- Men Are Just Happy People
- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
Needing Leaders More Than Almost Ever
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- By Lyle Rapacki, Ph.D
We are facing a time of great change and uncertainty in our nation; so much so that the very fabric of our beloved country stands the chance of unraveling. One reason for concern is the lack of true leadership throughout the strata of our country – from local arenas to boardrooms, from the halls of capitals to the halls of education, a vacuum now stands where once the giant leaders of our society kept vigil.
We are experiencing a generation coming of age that was raised on materialism and selfish gain. These folks are positioning themselves at a time in their lives when they will be assuming the mantels of leadership. What follows them (and already evident) is their personal philosophy of leadership. What we may very well be receiving from them is a form of leadership that historically contributes to the unraveling of a society’s fabric.
Citizens Can Now See Salaries of Higher-Paid SC Judges
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- By Rick Brundrett - The Nerve
The S.C. Supreme Court’s new chief justice has reversed the court system’s longstanding policy of keeping secret the salaries of higher-paid judges and department employees – years after The Nerve’s reporting on the issue.
The $200,000-plus salaries of state appellate, circuit and family court judges, as well as court staff making at least $50,000 annually, are now included in the state salary database, which is maintained by the S.C. Department of Administration. The move occurred after The Nerve in late July submitted a formal request under the state’s open-records law for the salaries.
Congratulations To Donald Trump
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- By Steven Hawkins - Greenville SC
Congratulations to Donald Trump winning a second Term to the White House. We gonna Love on the Fact that he did it again! This vindicated that the MAGA America First policies that the Trump campaign championed for were Right for the country. Now It's a Time to Kill all the Tricks of those People who would want to Take away and trample on the Freedoms and Liberties of America, and this election is the Right solution for those People who Yearn and want in their heart wholeheartedly a Piece of the American Dream.
Young, Black, Hispanic Americans Would Opt Out of Social Security Even If It Wasn't Broken
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- By Star Parker
I pull the following directly from the summary of the 2024 annual reports of the Social Security and Medicare Boards of Trustees:
"The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund (that is, Social Security) will be able to pay 100 percent of total scheduled benefits until 2033, unchanged from last year's report. At that time, the fund's reserves will become depleted and continuing program income will be sufficient to pay 79 percent of scheduled benefits."
Our Social Security system is broke.
South Carolina Poised to Oppose RFK Jr’s Health Policy with New Appointment
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- By Palmetto State Watch
On Tuesday, November 19th, 2024, South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster appointed Dr. Simmer (the previous head of the DHEC) as the Department of Public Health director. This appointment came after the recent split of Department of Health and Environmental Control into two agencies due to Act 60 that became effective July 1st, 2024.
This appointment came as a shock to South Carolinians since many legislators tried to convince the public that they needed to pass the Executive Office of Health Policy legislation, also known as the Health Czar bill (S.915/H.4927) so Governor Henry McMaster could hold appointed health officials “accountable” and remove bad actors like Dr. Simmer. Check out this audio between one of the authors of the bill, Senator Tom Davis, and our co-founder Janis Price at Palmetto State Watch’s fundraiser on April 27, 2024. In this audio, Senator Davis states that the reason they split the two departments (Act 60) was to hold Dr. Simmer accountable since he “was a Health Czar” during COVID-19 pandemic. However, it seems McMaster sees nothing wrong with Dr. Simmer and unconstitutional use of power as DHEC director during the pandemic.
Are Atavisms Evidence for Universal Common Descent Evolution?
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
An atavism is defined as the recurrence of an ancestral trait that has been missing for generations. They usually result from genetic recombination. They are claimed as evidence for universal common descent evolution however sometimes the labeling of such a trait as an atavism is based on the presupposition of universal common descent. This makes the argument a form of circular reasoning.
Two main types of features tend to fall under this category. The first is an actual reproduction of the feature in question, even if it is not fully functional, and one that may resemble something considered by evolutionists to be from the past but it is simply a malformation in the particular organism.
Christmas 'Chicken Challenge' Helps Families Fly Poverty Coop
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- By GFA World
GFA World launches Christmas Critter Campaign and 'chicken challenge' with 'im-peck-able' holiday timing

WILLS POINT, Texas -- A U.S. faith-based organization has hatched an "eggs-traordinary" challenge to help fight global poverty and hunger.
GFA World's "chicken challenge" is part of its annual Christmas Critter Campaign that aims to "rescue families from poverty and show them Christ's love."
