at the Pickens County GOP Convention was more proof of why so many people don’t want to get involved in politics,
There was plenty of “posturing” for control and grandstanding to be viewed by all.
I assisted Weldon Clark in checking people in and giving out the ballots. I was told the list we had was an official list and that no one was to enter the auditorium unless they were on the official list. There were officers standing at the entrance to the auditorium who were told not to allow anyone in unless they had the proper credential … which was the manila envelope with the ballot enclosed. This was to ensure integrity in the balloting process.
Christians Must Take a Stand Now!
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Christians are under attack across the globe. Muslims are killing Christians by the thousands, and our national leadership is barely taking notice of the atrocities. There is little indication the Christian churches in the Bible Belt are paying much attention or doing anything to help defend the victims. Franklin Graham made some public statements and was scoffed at by the dominant media and Bill O’Riley attempted to discredit his statements.
Not many years ago Greenville, South Carolina, was known by some as the “Buckle of the Bible Belt.” Sadly, our Christian community is not what it used to be. There are more churches than ever before. The churches are larger than ever before, however, the Christian influence in the community has diminished to almost zero.
The doctrines of Darwinism, Humanism, Multiculturalism, Socialism and political correctness have invaded some of the churches. Intimidation by agencies of the Federal Government has frightened church leaders and made them fearful of speaking outside the walls of their buildings.
Atheist Wants to Participate in County Council Invocation
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An individual identifying himself as a member of the Upstate Atheists board has sent a letter to the Greenville County Administrator requesting to be scheduled to participate in the County Council Invocation “making our county’s Invocations more diverse.”
Greenville County Council meets on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month and begin their meetings with an Invocation led by a Council member or his guests.
The correspondence identifies Upstate Atheists as a 501 ( C ) 3 not-for-profit organization.
Rep. Gowdy Requests Information on Spartanburg Refugee Project
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Secretary of State Kerry asked 17 Pertinent Questions
For several months, there have been reports in the social media indicating that Spartanburg, South Carolina, has been selected as the destination for a large number of refugees from Syria, Congo and Bhutan.
Lisa Benson, a national security specialist tracking Muslim influence in the United States, reported that a World Relief contractor is establishing an office in Spartanburg, and that a former local Baptist pastor had been named Executive Director of the office.
The alleged plans to move refugees to Spartanburg was also discussed at the National Security Summit held in Columbia, Saturday, March 14, 2015.
On March 18, The Times Examiner published a page one story titled: Spartanburg to be colonized as “Refugee Seed Community.” The Spartanburg Herald Journal and Talk Radio WORD have also reported on the matter. As time passed, more questions were raised than answered. Only the church and business groups directly involved in the refugee project knew what was taking place, and they were not making public statements.
Joseph Evan Davis 907 Children of the Confederacy April Meeting
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- By Pam Durham
The Joseph Evan Davis 907 Children of the Confederacy held their April meeting at the New Hope United Methodist Church in Anderson, SC on Sunday afternoon, April 12, 2015. Along with members of the Winnie Davis 442 United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapter, they honored Chapter President, Allison Bolt’s Confederate ancestor, Abram Bolt and his wife Mary with a grave-cleaning, iron-cross-placing, and grave-rededicating event. Chapter Director Pamela Hamilton Durham discussed the military history and family of Abram Bolt. There were three generations of the Bolt family present today for this rededication service. Mr. Bolt shared pictures of these ancestors with the children as they learned to clean the grave of the veteran and his wife, under direction of grave restoration consultant Julia Barnes. Michael Barnes and Danny Durham then showed the children how to properly install an iron cross. These men of the Sons of Confederate Veterans provided outstanding role models for the children. The children did a wonderful job in honoring a veteran and then recording the other veterans buried in this cemetery.
Thousands Descend Upon Appomattox to Commemorate 150th Anniversary of Surrender
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- By Terry M. Thacker
Thousands of history enthusiasts from all over the country and across the ocean congregated in the little town of Appomattox, Virginia, this past week to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by General Robert E. Lee, to Union General Ulysses S. Grant and his Army of the Potomac.
Activities commenced this past Wednesday and concluded on Sunday. During that period, the relatively small parking lot at the Appomattox Court House National Historic Site was closed to visitors. A sprawling, grassy field a couple of miles away served as a temporary parking area. Buses ran all day back and forth to the park.
For those who were coming from Lynchburg, 20-some miles away, other shuttle buses ran to and from that town. All of the services – parking, shuttle rides and admission to the park - were free.
- World Series of Poker
- God is in Control
- Cruz: Strong Contender for Truth, Conservative and Christian Vote
- Contending for the Conservative Vote
- SC Secretary of State Mark Hammond to Speak at FFI Event
- Greenville County Republicans Abandon Costly Legal Action
- Top Ten Finalists for 2015-16 GCS Teacher of the Year
- Culbertson Resources Inc.
- My Work Here Is Done
- Thanks to Those Willing to Risk It All
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