"This is not a one-time hand-out," said Bishop Daniel, the organization's president. "Providing a pair of chickens can assist a family out of the cycle of poverty. It impacts not only the family, but the entire community in a positive way, and helps the kids to be healthier.
Breaking Up Google Will Be a Great American Catastrophe
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- By Stephen Moore
Earlier this year, in one of the most absurd court rulings in modern times, federal judge Amit Mehta ruled that Google violated U.S. antitrust law by gaining a monopoly in the search engine markets.
In the days or weeks ahead, the courts will decide whether to break up one of America's most iconic companies or to sell off some of its activities and products. The latest reports are that the courts may require Google to sell off its popular Chrome browser. (To whom? China?) It may also require Google to surrender other products to help erase its market lead.
Unlocking Freedom: The Unchained Leader Program Empowers Individuals to Overcome Sexual Addiction by Exercising the Muscle of Discomfort
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- By Unchained Leader
HOLIDAY, Fla. -- The Unchained Leader Program is proud to announce the launch of its transformative initiative aimed at helping individuals confront and overcome sexual addiction through innovative practices designed to exercise the 'muscle of discomfort.' Recognizing that personal growth often entails navigating uncomfortable feelings and situations, this program gives participants the tools they need to reclaim control over their lives.
Christian Woman: Keep Silent in Church – Some Further Reflections
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- By Winston McCuen - South Carolina
[The following is my rebuttal, in defense of Holy Scripture, to egalitarian remarks from a young pastor directed at my earlier piece titled "Christian Woman: Keep Silent in Church." This pastor had cited the verses of 1 Corinthians Chapters 11 and 14, on women publicly and vocally praying and prophesying, as being in tension and, even, contradictory.]
The Apostle Paul, as fully inspired by the Holy Spirit in his letters, does not and indeed cannot contradict himself. Any who are inclined to think so are merely showing, by their own eo ipso false interpretation of Scripture, how deeply the egalitarian heresy is embedded in modern thinking, and in modern churches. (The most prevalent and crippling heresy among Christians these days is the egalitarian heresy, which flouts Divinely-ordained hierarchy and subordination, followed closely by the Arminian nonsense, which denies election and God's sovereignty.)
Abolishing Dept. of Education Will Be ‘Tremendous for our States’: State Education Official
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- By Ben Johnson - The Washington Stand
Some officials wait in trepidation to find out if President-elect Donald Trump will follow through with his campaign promise to abolish the Department of Education. Some wait with glee.
In an online video posted last July, then-candidate Trump promised that, if elected, “very early in the administration” he would begin “closing up the Department of Education in Washington, D.C., and sending all education and education work and needs back to the states. We want them to run the education of our children, because they’ll do a much better job of it. You can’t do worse.”
Trump and the Russian View of Victory in Ukraine
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- By Mike Scruggs
Hard Truths Spelled Out by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

On November 14, in Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was interviewed by Russian reporter Marina Kim for the New World Project, a Russian organization formed to educate young Russians on the economic, social, cultural and political nature of the nations of the world and the formal and informal rules of their interaction.
For more than a decade, the vast majority of Americans and Western Europeans have heard nothing but Ukrainian government, US government, and captive US and Western media propaganda on Russia, Ukraine, and especially the Ukraine War. There is no field of competition—business, sports, military, international trade, foreign policy, or any other endeavor where ignorance is a competitive advantage. The Bible, Sun Tzu, Clausewitz, and scores of others advise that accurate knowledge of competitors and your own capabilities are essential for success. In war, the sure way of tragedy is to underestimate your enemies and embrace self-deceived over-confidence in your own capabilities. In international relations, the only real success is long-term peace. Winning wars may be necessary to achieve peace, but wise leaders know that long-term stability and peace, which bring security and prosperity, are the real goal.
Blessed Is The Nation Whose God Is The LORD!
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- By W.H. Lamb

Our world can be a strange place at times, and no more strange than in our application of God’s Holy Word to both our national affairs and our daily lives. So, let’s begin this investigation by reviewing the quote from the title to this article, found in PSALM 33:12:
“Blessed is that nation, whose God is the Lord, even the people that he hath chosen for His inheritance.” - 1599 Geneva Bible
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.” - 1611 King James Bible
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance.” - New International Version Bible
Provide Your Opinion on Biden-Mandated Contraception Coverage
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- By Eagle Forum
A handful of agencies are forging ahead with a Biden-Harris-led initiative to fund contraception, including abortifacients, with our taxpayer money.
In January of this year, President Joe Biden issued guidance to a slew of agencies to require full insurance coverage for contraceptives. Months later, the Health Resources and Services Administration recommended that “women have access to a full range of contraceptives and contraceptive care” which includes sterilization for both women and men, intrauterine devices, oral and injectable contraceptives, external contraceptives such as condoms, and “emergency” contraception such as Plan B. Additionally, they give themselves a blank check to cover “any additional contraceptives approved, cleared, or granted by the FDA.”
The Moderates Strike Back
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- By SC Freedom Caucus
House Leadership spent millions of dollars in the past two years attempting to defeat members of the Freedom Caucus. In every single instance, House Leadership lost, and the Freedom Caucus won. The same House leadership that gave away billions of our tax dollars to woke corporations to build electric trucks and hundreds of thousands of dollars for Orangutans and football podcasts just did something even more audacious.
Despite their negative campaign, the Freedom Caucus recently extended an olive branch in good faith to the House leadership in order to work together to advance conservative policy in the state. We suspected that SC House leadership would dig in their heels on the loyalty pledge that they implemented into the last session’s caucus rules, but they have done more than that…they've escalated.
Positive Masculinity is a Wonderful Gift Displayed in Positive Male Role Models
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- By Christian Newswire
UNANDERRA, Australia -- Launched in 1999, and now celebrated in more than 80 countries worldwide, International Men's Day (IMD) is gaining great momentum. One of the six pillars of International Men's Day is: "To promote positive male role models; not just movie stars and sports men but every day, working class men who are living decent, honest lives." In this light, the theme for IMD 2024 is "Positive Male Role Models."Warwick Marsh International Men's Day global digital coordinator from Australia said, "Positive male role models are crucial for personal and societal growth. They shape identity by teaching young men that masculinity is a wonderful gift and that there is no such thing as toxic masculinity.
Critical Update for Lake Cunningham Fire District Voters (Referendum Vote November 19 @ 7:00 am - 7:00 pm)
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- By Benton Blount - Greenville County Councilman, District 19
Dear Residents of the Lake Cunningham Fire District (and Beyond),
I don’t often send last-minute newsletters, but I felt it was my responsibility to reach out about tomorrow’s important referendum. This message is particularly relevant for residents of the Lake Cunningham Fire District, but I encourage everyone to share this with friends, family, or neighbors who may be directly impacted. Time is short, and your participation is crucial.
Lake Cunningham Fire District Referendum Vote Info
South Carolina Policy Council’s Plan for 2025
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- By SC Policy Council
As the dust from the election settles, SCPC is gearing up for the new legislative session beginning in January. We are excited to advance issues that will allow South Carolina to become a state with less regulation, more individual liberties, and limited government intervention in our lives and businesses.
Our 2025-2026 Legislative Agenda (which can be viewed on our website) illustrates our priorities as an organization. Lowering the state income tax, addressing the SCDOT and our roads and bridges, expanding school choice, and ending joint-and several-liability are just a few of the goals that we will pursue. While we know that the road to change is bumpy and long, our dedicated staff is committed to drive these needed changes so that every South Carolinian can reap the benefits.
Why Pete Hegseth, James Linzey, Megyn Kelly, and Don Biadog Agree on Traditional Roles for Men and Women in the Military
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- By Jonathan Sciano - Former Air Force Sergeant

WASHINGTON -- On November 13, 2024, on the Megyn Kelly Show, Megyn Kelly broadcast Pete Hegseth's CNN interview wherein he states, "We should not have women in combat roles! It hasn't made us more effective, hasn't made us more lethal, has made fighting more complicated...Our institutions don't have to incentivize that where over human history men in those positions are more capable." Megyn said, "I support this, too." Hegseth also denounced men and women training together in the military.
Councilman’ Benton Blount's Corner: Laurens Road TIF
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- By Greenville County Councilman Benton Blount
As your representative, I take every decision seriously, especially those that will shape the future of our community. Recently, I’ve heard concerns about my vote on the Laurens Road Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district, including opposition from some who have typically been in my cheering section. I appreciate that level of accountability—it’s what makes our democracy stronger. These questions have also prompted me to further analyze this vote, and I want to address those concerns head-on.
Why We Need Freedom Pods NOW!
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- By Kathleen Marquardt - American Policy Center
This election showed us very important information – that America is, for the most part, conservative, that Americans want the government our forefathers fought for and so diligently and wisely put together for us. Trump won both the electoral vote and the popular vote, something not done since George Bush in 2004.
Illegal Aliens vs Legal Immigrants
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- By Jim S. Brooks - Roebuck, SC
Immigration laws in the United States are congressionally crafted for reasonable, gradual and orderly assimilation of foreign-born citizens of another country who wish to relocate here. Foreign born aliens here have a legally enforceable allegiance to the country of their citizenship and not to the United States.
As a nation, we have welcomed, and still do welcome, LEGAL immigrants for many years.
No foreign-born individual has a “right” to cross the borders of this nation at all except on terms and conditions specifically approved by the American people in Congress assembled. Anyone here illegally are “statutory” illegal aliens, not legal immigrants, and should be arrested and incarcerated until deported.
In Jesus' Hometown, Arab Pastor Helps Hurting Jews, Muslims
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- By Press Release
'Why does an Arab bring food to a Jew?' asks shocked Jewish Holocaust survivor as inclusive aid effort aims to 'bless Israel'

SPRINGFIELD, Penn. -- "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" one of Jesus' disciples asked, according to the Gospel of John.
Today, an avalanche of "good" -- in the form of humanitarian aid -- is coming out of Nazareth, the historic Israeli city where, the Bible says, Jesus grew up as a boy.
What makes this humanitarian aid effort truly extraordinary is that it's being led by an Israeli Arab pastor and his congregation, determined to help not only needy Arab families, but also Jewish families struggling to put food on the table.
The Dangerous Roots of Americans for Prosperity
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- By Alaina Moore - United Patriots Alliance
AFP is Not the "Conservative" Group It Pretends To Be...Here's How The Uniparty Controls Their Opposition

Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a 501(c)(4) organization whose mission is to “empower every American to pursue their version of the American Dream.” They have 36 state chapters and over 140 offices across the United States. The South Carolina chapter is extremely active among state politics. But what is AFP and what do they actually do?
Backed by the Koch Brothers
Charles and David Koch’s father, Fred Koch, made his fortune through his Rock Island Oil and Refining Company, which was inherited by his sons who renamed the company Koch Industries.
Does the Bible Teach the Earth is 6000 Years Old?
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- By Charles Creager, Jr.
The approximate 6000-year figure frequently cited as the Biblical age for the Earth is commonly criticized by those wanting to accept both the Bible and an old Earth. The claim is often made that nowhere does the Bible actually state that the Earth is 6000 years old. They then attack the chronological calculations that lead to this figure. So ultimately, the question of this article and what does the Bible say about the age of the earth and does that lead to a figure of about 6000 years?
Russia Warns US Over Long-Range Missiles For Ukraine
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- By Stefan J. Bos - Chief International Correspondent Worthy News
MOSCOW/KYIV/BUDAPEST (Worthy News) – A former adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin says the militaries of the United States and Britain have become “legitimate” targets as the U.S. is directly involved in the war “by allowing” Ukraine to fire its long-range missiles at Russia.
Sergey Markov, who remains influential, said late Monday, “Joe Biden wants to block attempts of Donald Trump when he will be inaugurated as president to make a peace deal.”
He added that the “United States and Great Britain are now directly taking part in a war against Russia. It means that all militaries of the US and Great Britain become legitimate goals for the Russian military.” Intelligence aviation jets and satellites could be attacked,” he explained.
Greenville Patriot Caucus: 11/19/24 Lake Cunningham Fired Department Referendum Vote
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- By Press Release
We want to make you aware of an upcoming vote on a two-part referendum question for the Lake Cunningham Fire District. This vote will be held on Tuesday November 19th (next week) from 7 am to 7 pm at the Lake Cunningham Fire District Headquarters (2802 N McElhaney Rd, Greer, SC 29651). You can check here to figure out if you are in this fire district and therefore able to vote.
GPC participated in a cordial 1.5 hr. conversation with Fire Chief Brown and here are the details we have gathered about this vote. The LCFD board voted unanimously to move forward with the two part referendum that requests approval to take out a $9 million bond to build and furnish 2 new fire stations. They are also requesting permission to raise the millage rate as needed each year not to exceed 75 millage points. Voting yes would mean the Lake Cunningham Fire Commission would not require additional approval from citizens to enact such tax increases.
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- UN Backs Artificial Intelligence For Army (Worthy News Investigation)
- 'A Christmas in New Hope' Brings Heartwarming Holiday Story to Streaming Platforms on November 12th
- Pisgah Valley Retirement Community Successfully Handles Unprecedented Disruption of Hurricane Helene
- What Happened? What's Next?
- Free Resource: Constitution Guide for Kids
- Climate Change Was the Big Election Loser
- Never Underestimate the Power of Unfinished Business
- Arizona Today – Just for Today
- Peaceful Transfer with So-called Hitler?
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